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 The next few days were just as hectic, with stores all over town and the terrain around town to figure out and buy woolen underwear.


 There have been no recovery requests from the Adventurers’ Guild yet. I try to visit the guild regularly, but if there are no injured people, there is no work to be done, and that is not an option, or perhaps it is because if there is no work to be done, there are no injured people, it was peaceful.


 I returned to my usual room at the inn, took off my cloak, and took it down while ruffling Shion’s fur.



“To a new world. Open the dimensional door, [Holy Dimension].” (Rook)



 I enter the door of light born in the wall of the inn and check the Oran seeds in the dish.



“Hmm?” (Rook)



 I took out my fork from the magic bag and poked and flipped the seeds in the dish and found a white hair-like thing growing from some of the seeds.



“Oh! Is this the root?” (Rook)



 Upon closer inspection, I found that some of the seeds in the dish containing the holy water had tears in them, and some of the green ones were slightly visible.



“These are sprouts, aren’t they!?” (Rook)


“Kyu.” (Shion)



 I pick up Shion and observe together.


 The germination experiment of the orchid seed is now considered a success.


 Of the three types of water, well water, magic water, and Holy Water, the seed in the Holy Water seems to grow a little faster, but at this point it could be seen withing the margin of error, so it may be too early to draw any conclusions yet.


 But now I know that it seems possible to grow plants in the [Holy Dimension].



“Let’s hold an all-you-can-eat Oran festival when the fruits come in!” (Rook)


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“Kyu!” (Shion)



 Just when I was getting excited about the results, something came into my mind.



“…wait a second.” (Rook)


“Kyu?” (Shion)



 I think about it while fluffing up Shion, who looks at me curiously.


 In the first place, even if this Oran grows normally, when will it be ready for harvest?


 Is it spring, summer, or next year? When will it be ready to eat… Well, huh?



“Peaches and chestnuts three years, persimmons eight years… That was a saying, right?” (Rook)



 I vaguely remember that it means it takes time to do things, but is this a figurative expression or does it actually take three years for Peaches and Chestnuts and eight years for persimmons? And how many years for an Orange? About five years? No, in the first place Oran is Oran and not Orange, right? They look similar.


 Various information and considerations run around in circles and heads.



“If this takes Oran on years, it will be a really long experiment…” (Rook)


“Kyu…” (Shion)



 I lay down on the floor inside the [Holy Dimension] and place Shion on my chest.


 Counting one’s chickens before they hatch… The words come to mind. Only after I had a little strange expectation, it withered and became a sad disappointment.



“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…” (Rook)



 Actually, I don’t know how it will turn out.


 I’m going to observe a little more, and if it seems like it’s going to take a long time, I’ll think about it.

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 The next day, I went to the Adventurers’ Guild in the morning and checked the bulletin board for requests.


 Basically, there were many requests to procure food or rather monster meat. I guess that’s just the way it is in the area.


 As I looked at the various requests, I found an unusual one.



“Wood procurement, huh?” (Rook)



 Anyway, the request was to bring wood… As far as I could see, there was no description of how to procure the wood, so I guessed they would have to go to the place where the trees grow by themselves, cut down the trees by themselves, and bring them here. Moreover, there is no written request fee. It is a rather wild and out-of-the-box request, but I guess it is a request unique to this town where there are no trees growing in the surrounding area.


 Normally, the trees around the town are managed by the town’s lumberjacks, but since there are none in this town, perhaps adventurers are given this kind of work.


 I look at the next request form.



“Mining, huh…” (Rook)



 Another “request unique to this town”.


 The only relevant information that is also written here is the meeting place. The request fee only says, “depending on the labor”, and there is no other clear information. Even the paper smells like a black company. It just looks no good.


 But I am a little interested in the mine, and it might not be a bad idea to experience it at least once.


 As I was thinking about it, a voice called out to me from the side.



“Are you going to work in the mines, too?” (Voice)


“Huh?” (Rook)



 I turned around and saw a young man, or rather a boy, a little smaller than me.


 I think he was…

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“John, right?” (Rook)


“Wow! You remembered me, Bro!” (John)



 I was commissioned by the guild to heal this boy’s injuries a few days ago. As far as I can see, his injuries seem to be completely healed.


 Besides, it’s too unclear why I’m being called “Bro”, but for the time being, I should ignore that…



“So, does that mean John is also a miner?” (Rook)


“It’s tough! It’s hard work! From morning till evening, I dig holes with a pickaxe as instructed by the boss!” (John)


“Oh… But are you going to do it?” (Rook)


“Ugh! I just realized. When Bro fixed my leg, I realized that we were not ready for the Horned Rabbit. If the Horned Rabbit got us or, if we had met some other monster, we wouldn’t have made it out alive.” (John)


“Well, that’s right…” (Rook)



 The Horn Rabbit is an E-rank monster and not that strong, but it can’t be called a weak monster against a novice adventurer. Even I had a tough time the first time I fought an F-rank goblin in the Beginner Dungeon, and it wasn’t easy when I fought an E-rank Forest Wolf after that. I had recovery magic, so even if I had been slightly injured, I would have been okay, but I could have died if I got seriously injured, and it would have been much harder.



“So, I decided to work in the mines for a while! After all, adventurers in this town work in the mines!” (Joh)


“Huh? Is that normal?” (John)


“That’s right! All adventurers in this town train in the mines and become muscular!” (John)



 When I looked around, it was clear that many adventurers in this town are very muscular and more muscular people than in other towns.


 But the action of swinging down a pickaxe may indeed be similar to swinging down a sword. …Maybe not.


 Anyway, maybe that is the tradition of this town.



“And that’s right! The Legendary Saint also became muscular from working here in the mines!” (John)


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“Hey, wait, what… who did you hear that from?” (Rook)


“Look! From Old Man Bourdain, who’s drinking over there.” (John)



 John pointed in the direction of the old man and saw him at the bar, where he had been drinking since early in the morning.


 It seemed that he had already been enjoying his drink.



“Heeey, give me another drink~” (Bourdain)


“Hey, Old Man, you’re drinking too fast this morning.” (Tavern Master)



 The master of the tavern was preparing drinks while chiding him a little.


 …No, it’s not good for an old man to be so deep in the bottle in the morning, is it?



“Well, I’ve had to buy him two drinks to get this story out of him before.” (John)


“You’ve definitely been tricked.” (Rook)



 Hey, hey, if you believe that kind of drunken hoax and pay for it, you’ll be broke in no time.



“Ah! I’m sorry, Bro! I’m making my friends wait outside. I’ll leave you alone for today!” (John)


“Oh, sure.” (Rook)


“If I get hurt again, please take care of me!” (John)


“No, be careful not to get hurt.” (Rook)



 I think to myself as I watch John run off.



“Is that kid really going to be okay?” (Rook) 

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