—• Karl’s determination•—

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On the way back from the Duke’s residence, Karl couldn’t brush off what happened today. 


Everything was fine until her hand left mine and she headed forward. Alicia was only running toward the goal, but she didn’t know that the wolf (beast) was waiting right in front of her. I could not forget what I saw because it was really really horrible. Nevertheless, she was innocently smiling at me before making a jump to the goal. 


That is the first time Karl understood that her life could be endangered because of her blindness.  

Alicia was safe this time because Karl used the forbidden magic to kill off the beast on time.   But when no one is around hox will she escape safely in those kinds of situations? Just to imagine it terrifies Karl.

For Karl, Alicia is his first friend and at the same time,…..his first love. 


From the day they met 2 years ago, how many times had the two of them played and chatted, it is not strange to say that only in front of her can he show his true self. Black hair and red eyes are Royalty noticeable features and the fact was known amongst people. Whenever he goes, people greet him when they realize he is from the Royal family but people don’t even know which prince he is. At their first meeting, Alicia didn’t sweet talk to him like other nobles do, it would be understandable because she’s blind, she talked back to him just because she found him rude. Karl felt like Alicia was looking straight to his soul. For him, who is sick of how fake the nobles are, what she did was..special. Moreover, it was the first time for him to be able to properly introduce himself. Only with her, he can be the 7 years old boy, not Karl the Prince. 


Alicia is really adorable.

Maybe she doesn’t even realize but, with her long shiny platinum blond hair, her small face, and how her big and clear purple eyes reflect the sky, no one would deny the fact that Alicia is a transcendental beautiful girl. When Alicia smiles, Karl feels like holding his breath. 

And to have witnessed the lovely Alicia, running towards the direction of the beast while smiling was terrible. She can’t actually see a thing, so even if being told there is a wolf in front of her, she wouldn’t understand how horrifying the situation was. 

Something like that was right in front of her, how close it was from her, how dangerous it was..Alicia will never be able to understand its true meaning. 

When Alicia asked him to teach her magic, she was okay even only with defence magic, but a different feeling sprouted inside Karl. 

—-You can’t even protect Alicia by yourself!


Inside Karl’s head, from now on Alicia’s safety plan is being calculated, and he decides to follow his decision until the end.


—• The secret magic training days•—


I met Karl at the usual place and we began our secret training the very next day after the accident.   


– Alicia, Let’s try using magic shall we?

– Yes! teacher!

– Stop with that teacher thing. I’m studying too.

– Fufu, alright. But really, thank you.


As I gave him my thank you while smiling, Karl then replied to me with a curious voice.

– For what?

– The same thing I told you yesterday, it is difficult for me to use magic, so no one in the Duke’s residence would tell me about it. If things get out there will be biiiiiig trouble.

– Hahaha! So you’re saying  the Duke will get angry if someone teaches you magic?

– It’s possible. 

– Let’s definitely keep this a secret.. Father also told me not to get on the Duke’s bad side.

Karl suddenly changed from cheerful to a really hard voice. 

– Why is that?

– Why, you say.. Don’t you know the Holsten Duke’s family is known to be the guardian of the Royal family. If someone in our house does something bad, the Duke is the only one person who can lecture us. 

– Is my dad that great?

– I heard…the Duke himself saved my Father many times when they were students. That’s why Father can’t say a word back to him.    

– Father…

I can somehow imagine how daddy was when he was a student. 

As I sigh, Karl tries his best to follow up.

– Bb..but, Cloud said the two of them have a great relationship! But it would be troublesome to be lectured so let’s try our best keeping this secret!

– You are right! Okay! 

Just like that, we practiced magic while keeping it a secret from my parents.

Karl did his best in teaching me, but I couldn’t seem to grasp how it works even with that much explaining.

– It’s no.. I told you, you have to put your hand like this to use magic. -Karl fixed my hand position while explaining.

– Like this?

– Hmmm, I can’t seem to feel your magic Alicia.


First off, in order to feel magic, I practiced on how to release it from my inner body. But it didn’t turn out well.


– this?

– No. If you ask how it feels then it is like the Duke casted a protection spell on you.

– Father?

–  Yeah, maybe the Duke himself casted it in order to protect you. Do you have any idea when?

– This morning Father came to my room, he gave me greetings and kissed me on my forehead like usual. Maybe that time?

Karl answered mischievously to me titling my head.

– That must be it. I feel more at ease with this. You quite a tomboy you know.

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– That’s again!? I am already a lady!!

– Sorry sorry! Hey, shall we try it one more time?

– Okay!


We practiced mostly everyday, but it all ended up a failure. I wasn’t even able to release a little bit of magic. However, not everything was a failure, it’s not that much but it seems I was able to softly stamp on his hand with magic. 

Karl explained, the stamp seems to be invisible but lightened up when I touched it. Just like when you released your magic, the stamp place gets hotter and redder than the other body part. And in the moment the stamp will lightly glow. 


– It’s pretty.

– Hmm?

– Alicia’s stamp is really pretty when it shines.

– Really?

– Yeah, I wish you would be able to see this..

– I can feel it’s getting hotter when I touch it.. Are you okay?

– It’s not that hot. Just thinking that Alicia’s stamp is on my hand, it makes me happy.

Karl said it in a feverish voice then hugged me. 


Time passed by, and it has been a year since we started practicing magic. 

Even though I am still unable to do any attack magic or defensive one, but the time I spent with Karl was really enjoyable. In the end, the only thing I am able to do is stamping, it can be considered magic at least, but just  that gives me some hope. I still have to be protected by someone else, but as Daddy once told me what the Mage  told him: if you keep learning you will be able to do it someday. It was supposed to be me and Daddy’s secret but I ended up telling Karl our conversation. 


Our lessons came to an end, to show my appreciation I bowed my head down and thanked him. Why am I doing this? Because today is the last day of our training. 

– Thank you Karl, for everything you did.

– Why so sudden?

– I heard from Father. You, as a prince, have a lot to study, like sword and magic training, and others.. But you still gave me some of your time. And to think that I can no longer meet you everyday like this anymore is quite upsetting.

– Alicia..

– But of course, I’ll keep practicing everyday. And I don’t want you to overworked yourself for my sake. 

I moved towards where Karl’s voice was and smiled. After a little bit of silence, Karl gave out a small sigh. 

– So you heard, Alicia. I was told by my Father yesterday too. As a Royalty and a Prince, I have a duty to fulfill. There are a lot of things I need to know and I am scheduled to be taught by Duke Holsten himself from now on. 

To think Daddy is going to become Karl’s teacher is quite wholesome. I was surprised, made a blink and looked towards Karl. 

– Oh my! My father will?

– Ye..yeah, Duke Holsten is famous throughout the continent for his achievements and his powers. His excellency promised me that he will teach me well. But it is sad that I can’t  meet you like this anymore. Still, we can have a tea party next time. I think it will be okay to do that. 

– Yeah! I’m excited!


Just like that our last training day came to an end. 

When we bid our farewell, I could not bring myself to say “see you tomorrow” like I did until now. We are still children, we can’t do anything to change what the adults have decided. 

Regarding myself, I heard from Daddy that new lessons are added to my schedule. So our children’s playtime is over, I’m sad. Karl then took my dripping hand and held it tightly.


– Alicia!!Even if the Duke said it is impossible for me, I am not going to lose you nor give you up! I am going to live here in the future with you!


Being told that by Karl caught me off guard, I couldn’t think of anything to say back so I just nodded. 



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—• Alicia’s arranged marriage announcement •—


Right now, my heart keeps pounding non stop, I am nervous. Because today is Karl and me’s arrangement cenemory. 


After the accident with the wolf, Karl went and had a talk with the King, in result the King promised to secure the path’s safety for Alicia. Surprisingly after this, a marriage proposal between Karl and I from the Royal was sent to the Duke. 


The Duke’s house only has one child, and there is no way my parents would allow me to get married off, so the only solution is for a marriage partner to come to our family and be our in-law. But I didn’t think it would be this soon. He told me that he was going to live with me last time but I never thought that he meant this.  


Karl is the The Firth Prince from the Royal family but wasn’t on the throne succession’s line, an arrangement with the Holsten, the most elite of them all among the influential families throughout the country will bring a lot of benefits to the Royal family. It seems Daddy refused this proposal once, but Karl begged again and again until he agreed.

You are talking about my daddy who hates to lose the most, and he finally gave in and gave us our blessings. Maybe it all happened after our last training day. 

Nevertheless, besides the fact that we have to learn a lot, the rumor about the Royal wanting to be in favor of the Duke’s house is true too. Everyone was talking about how there are only benefits for the Duke if the engagement really happens. Hearing that, Daddy hugged me tightly and announced that whoever the opponent is going to be he will not accept any of them until I turn 18 years old. Karl asked the king to help him in the end, being an order from the king, dad could do nothing but accept Karl. 

The Royal put a lot of pressure on us, but there wasn’t any opposition after because our age is close. Karl is my friend and the one who saved me from the wolf and that was the last straw for him to be accepted as my Fiance. I always thought I would get married for politics, but I am more happy and at ease with my partner being Karl. 

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Lately my heart keeps pounding nonstop when I listen to Karl’s voice. 


“Mi’lady, Karl his Highness has arrived.” – Kate opened the door and informed me of his arrival.




I stood up and walked the path I was familiar with. 


Today’s event is being held in the Duke’s residence. Even if I cannot see, compared to before, I don’t need to touch the wall to walk anymore. I remember this house very well and am able to walk by myself a lot now. Even so, the gentle Prince was still coming over to escort me. 


“It’s me, Alicia.”


Maybe around this place? When I stopped Kate immediately opened the door. Before going in, I knocked at the opened door first, after that I could hear Daddy’s voice from inside.


“Is it you Alicia? Come on in!”




When I walked in, everything became quiet.

Wait?  Have I made a mistake?


I was quite taken aback and decided to step back but got tangled up in something. When I was about to fall, a hand pulled me in and supported my shoulder.   


“It’s okay Alicia.”


It’s Karl. I can finally relax and with his help we got further into the room.


“Alicia, This is my Father and my Mother.”


When Karl said that, I remember what I had been taught by the tutor lady when I was young. 


“The daughter of Duke Holsten, Alicia. It is my pleasure to greet you.”


“Hahaha, No need, lady Alicia. Today, I am here as Karl’s father, not as the King. You don’t need to mind.”


“That’s right. It’s nice to meet you, adorable young lady. I am Karl’s mother. Thank you for always being friends with him.”


The two sound so lovely, and kind. I feel relief and give them a smile. I felt their eyes move toward my face.




“My my!”


After the two of them said that, the surrounding became noisy. Did I make a mistake again? I got scared and whispered to Kal’s ears.


“Karl,Was I..was I doing something wrong?”


“Don’t worry, your manner and your introduction were perfect. The thing is you are really beautiful today.”




“Oh, Hmm. You don’t need to worry about it. Just do as you did then you will be fine.”


There isn’t anyone near me except Karl so there is no way others can hear our conversation. For the time being I will just do as Karl said, smile!


“Today is a good day to announce the engagement between The Fifth Prince, his Highness Karl and Princess Alicia, the daughter of Duke Holsten. They will be tied to each other after officially becoming  adults. The Prince will join the Holsten family as a son-in-law. Is there any opposition?”


“King Jonas!”


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When the King declared like that, daddy could not hold it in anymore.


“I won’t accept your opposition, Stephen. Give up.” – smile


After their glaring battle, the talk continued.


“Well, Isn’t it fine like this? From now on you are going to judge if Karl is suitable for the Holsten house or not. The Holsten Duke is the guardian of the Royal family. It will be easy for you, don’t you think?”


“…Hahh.. I understand. Will Prince Karl be suitable for the name Holsten and be the right person for Alicia, I will see and carefully watch him until his Highness becomes an adult. Can’t promise that I will go soft on him.”


“I don’t mind, Karl is your disciple. Also, I used to be scolded by you when we were young after all.”


The King made a bitter smile, but Daddy didn’t give in.


– “Of course. We, the Holtens’s duty is to help your Highness and all the Royals to walk on the right path. Even if you are the King or Prince it doesn’t matter. There is nothing you can do about that. I am willing to rebuke.”


Daddy footsteps headed towards me after saying all of that from a distance. 

It seemed no one heard our conversation, but whatever it is it still went in my ears


“Your Highness may have forgotten but I wrote most of your reports for you.” ☆(〇-〇ヽ)



“Yes, Father! And the Duke, I will not let you down!” – Karl stood beside me and answered back with confidence. 


After a passionate talk between father and son, the King continued.


“Are there any ?”


The room got quiet. After the confirmation, the King finally smiled.


“There is none. Then, I announce the two are officially engaged to each other!”




Being suddenly surprised by a lot of people’s voices, Karl quickly held the anxious me tightly. 


“Uh? Are there a lot of people here?”


“That’s right. About a hundred people are here.”


“What? But Father didn’t tell me anything!”


“Ah, If we tell you, you will be nervous won’t you? So we decided to keep quiet about it.”


“Again!? Father!!!”


Seeing me getting angry as I puffed my reddening cheeks, Karl laughed.


“But you know what? From now on I am your fiance.”


When I heard him saying that, my face got really hot. 


“T..That’s right.”


Karl kept giggling at me.


“Please take care of me from now on too.

However, I couldn’t help but to ask him about one thing, if I didn’t do it now I would surely regret not doing it sooner”


“Me too. But, you know, Karl? I always want to ask you something. Can I?”


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“Yeah, I don’t mind?”


“Is it okay? To be with me? You know that I’m blind right? Won’t I be a nuisance for you?”


Even if we are childhood friends, to have a blind wife would bring him a lot of troubles in the future. I couldn’t do a lot of stuff by myself, and it would be impossible for me to socialize. 

As I became more and more anxious, Karl strongly pulled me into his arms.


“There is no such thing! The engagement happened with my own will! So be more confident! Also the Duke said he will test me until we become adults! If I can’t be the one who deserves to be by your side then our engagement will be pulled off!”


With a painful voice, Karl explained to me while I was still in the middle of confusion.


“..Will it be okay for me to be by your side? Are you also wishing for that?”


“Of course I am!!!”


Answering me with a loud voice, Karl then tightly held my hands. His firm but gentle words touched me, as I now understand his heart, there is something warm inside my chest that began to spread throughout my whole body.


“I am really happy. Thank you Karl.”


“Ah ah, We will always be together, Alicia.”


We laughed and put our heads to each other.

Just like that, we became each other’s fiance as we both desired. 


—• Karl’s arranged marriage announcement  •—


 “It’s me, Alicia.”


When Alicia’s voice echoed, the once rowdy hall then went silent. People had been waiting for a long time to see the rumored blind but beautiful princess of Duke Holsten. Karl quickly headed to the door to help her but Alicia opened the door and went in by herself. 

Maybe because today is Alicia’s engagement party, she was dressed up more beautifully than usual. It was an orthodox princess  dress in pink and blue gradient color that gently flows down, looking so elegant and suiting Alicia so well. Her platinum blond hair was silky and half tied up neatly. 

The blind princess, with her light purple pupils dressed up was so beautiful and even more pretty than all the ladies wearing any sparkling dress, took everyone’s breath away. Karl walked to where Alicia stood, gradually escorting her to where their parents were waiting. There were strong oppositions from the bride’s father, but everything was solved as everyone agreed that he could still make a final decision even after it was announced. As he walked to her side, Alicia’s beauty shined more than before. Noticing that, Karl did not forget to keep other rivals in check, glaring at them. 


“Who started the rumor that this marriage is only a beneficial purchase? It’s totally fine even if she’s blind with that beauty!!”


“That’s what I want to say! There were a lot of people asking to be adopted as the Duke’s son, but from now on the competition for lady Alicia will become the main focus in our society, don’t you think!?”


“Prince Karl did really well. Even though he is not on the succession line, his highness is powerful enough with the help of the Duke Holsten and princess Alicia.”


Hearing people whispering and judging only Alicia’s appearance and her position, Karl couldn’t help but feel angry inside. No one was looking at the real Alicia. 

However Alicia did not keep silent about it.


“How interesting. You know that my appearance means nothing to me. So why does everyone keep mentioning that? Don’t you agree, Karl?”


Seeing the smiling Alicia become so fearsome, something started to stir inside Karl’s heart. 


“Alicia, I really think I am blessed to be engaged to you. You are probably the only one who looks at me properly. If I make a mistake, you would not be afraid to say it out loud just like what you did when we were five. You have something special that no one has. That’s why whatever people say to you, don’t be swayed by it! Be proud! Just like that, please be by my side.”


Karl did not hesitate to voice out his heart to Alicia who was standing right by his side. 

Upon receiving a sudden confession, Alicia’s face got really red. She then whispered to Karl’s ear.


“I am really happy, Karl. I’m glad that you are my fiance. How exciting this will be!”


To witness Alicia’s bright beautiful angelic smile, everyone couldn’t help but to have their breath taken away again. Some hesitated to continue the conversation. 


The serioussess between these two became the famous talk of the society from that day. 




✧︎*。( ´∩︎•͈ω•͈∩︎` )✧︎*。



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