I Refuse to Take Medicine

Chapter 4: “You peeping tom,” said the merma

Translator: KuroShinji
Editor: Leya


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Hair, perfect.

Makeup? Great.

Clothes are also a-okay.

Xiang TanWei put on a pair of sunglasses and examined his reflection in the SUV’s window. “I’m afraid the chairman is gonna fall in love with me. What should I do if he wants to be my patron in that way?”

Xiao Jin clenched her fist and said, “I’ll be your last defense.”

Wu ZiQi, the last one to get out of the car, locked the SUV and swatted his hand. “Stop that. If he’s going to fall in love with you because of your handsomeness, then he might as well just look in the mirror. Let’s go; we must arrive before he does.”

Hearing his words, Xiang TanWei was taken aback. “What exactly do you mean by that? Am I not that handsome?”

Wu ZiQi questioned him with a perplexed expression, “Have you seen Mr. Qin?”

“Should I have?” Xiang TanWei asked back in surprise.

His agent was even more surprised than he was. “You’re about to meet him, and you’re telling me you didn’t look up his information on Baidu1 China’s version of Google ?”

Xiang TanWei, who had completely forgotten to do his preparatory work, smiled at Wu ZiQi. “All right, my dear agent, let’s go in. After all, we have to arrive before him.”

Wu ZiQi was rendered speechless by his actions.

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 The dinner was arranged at a restaurant owned by a former actor. The location was remote, the surroundings were relatively quiet, and the management was also excellent. These factors made this restaurant a frequent spot for celebrities. Therefore, the paparazzi avoid coming here often out of fear of upsetting some people. They would take at most two private pictures and normally stay away.

The three higher-ups reserved two private rooms — one for Xiang TanWei and Qin MingLi, and the other for the two Wang siblings and Wu ZiQi, as well as other personnel.

Poor Wang siblings, whose status had been delegated to ‘other personnel’.

The three were led by a waiter to their designated rooms. 

Xiang TanWei hesitated at the door and asked Wu ZiQi. “Is it really just the two of us?”

In response, his agent simply pushed him inside the room. “I’ll be right next door. Don’t worry, I’ll knock on the door sometime during your meal.”

Xiao Jin cheered on Xiang TanWei with a clenched fist, “Good luck, TanWei!”

Seeing that his agent was actively closing the door for him, Xiang TanWei had no choice but to bite the bullet and sit on the chair.

The small private room only had two seats at the dining table facing each other.

A waiter came in and poured Xiang TanWei a glass of lemonade to cleanse his palette. They also prepared water for hand washing in a basin made of porcelain. After doing all of these, the waiter then exited politely.

[After the gorgeously dressed show’girl’ washed himself clean, it was finally time to greet the emperor who was coming to visit.]

 No, this setting is a bit strange.

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[The disheveled servant boy is about to sweep the palace for the prince.]

This doesn’t seem right, either.

[The butler was awaiting his master for dinner, bringing him tea, and serving him in any way he could.]

Before Xiang TanWei could think more of specific details, the door opened again.

“I apologize for making you wait.”

Qin MingLi was dressed in an elegant gray suit. His cufflinks were indeed custom-made, but they looked delicate in their matte gray color. Under the blazer, a striped gray and white tie matched the plain white shirt. Walking to the side opposite of Xiang TanWei, he sat in his seat. The waiter delivered the same mouthwash and wash basin Xiang Tanwei had received earlier and asked if they wanted to order.

“You order.” Qin Mingli said, giving the right to order the food to Xiang Tanwei.

Xiang Tanwei was taken aback since he didn’t expect Qin Mingli to be an ‘acquaintance’. “You are the guy in the pantry that day…”

 Qin Mingli gave a nod. “En.”

The chairman of the company came to the company secretly to make a private visit and inspection. And he just had the luck to run into the said chairman.

No wonder Wu Ziqi said Qin Mingli might as well just look in the mirror back then. The company’s chairman possessed not only the money but also the looks.

But… Could it be that I already attracted Mr. Qin’s attention at the pantry that day?

[The dragon set his eyes on the lovely mermaid… The evil dragon happened to come across the mermaid. At that time, the mermaid was singing in the deep sea. The evil dragon was instantly captivated by the mermaid’s voice.]

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“Mister, here’s the menu.” The waiter said as they handed the menu over to Xiang Tanwei.

Xiang Tanwei looked at the menu while his thoughts were still immersed in his mind theatre. Holding the menu, he buried his head in it in a daze.

 He directly ordered two sets of steaks and handed the menu to Qin Mingli to see. “Is this all right? Medium-well?”

Qin Mingli was okay with western food, so he simply hummed his approval. “En.”

 “Very well, sir. Do you want some wine with your steaks?” asked the waiter.

Qin Mingli refused on Xiang Tanwei’s behalf, “No. Two glasses of honeyed water, please.”

After the waiter received their orders, they stepped out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

“I’ve heard you singing. It’s very passionate and nice to listen to,” Qin Mingli said, his gaze fixed on Xiang Tanwei.

[The evil dragon stated: Your voice touches me. So, whenever I passed by the sea, I would always come to listen to your singing.

The mermaid replied: You horse-faced guy! You turn out to be a voyeur! You actually eavesdropped on me singing? Do you have a crush on me or what?!]

Xiang Tanwei’s expression turned a bit strange, and he said, “Ah, thank you.”

Qin Mingli’s expression also turned strange. He then changed the subject. “Well, do you have any work after this?”

Xiang Tanwei forced his mind to return to reality. He then turned to face Qin Mingli and said, “Yeah, there is a shooting for a magazine.”

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“Magazine, huh…” Qin Mingli politely smiled before asking, “I don’t think an arrangement has been made for your next album, right?”

Xiang Tanwei nodded slightly, attempting to project an image of a courteous and humble young man. His mind, however…

[Oh my god, why do you have to smile so handsomely?! This is not in line with your role as the evil dragon! The mermaid was so terrified by the handsome evil dragon that he cried. His tears turned into pearls and fell into the sea. When the evil, greedy, and handsome dragon saw the pearls, he immediately planned to steal them!]

The smile on Qin Mingli’s face grew wider, and he directly explained the reason for his dinner invitation to TanWei, “The company is planning on creating a reality show with Daylight Satellite TV recently. I and the other two directors each recommended artists of our choice.  The siblings from 2to2 were recommended by those two directors, and I recommend you.”

Xiang Tanwei asked demurely, “Why did Mr. Qin recommend me?”

“Maybe because it’s interesting.” Qin Mingli replied, lowering his eyelids and smiling. 

It was a work matter, so Xiang TanWei asked more questions, “Are there only us three from the company? Did Daylight Satellite TV also recommend their people? If so, then who is it? How many people are there in total?”

Qin MingLi answered his questions one by one. “Yeah, there are only three of you from the company, and six people involved in this project in total.” He continued, “Daylight Satellite TV recommended three people, and everything has mostly been confirmed. My secretary, Xiao Zhao, will discuss the details with your agent.”

Xiang TanWei then asked, “Has the name of the show been decided?”

“It’s 《Superman Training Camp》. The opening theme song has also been confirmed, and it’s called 《Superman is Omnipotent》. The chorus will be performed by the six of you and will be recorded separately. We will handle this matter for you later,” Qin MingLi replied patiently.

Su- Superman?

[The slender and lovely mermaid slapped the water’s surface with his tail, jumped into the air, and transformed into a buff Super Saiyan. He said, “Steal my pearls, I dare you. I’ll kill you.]

1 China’s version of Google

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