Meanwhile, three garrisons had already set off towards the borders of South Jing and Jiangnan. Their mission was to station there and suppress any counter-revolutionary forces.

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These were the exact words of Gu Yuanbai.


The Supervisory Office and the Eastern Feather Guards secretly delivered the large quantities of purchased grain to the garrisons, reserving them for the fleeing civilians at the border. A commander of the garrison sighed and said, "The Emperor has thought of everything."


The captain of the Eastern Feather Guard spoke calmly, "The Emperor has entrusted these matters to the generals. Please offer assistance to the civilians who flee here."


"You can rest assured," the commander replied. "We will fulfill the Emperor's orders."


The Eastern Feather Guard and the Supervisory Office personnel needed to stay hidden in these two regions to guide the fleeing civilians. War inevitably led to bloodshed, but within their capabilities, they aimed to minimize the innocent casualties.


Xu Xiong-Yuan initially intended to send troops to seize grain, even from the households in the nearby counties. However, Liu Yan and Zhao Zhou strongly objected. Firstly, it would create uncertainty in the rear, which was a taboo in military operations. Secondly, the households had little grain to begin with, so deploying troops would only be a wasteful expenditure of manpower.


Xu Xiong-Yuan heeded their advice and led five thousand elite soldiers, riding swiftly for half a day until they completely surrounded the Chen Residence in Huaihua Prefecture.


The Chen Residence was petrified, and Chen Jinyin, who was admiring a piece of precious jade, was also petrified.


What was happening? How could they be surrounded by the rebel army one day?


Chen Jinyin had yet to comprehend the significance of the situation. He was filled with anger and directly threw the precious jade in his hand to the ground. "Let me see who dares to touch my Chen family!"


The soldiers, starving and with eyes turning green, dared to do so.


At Xu Xiong-Yuan's command, the densely packed soldiers surged into the Chen Residence like locusts. They killed any servants who resisted and clung onto any beautiful women they encountered.


They greedily filled their bodies with valuable possessions, relentlessly slaughtering their way into the inner courtyard, as if entering a deserted place.


They resembled heartless demons, their vision blurred by the magnificent and luxurious Chen Residence. They only saw gold, silver, food, and women. Bodies piled up on the ground, forming rivers of blood. Xu Xiong-Yuan sat on his horse and burst into loud laughter, immensely satisfied with the ferocity and cruelty of his troops. He kept shouting, "Kill them all! Don't spare anyone! Capture the beautiful women and reward yourselves! Let's see how much grain this Chen family has, whether it's enough for us to eat!"


This was the calamity of war.


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While plundering, they also killed, and after the killings, they set fire to everything.


Chen Jinyin and his sons hurriedly fled from the inner courtyard, guarded along the way. When the soldiers saw them, a greedy gleam appeared in their eyes.


This gaze of greed fixated on the gold and silver on their bodies, and they raised their arms to kill them.


Chen Jinyin screamed in fear, "I have money! I'll give you money, I'll give you grain, anything you want, just don't kill me!"


The soldiers sneered, "Once we kill you, everything will belong to the general. Why would we need you to give us anything?"


When the soldiers of the court had to abide by discipline and law, what rules and laws did the rebels follow? Throughout history, those who led troops in rebellion often turned a blind eye to the calamities caused by their subordinates!


The raging fire illuminated the sky, and lamentations echoed across the field. When the officials heard this, they quickly fled from Huaihua Prefecture.


Xu Xiong-Yuan breathed in the scent of blood, his nostrils tingling. He gazed at the towering flames that almost licked the clouds. Many, many people struggled in the midst of the inferno and the slashing blades. As he watched such a massive fire, it was as if he was witnessing his own grand ambition burning fiercely.


Amidst the cries of violence, Xu Xiong-Yuan realized that the Chen Residence was quite good. It was a pity that everything was being burned down. He shouted, "Burn down the buildings on the west side; the rest should be preserved! Tonight, I, the general, will relocate the base of the Jiashen Society here. Hahaha!"


With the Chen Residence in ruins, the other local powerful figures in Huaihua Prefecture naturally couldn't just stand by. Driven by their interests, several parties hurried to the Chen Residence with their servants.


When they arrived, the rebel army in the entire Chen Residence was reveling, and the atmosphere was filled with chaos and fumes, darkening the sky. The hearts of the powerful figures sank, sensing that Chen Jinyin was in trouble.


This powerful family had perished just like that, and their remaining wealth was divided among the rebel army. It was as if they were snatching food from the hands of these old folks. The expressions of several powerful figures turned grim. Meanwhile, Xu Xiong-Yuan, seeing this large group of people approaching, carrying hoes, axes, and kitchen knives, burst into uncontrollable laughter.


Then his eyes gleamed red.


Within a few short days, Xu Xiong-Yuan wiped out all the powerful figures in Huaihua Prefecture who did not voluntarily contribute military provisions. He showed no mercy, staining the entire Huaihua Prefecture with blood, completely transforming this place into his stronghold.


Meanwhile, the common people of Huaihua Prefecture had long since fled after the officials escaped.


Almost immediately after Xu Xiong-Yuan had just finished dealing with the powerful figures in Huaihua Prefecture, news of the rebellion in South Jing reached Jiangnan.

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Those remaining from the Jiashen Society in Jiangnan were dumbfounded!


How did they start a rebellion?


How did they manage to pacify the powerful figures in Huaihua Prefecture?


Why were they so oblivious?


Not only do they not believe, but the influential figures rooted in Jiangnan also refuse to believe. They were unwilling to accept it.


The profits in Jiangnan were enormous. Just Yangzhou alone was the gathering point for Huai merchants every year. Let's not mention other places. The Lü family of Huainan could firmly establish their footing in South Jing because of the profits from Jiangnan. Compared to West Huainant, Jiangnan and South Jing were the true roots of the Lü family.


How could they believe that the rebels were uprising in the neighboring province? The common people could escape, but they were here, thousands of cultivated fields, tenant households, luxurious mansions... they had no way to escape!


So after they obtained accurate information, they decided to take the initiative.


The powerful figures seized the members of the Jiashen Society who were staying in Jiangnan, and used it as leverage to make the person surnamed Xu obediently stay in South Jing.


When the news reached Xu Xiong-Yuan, he was already living in the largest and most beautiful mansion in the entire Huaihua Prefecture. Sitting on a chair made of agarwood, he smiled and asked his advisors for their thoughts.


Outside, conscription was being carried out door-to-door. They called it conscription, but it was actually forced recruitment. After snatching people, due to the lack of military reserves, they only needed to provide them with a hoe, and they could be sent to the battlefield. This was the conscription method in chaotic times.


At the very least, Xu Xiong-Yuan could gather a disorderly crowd of ten thousand in Huaihua Prefecture.


After the advisors individually read the threatening letters sent by the influential figures from Jiangnan, they fell into contemplation. At this moment, Zhao Zhou stood up with seriousness and asked, "May I ask, General, what are your ambitions?"


Xu Xiong-Yuan's expression became resolute, and he replied in a deep voice, "Although I, Xu, am not talented, I also wish to do my best for this world."


Zhao Zhou readily responded, "Then, General, you must save your colleagues in Jiangnan. If you don't, you may bear the name of being unrighteous and unjust."


Xu Xiong-Yuan reached out and helped Zhao Zhou up, smiling, "I also share the same thoughts."

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Liu Yan, who was nearby, took a sip of tea, concealing the mockery in his eyes.


To do one's part for this world, it truly was a grand undertaking.


All the events occurring in South Jing and Jiangnan were truthfully reported to Gu Yuanbai's desk.


Gu Yuanbai carefully examined everything, paying close attention to the locations of the military garrisons and the routes of refugee escape. He repeatedly scrutinized them in his mind to ensure there were no omissions before turning his attention to the conflicts between the powerful figures and the rebels.


The powerful figures in South Jing could be subdued by the rebels, but Gu Yuanbai felt reluctant to see the powerful figures in Jiangnan suffer the same fate.


Jiangnan was a prosperous land, and the rebels see it as a logistical granary. South Jing adopted a tough approach to showcase their military strength, while Jiangnan adopted a more flexible approach, cooperating with those who were willing and forcefully compelled those who resisted cooperation.


As long as Xu Xiong-Yuan and several influential families in Jiangnan establish marital connections, the powerful figures will be on board, providing everything they can to ensure Xu Xiong-Yuan's successful rebellion.


Throughout history, the methods used against powerful figures have been suppression and restrictions. One common method of restriction was to force them to relocate, leaving their established roots and competing for resources with the local powerful figures, thereby imposing limitations.


The original young emperor ascended the throne, and Lu Feng governed for several years. If you don't have the necessary skills, don't meddle in delicate matters. Look at the current situation, how have the powerful figures been indulged by Lu Feng?


Gu Yuanbai rubbed his forehead and spoke calmly, "I believe the influence of Jiangnan's powerful figures will extend even further."


Because of the emperor's anti-corruption efforts, they have witnessed the emperor's firmness. When the emperor shows concern for the people, it means he was not considering the interests of the powerful figures. It means he intended to take action to restrict them.


In the previous years, the powerful figures lived too comfortably. As long as they paid tribute in silver, they could comfortably play the role of regional despots. They set the rules, they were the law, they did as they pleased. But with such a relaxing environment, the sudden intensity of the anti-corruption efforts had left many powerful figures resentful and dissatisfied.


The influence of the powerful figures in Jiangnan extended to almost all the major merchants in Daheng. Under such circumstances, once some of them were truly lured onto Xu Xiong-Yuan's ship, they would desperately try to pull more people onto that ship. They would completely destabilize Gu Yuanbai's position on the throne and allow another figure like Lu Feng, someone who could be indulged with money, to rise to power.


Gu Yuanbai tapped his fingers on the table, fearing the slightest oversight. He discussed with his trusted ministers, and suddenly a thought occurred to him. "South Jing is surrounded by mountains on three sides, but there is a winding Jiang Xian Dao behind it. Beyond Jiang Xian Dao is Da Yue. I cannot give them the opportunity to escape to Da Yue."


Xue Yuan, who had been sternly observing, stepped forward and firmly said, "I humbly request to undertake this task, willing to bear the responsibility."


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Gu Yuanbai had great trust in his abilities and a smile appeared on his face. "Then, I entrust it to you, Xue Yuan."


Since the two of them returned riding the Red Cloud, Gu Yuanbai treated Xue Yuan with utmost casualness. It was as if the kiss and the touch he gave Xue Yuan never happened, completely forgotten as soon as it was done.


Xue Yuan didn't actually lose out; on the contrary, he gained some advantages. He was kissed and touched by his beloved, which should have been satisfying enough.


But there were still two words: aggrieved.


Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai, who smiled faintly with an unchanged expression. "Go to the Ministry of War and mobilize troops. You are allowed to lead ten thousand soldiers. Appoint General Dian Dingyuan as your deputy. Coordinate with the garrisons in South Jing and Jiangnan, and together, conquer all the rebel forces!"


Xue Yuan's expression turned serious, and he responded in a deep voice, "I obey your orders!"


After speaking, he bowed to Gu Yuanbai and temporarily put aside the matter at hand, striding purposefully toward the exit of the hall. Just as he was about to step out of the door, he inexplicably turned his head to glance at Gu Yuanbai and then turned away again.


This glance left Gu Yuanbai puzzled. He looked at Xue Yuan's figure until he disappeared, but he couldn't figure out the meaning behind that glance.


Tian Fusheng, who was standing by, expressed his concern. "Is it too soon to send troops now?"


Gu Yuanbai snapped back to reality and said, "Not too soon."


When marching and waging war, provisions must come first. By the time Xue Yuan arrives at Jiangxiandao, the powerful figures in Jiangnan will either have been eradicated by Xu Xiong-Yuan or have been lured onto the rebel ship.


At that time, whether it is the powerful figures or Xu Xiong-Yuan, they will become rebels, and fighting against the rebels will be a legitimate pretext. Launching a military campaign against them will place the imperial army in a morally superior position. Gu Yuanbai has no intention of prolonging the war or getting involved in a larger conflict. Once Xu Xiong-Yuan deals with the powerful figures, he will deal with Xu Xiong-Yuan.


Within a month's time, the damage to South Jing and Jiangnan will be minimal. That's good.


This is the difference between how the emperor and Xu Xiong-Yuan operate.


Xu Xiong-Yuan directly takes action to eliminate the powerful figures, without needing an excuse, clean and decisive. Gu Yuanbai, on the other hand, cannot do such bandit-like things as an emperor.


Gu Yuanbai greatly admired Xu Xiong-Yuan and issued a decree, expressing his righteous indignation against the atrocities committed by the Jiashen Society, which disrupted the peace of the world and took lives.

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