Gu Yuanbai stayed with Concubine Wan for a day, during which Xue Yuan behaved obediently. When they were about to leave, halfway through, Gu Yuanbai abruptly abandoned Xue Yuan on the streets of the capital, speaking firmly, "You're dismissed."

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Left behind, Xue Yuan rode his horse and paced in place for quite a while. Then he turned his horse around and headed back to the jade shop he had visited before.


Upon his arrival, the shop owner recognized him and greeted him warmly, wearing a smile on his face. "Honorable sir, how is the jade piece you purchased last time serving you?"


Xue Yuan glanced at him strangely and asked, "What am I supposed to do with it?"


He had bought that item on a whim when he was feeling dazed and distracted. After bringing it home, he had no use for it. It was just a translucent piece of white jade, not particularly attractive. He casually tossed it in his room and never touched it again, wasting his money.


The shop owner smiled awkwardly and silently cursed in his heart. "So, sir, what brings you here today?"


Xue Yuan raised his eyelids and glanced around the shop before his gaze settled on a jade finger ring.


After Gu Yuanbai returned, he immediately summoned Chu Wei.


Chu Wei was busy with the news brought by officials from the Imperial Censorate from various places. Upon hearing the summons from the Emperor, he immediately set aside his work and entered the palace.


During these days, the Imperial Censorate had been busy, and the capital's number one beauty seemed somewhat tired, yet still incredibly handsome. Chu Wei bowed to the Emperor and said, "May Your Majesty be well."


Gu Yuanbai asked, "Chu Qing, you must have been busy these days?"


Chu Wei honestly replied, "Indeed, I have been busy, but it has been fulfilling."


After a moment of contemplation, Gu Yuanbai spoke, "I have another task for you, Chu Qing."


Without hesitation, Chu Wei said, "Please command, Your Majesty."


"You and Xue Yuan will assist Zhang Shi. They have many preparations to make, but they lack court officials by their side, which complicates matters," Gu Yuanbai earnestly suggested, "Both of you possess literary and martial talents, complementing each other perfectly."


Gu Yuanbai was implying it so strongly that it was almost explicit.


Even though today Xue Yuan had truly shown loyalty to the Emperor, and he had only pulled down his pants only out of concern for his safety, Gu Yuanbai, who had never had his pants pulled down by someone of the same sex in both of his lives, felt that it was better to quickly matchmake the official couple.


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If Xue Yuan wanted to pull someone's pants down, he should target Chu Wei. He could do it however he pleased, preferably to the extent that he would only consider pulling someone's pants down when it came to Chu Wei. That would be ideal.


Chu Wei's face stiffened, and he casually revealed a cold smile tinged with mockery. He said, "Your Majesty, Xue Yuan and I will handle this matter well."


Originally, Chu Wei had been worried that Xue Yuan's presence by the Emperor's side might lead to sinister plots. Now, the situation was just right.


Perhaps this was an opportunity to find evidence of Xue Yuan's disloyalty to the Emperor.


With lowered eyes and a calm expression, he thought it was necessary to find a way to make the Emperor detest Xue Yuan.


Meanwhile, in the distant land of Southern Jinghu.


Some people wearing prisoner's clothes and shackled with handcuffs and leg irons, the prisoners had empty expressions as they were being transported on the prison wagon to the headquarters of the remnants of Lu Feng's group.


These individuals were the spies unearthed by Gu Yuanbai in the capital a few days ago, most of whom were household servants with notable names from various influential ministerial families. Although their lives in those households were not comparable to those of the masters, they were still a hundred times better than their current situation. Throughout the journey, they endured great torment while on the prison wagon. Several humiliated women even contemplated biting their tongues to end their lives.


But in the end, they were brought to Southern Jinghu.


When the soldiers released the prisoners in Southern Jinghu, naturally, there would be people there to receive them and make use of their remaining value like the stronghold of the remnants of Lu Feng's faction in Southern Jinghu.


Among the remnants of Lu Feng's faction, there were about a hundred people who had managed to escape from the capital. Although Lu Feng was dead, many of his followers and students managed to escape the Emperor's scythe of death. Xu Xiong, a military officer who had escaped with them, arrived in Southern Jinghu.


The power dynamics in Southern Jinghu were complex, and the local society was chaotic. The local tyrants committed crimes, even going as far as taking lives and controlling officials. Countless lands were annexed by them, forming a vast network of black power. In such a chaotic place, it was ideal for the growth of rebel forces in secret.


The remnants of Lu Feng's faction believed that although the Emperor had displayed his thunderous methods, his power had not yet been fully consolidated, and thus he lacked the ability to catch up with them. Now that the Emperor had the capability, they had no idea where they could hide themselves.


In secret, they also named themselves the "Jiashen Society."


The name "Jiashen" was derived from the homophonic characters for "driving" and "ascending" in the terms "xingjia" and "shengxia," respectively, which meant the Emperor's demise. The malicious intent behind these words was evident.


Currently, more than twenty important figures from Lu Feng's faction had gathered in the main hall, discussing the recent shortage of funds and provisions in their organization.


When Xu Xiong defected, he took five thousand soldiers with him. Along with over a hundred idle individuals who had never worked a day in their lives, the mountains of wealth they brought from the capital were almost completely squandered.


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The belongings left behind by Lu Feng were also nearly depleted.


The hall was filled with voices of debate. Xu Xiong was currently the leader of the Jiashen Society, and he held the military power. The others had to follow his orders. Some clever followers had already been used by him as advisors.


One of the advisors was engaged in a lively discussion when a commotion outside caught their attention. They turned to see that Zhao Zhou, the trusted advisor of Xu Xiong, had brought someone inside.


Xu Xiong's brow furrowed, and he asked loudly, "Mr. Zhao, who is this?"


Xu Xiong's original name was Xu Xiongzhi, but after his defection and ambitious aspirations, he changed the last character to "Yuan," the same character as Gu Yuanbai's name.


Zhao Zhou smiled and brought the person in front of Xu Xiong, saying, "General, this is my friend, Liu Yan, a native of Jiankang in Jiangnan."


Liu Yan had an ordinary appearance, but he exuded a refined and scholarly air. He bowed slightly to Xu Xiong and smiled, "I have long admired General's name. Meeting you in person today, I understand what a true hero is."


Xu Xiong knew that his strategist would not introduce someone useless to him, so he chuckled and raised his head, saying, "I am flattered. May I know what brings Liu Xiaoyan here today?"


Liu Yan's expression changed, and he suppressed his grief and hatred. "It's all because of the current Emperor that I had to seek General's help!"


Xu Xiong couldn't help but glance at Zhao Zhou, who smiled faintly and nodded imperceptibly. Xu Xiong felt delighted and pretended to be surprised, saying, "What has that dog Emperor done this time?!"


Liu Yan lowered his head and said, "I have a business in my family and some spare money. I used to have close relationships with officials in the government offices. But now, as the Emperor has begun his anti-corruption campaign, he unjustly sentenced my entire family, accusing us of colluding with officials and businessmen, branding us with the crime of execution and imprisonment. I had no choice but to flee with my family's wealth."


Xu Xiong asked again, "What about your parents and family?"


"They couldn't escape," Liu Yan's voice choked, "They were all, they were all..."


Zhao Zhou's gentle voice interjected, "They were all victims of the current Emperor."


Liu Yan nodded repeatedly as tears welled up, unable to hold back his emotions.


Xu Xiong almost couldn't contain his laughter.


Hahaha, just look at this, look at this, fortune smiles upon me, Xu Xiong!


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Just as their supplies of food and money were depleted, someone came along offering funds and provisions. Xu Xiong felt ecstatic. He pretended to console Liu Yan and, once Liu Yan officially joined the Jiashen Society, Xu Xiong couldn't take his eyes off the carts filled with gold, silver, and sacks of grain being brought in.


Liu Yan stood behind the crowd, the shadow in the hall casting upon his face. Many people were gathered around the carts of wealth, paying no attention to him.


Liu Yan raised his head, the sadness on his face gone. He looked around at his surroundings, surveying the entire stronghold of the rebel forces.


This is the Jiashen Society.


This is the Jiashen Society that the Emperor wants to crush, the rebellious force against the local tyrants.


The name sounds quite unpleasant, Liu Yan thought.


But he would stay here seriously, using the carts of provisions and wealth given to him by the Emperor to secure a position by Xu Xiong's side.


After spending so much money and wealth, he had to obtain a position worth mentioning, right?


In the capital city, two important figures were handling their affairs.


Xue Yuan and Chu Wei stood in front of Zhang Shi. Both of them wore expressionless faces. As soon as the designated time arrived, they exchanged pleasantries with Zhang Shi, the clan leader, and immediately headed towards their respective horses.


Although Chu Wei knew that a normal person wouldn't threaten the lives of imperial officials in public, Xue Yuan was not a normal person. Therefore, Chu Wei specifically instructed a strong servant from the mansion to act as Xue Yuan's horseman. Before getting on the carriage, Xue Yuan rode past him on horseback.


Xue Yuan's voice was deep and heavy, "Master Chu, let me advise you."


His voice lowered, becoming menacing, "Don't provoke people you shouldn't provoke."


A cold smirk curled up on Chu Wei's lips, "Allow me to advise you as well, Master Xue. Don't daydream about things you shouldn't daydream about."


Xue Yuan sneered, glancing at him with sinister eyes, before finally riding away.


The dust kicked up by the hooves of the horses choked Chu Wei, causing him to cover his mouth and nose.


Chu Wei stood there motionless.

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Xue Yuan's gaze gave Chu Wei the feeling that he really wanted to kill him.


A person who had experienced the ebb and flow of the battlefield emitted an intense aura of murderous intent that couldn't be ignored. If it weren't for being on the street...


Chu Wei exhaled a breath of air and turned around to get on the carriage.


This person was too dangerous. How could he stay by the Emperor's side?


After returning home, Xue Yuan spent a full hour in the training ground suppressing the surging killing intent within him. When he emerged from the training ground, his body was soaked with sweat, and he walked expressionlessly towards the bathhouse.


The servant behind him jogged to keep up and said with difficulty, "Young Master, Second Young Master wishes to see you."


Xue Yuan, exuding a cold air, replied, "Tell him to crawl to the edge of the pool, fall in, and then crawl back up before coming to talk to me."


The servant's steps halted, trembling as he ran towards the room of the Second Young Master, saying, "Yes, yes, I'll have the Second Young Master do just that."


Xue Yuan, with an expressionless face, walked all the way to his room. The adjacent bathhouse was already prepared with water. Holding a clean change of clothes, he entered the bathhouse. The room door slammed shut with a resounding bang as his strength struck it.


He hadn't seen Gu Yuanbai all day.


A whole day.


Xue Yuan's eyes were bloodshot from the strain.


Xue Yuan was a rough man who didn't care much about water temperature and didn't enjoy leisurely baths. He simply poured water over his head, and the more he poured, the darker his expression became. Images of Gu Yuanbai's face and Chu Wei's face flashed through his mind, sometimes even their faces looking at each other with a smile.


Xue Yuan poured a ladle of cold water over his head in frustration.


The water rushed onto the floor, and Xue Yuan's cold expression followed the flow of water. However, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a small white object under a corner cabinet.


His eyelid twitched, and he strode forward, stepping over the flowing water, and bent down to pick it up. It was a white handkerchief.


The handkerchief had dirty stains on it, as if it had been stepped on. 

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