I Refuse to Take Medicine

Chapter 2: The inhumanly handsome Mr. Qin

Xiang Tanwei, the patient of severe daydreaming disease, was kicked out of the office because of his rambunctious laughter. His agent, the great Wu ZiQi booted him out with a sentence, “Go play wherever. Don’t disturb us working.”

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Xiang TanWei went out sorrowfully and planned to go to the pantry to relax and soothe his wounded little heart.

I haven’t even drank the flower tea that sweet Xiao Jin made for me… Life is full of winding paths…

As soon as he approached the office of the company’s management department, he heard two producers at the door discussing their new chairman and the company’s main star, Mi XingHe. 

Their voices weren’t loud but Xiang TanWei happened to hear them.

One of them said, “Chairman Qin is coming over? Recently, the board of directors didn’t… Why is he coming to the company? Aren’t the Wang siblings directors here, both as the president and the vice president respectively? Is he going to work behind the scene?”

The other replied in a whisper, “I heard it’s because Mi XingHe wants to change company. He wants to go to ShaoKang Film and Television.”

“Is that rumor even true? Is it not…”

The two continued their discussion heatedly before one of them saw Xian TanWei from their peripheral vision and immediately elbowed the other. The two immediately shut up.

Both of them then greeted him, “Ah, hello, TanWei.”

Xiang TanWei smiled in return, “Hello, producers. You have been working hard.”

The two producers just waved their hands in reply and smiled at him before entering the office together.

Qin MingLi, the new chairman of QinHan Media, had just taken over the company. There were very few news about him in his early years and it was still the same now. This could only show that this man was extremely low-key. 

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Mi XingHe, the number one star of the company, would have his contract expire at the end of the month. His previous agent, Shi Lei, had defected to Shao Kang Films and Television as early as five years ago. The company had given Mi XingHe three months to consider whether to stay there or leave for Shao Kang Films and Television. At that time, Mi Xinghe opted to stay with the company. But now, there were rumors that he might go to the other company.

[ Mi ‘Moon Queen Chang’e’1Chinese goddess of the moon. There are many tales about her, most popular ones involving an archer named Houyi, an emperor, elixir of life, and the moon. More info at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang%27e XingHe was wearing an ancient dress, with tears pooling in his eyes. Tearfully, he said, “I’m going, back to the moon. I’m going to be a goddess, so goodbye, Hou Yi. Goodbye, my hometown. I will never give the elixir of immortality to the wicked. I’d rather swallow it myself and leave this place!

Bursting into tears, ‘Chang’e’ flew away.

In the distance, Qin ‘Hou Yi’2The archer guy from Chang’e tales, her husband. Houyi is famous as the archer who shot down 9 of the 10 suns. Also famous for slaying other mythical beasts. More info at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hou_Yi Mingli, who had a blurry face, chased after the male Chang’e. He got his bow and arrows at the ready, and fire wheels on his feet3Pretty sure Houyi didn’t have fire wheels. Nezha did. while yelling, “You stinky guy! How dare you take my elixir. Give it back now, give it back!”]

Ah, what a wonderful story, Xiang TanWei sighed inwardly before walking into the pantry.

The third floor was mainly occupied by the artist planning department and television, movies, and entertainment business department. The pantry was usually empty at this time around since most of the artists were working outside or were rehearsing.

It’s great to be alone.

Xiang TanWei happily made himself a cup of grapefruit tea, took some small cakes, and then ran to the sofa. Sitting down, he began to enjoy a unique tea time in the morning.

What kind of a person is Mr. Qin? Well, rich is certain.

The image of a man with a blurred face wore a heavy gold necklace on his neck appeared in TanWei’s mind. There were rings on each finger, and his suit was well-ironed. To top it off, his cufflinks were sapphire that shone so bright, they blot out the sun. That’s just how expensive-looking they were. The man drove a bright red sports car and wore big sunglasses. His laughter was a clear “hahaha” and his looks screamed “I am money”.

“Knock, knock, knock-” Someone knocked on the door thrice, effectively stopping Xiang TanWei’s ridiculous fantasy.

“Ah, you can just come in.” Xiang TanWei looked toward the door.

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A man opened the door and entered. Wearing a well-ironed suit, he looked neat and stern.

Holy hell! This face! His handsomeness is beyond human! Is he a new artist? He’s more handsome than me… Oh no, I’m still more handsome!

Xiang TanWei greeted the man with a smile, “Hello. The water is here, and snacks are over there.”

Qin MingLi, who just wanted to take a look at the pantry on a whim, nodded at TanWei with an indifferent expression.

With such an indifferent attitude, the handsome face was rendered almost useless.

Xiang TanWei immediately threw Qin MingLi to the back of his mind in favor of continuing his ridiculous fantasy.

If Mr. Qin comes to the company suddenly, whoa!

[An eagle covered with precious gems stared at a group of baby chicks while their rooster dad and hen mom were working hard in suits to protect their baby chicks.]

Qing Mingli took a glass and filled it with water. He was about to go to the window and enjoy the scenery outside but frowned when he realized he had to pass by Xiang TanWei.

After taking a sip from the glass, he finally decided to go on as planned.

When he walked by Xiang TanWei, he suddenly showed a surprised expression. Taking a glance at the latter for some reason, he then changed his direction towards the sofa and sat there instead.

[Mommy Hen cackled and stated, “This is my territory! You want to steal my baby chicks? In your dreams!

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The flamboyant eagle flapped its wings in return and said, “If you don’t give me your baby chicks, then I’ll take you hubby away!

Rooster Dad responded with, “Don’t forget! It’s because of you my oldest baby chick went to the moon!]

Qing Mingli was drinking water when he suddenly choked on it and coughed stiffly.

His little imaginary theater was interrupted again, so Xiang TanWei was a little upset. “Are you okay?” he asked.

Qing MingLi waved his hand while coughing, indicating that he was fine. He then took a tissue and wiped his mouth, his eyes shone brightly.

What a waste of a handsome face. Sure enough, I’m still the most handsome.

Xiang TanWei praised himself.

Qin MingLi changed his posture and no longer dared to face Xiang Tanwei out of fear of embarrassing himself.

Having his thoughts interrupted, Xiang TanWei started to get bored. He finished the grapefruit tea in one gulp and took the cup and plate to the racks. Seeing Qin MingLi had his back facing him, he felt that it was inconvenient to greet him again so he just left.

While walking, he hummed a childish song in minor key, “One, two, three~ Four, five, and six~ How many~”

Xiang TanWei was able to keep his image as an elegant and beautiful idol owing to the fact that he was in the company, and therefore no fans were present. Otherwise, his idol image would have been broken in seconds.

After he went out, Qin MingLi got up from the sofa and went to the window with the glass in hand.

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There were small green vines and paths that could not be taken by cars, which prevented paparazzi from taking sneak shots.

He didn’t drink the water but instead stood there and quietly watched the scenery by the window. 

Knock, knock, knock-

After three uniformed knocks at the door, Secretary Zhao peered inside the room and said, “Ah, Mr. Qin. Mr. Wang is looking for you.”

Qing MingLi turned slightly and raised the glass in his hand. “I’ll go in a minute.”

“Okay.” Secretary Zhao nodded.

Thinking of the man who had just left the room, he asked Secretary Zhao, “Did you see the person who left just now?”

Secretary Zhao responded quickly and entered the room before closing the door. “The person just now is Xiang TanWei, a singer. He has signed with the company for three years, and he’s a little popular. He also took the role of the second male lead in a TV series. In addition, his two albums which he produced most of the songs also did well. In terms of music, the former chairman is very optimistic about him.”

“I see. “ Qin MingLi nodded.

After a few moments, he put down the cup and said to Secretary Zhao, “Come on, let’s go to the office. Get me a copy of the company’s artists’ information and the latest schedule from the entertainment department.”

Secretary Zhao nodded.

1Chinese goddess of the moon. There are many tales about her, most popular ones involving an archer named Houyi, an emperor, elixir of life, and the moon. More info at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang%27e2The archer guy from Chang’e tales, her husband. Houyi is famous as the archer who shot down 9 of the 10 suns. Also famous for slaying other mythical beasts. More info at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hou_Yi3Pretty sure Houyi didn’t have fire wheels. Nezha did.

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