Xu Xiong-Yuan covered his face and wept, deeply moved. "I, Xu, how am I worthy to receive assistance from these two gentlemen!"

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After finishing his tears, Xu Xiong-Yuan immediately sent someone to transport the grain and money back to Southern Jing. However, there was too much food, and it took a lot of time to handle it. Liu Yan advised, "General, it's better to leave the green mountains. Your safety is the most important thing."


Reluctantly, Xu Xiong-Yuan had to reluctantly leave behind a large portion of the food and money, taking five thousand elite soldiers and ten thousand newly recruited troops to rush back to Southern Jing.


The remaining 15,000 troops in Longxing Prefecture were actually newly recruited soldiers who had never been on the battlefield. Among them, ten thousand were from Southern Jing, and the rest were recruited from Jiangnan in the past few days.


Looking at these soldiers, a hint of despair couldn't help but appear on Zhao Zhou's face. He quickly composed himself and said, "Brother Liu, let's quickly fortify the city walls and dig trenches, preparing for the defense of the city."


Liu Yan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Sure."


Xu Xiong-Yuan escaped in time, and as soon as the group left with the soldiers, the powerful figures in Jiangnan suddenly realized that half of the troops in the city were missing.


A sense of unease rose in their hearts, and they sent people to inquire, but upon receiving the news, they were shocked and fell to the ground in anger.


Xu Xiong-Yuan and the troops had fled! The court had sent troops!


Their properties had just been seized as military resources by the rebel army, and now they were going to be treated as rebels by the emperor.


Many powerful figures directly fainted in despair.


The next day, the people guarding the city felt the ground trembling from a distance. Liu Yan and Zhao Zhou climbed up the city walls, and after waiting for two quarters of an hour, they saw a vast army approaching from afar, covering the sky like a dark cloud. The yellow sand filled the air. Zhao Zhou's legs went weak, and he almost had to lean on Liu Yan to stand firm.


Liu Yan calmly said, "Zhao, don't be afraid."


"How can I not be afraid?" Zhao Zhou smiled bitterly, steadying himself and encouraging both himself and Liu Yan. "But it has always been easier to defend a city than to attack one. With both of us working together and plenty of food left by the generals in the city, we will surely hold out for over a month."


Liu Yan sighed, "But I feel that a month is too long."


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Zhao Zhou looked at him, and his eyelids suddenly twitched. "What do you mean, Liu?!"


Liu Yan smiled, turned and descended from the city wall. Zhao Zhou felt uneasy and followed closely behind, relentlessly asking, "What do you mean by that, Liu?!"


The sound of the approaching army grew closer, and their feet could feel the vibrations of the large force pressing against the city. Liu Yan walked faster and faster after descending the city wall, and Zhao Zhou couldn't keep up with him. Finally, Liu Yan reached the city gate and loudly declared, "Open the city gate to welcome our royal troops!"


Zhao Zhou was suddenly startled, a chill rising from behind. He looked at Liu Yan in horror, almost fainting in disbelief. "You—"


What shook him even more was that the guards at the city gate actually obeyed Liu Yan's command, swiftly opening the gates.


The howling wind carried the sound of horses as it swept into the city. Liu Yan tidied his attire and walked confidently out of the city gate, facing the rapidly approaching army. He shouted, "Is General Lu Yanmao here?"


The leading cavalry, protecting the commanding general, galloped all the way to the city gate. General Lu dismounted and approached with a hearty laugh, "It is I!"


Liu Yan smiled and said, "I am Ding Yan, pleased to meet you, General."


"I have fulfilled my mission," Liu Yan proclaimed loudly, "and I present to the general the entire Jiangnan, returning it intact to His Majesty! I also hand over the 15,000 surrendered troops to the general."


Zhao Zhou, who was behind, could no longer be puzzled by the situation. He covered his chest and was so infuriated that he coughed up a mouthful of blood, a mix of shock, anger, and regret swirling in his mind.


From beginning to end, they had fallen into the Emperor's trap. Since the moment Liu Yan joined the general, they had been led by the Emperor!


Overwhelmed by anger and fear, Zhao Zhou's vision blackened, and he collapsed heavily on the ground, unconscious.


Liu Yan was well aware of which powerful figures in the city had sided with Xu Xiong-Yuan and who had fled. He smiled faintly and said, "General, I kindly ask you to capture all the rebels in the city."


Xu Xiong-Yuan was still on his way to Huaihua Prefecture, fleeing for his life.


He had no idea what had happened in Jiangnan Longxing Prefecture behind him, nor did he know that Liu Yan, whom he trusted wholeheartedly, was sent by the Emperor to be by his side. He was still grieving with the people around him, saying, "Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhao have ended up in such a state because of me. If that wretched Emperor attacks the city, I can't imagine how he would humiliate them!"


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All the grain and wealth of Jiangnan, the prosperous land of Jiangnan, was gone just like that!


The people around him tried to console him, saying, "General, you have entrusted Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhao with 15,000 soldiers. You have done everything you could."


Xu Xiong-Yuan sighed, "I hope Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhao are safe."


Everyone knew that the 15,000 soldiers were not enough and that the two men were in great danger. But some words, even if known in one's heart, must remain unspoken.


A group of people hurried day and night towards Huaihua Prefecture. Just as they returned to the city, before they could fortify the city gate, scattered sentinels came reporting that a large number of imperial soldiers were chasing after them.


Xu Xiong-Yuan was immediately stunned. "Didn't Liu Yan and Zhao Zhou stay behind to hold them off?"


The scout who came to report urgently said, "General, run! There's no time to think about it now!"


In an instant, Xu Xiong-Yuan's face turned pale and defeated. He didn't understand what had happened. Just a few days ago, the situation was promising, but now he was forced to flee back to Southern Jing. And after fleeing back to Southern Jing, where else could he escape?


Southern Jing was surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the only way to escape was being pursued by the enemy. Xu Xiong-Yuan felt utterly defeated. "Am I, Xu Xiong, going to be trapped and die in Huaihua Prefecture today?"


With the sudden reversal, many people's faces were filled with despair. No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't understand how the imperial troops had suddenly appeared and caught up so quickly.


No one spoke in the room for a while. Suddenly, a guest shouted in astonishment, "General, there is still a way of retreat in Southern Jing!"


Xu Xiong-Yuan was taken aback. "What?"


The guest continued, "In the rear of Southern Jing, there is a treacherous and winding path called Jiang Xian Dao Road. Beyond Jiang Xian Dao Road is the territory of Da Yue. General, now that we have nowhere to escape, why not flee to Da Yue? With the troops in your hands, you can establish a foothold in Da Yue!"


Xu Xiong-Yuan's spirits were lifted, and he quickly brought a map and examined it carefully. After a while, he slammed the table decisively and made a decision, "Then let's take Jiang Xian Dao Road!"


As the enemy forces pursued from behind, possibly using the relentless method of long-distance pursuit, Xu Xiong-Yuan didn't dare to waste any more time. They gritted their teeth and decided to only allow each soldier to carry three days' worth of rations. Immediately, they headed towards the Jiang Xian Dao.


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Leaving South Jing behind, Xu Xiong-Yuan's desolate state resembled that of a drowning dog, constantly being driven to the next location. They had long lost the fighting spirit they once had. Similarly, the soldiers under Xu Xiong-Yuan's command had become demoralized due to their continuous days of fleeing. Their expressions were full of fear and apprehension, and even the slightest rustle of grass would fill them with extreme terror. In this atmosphere, after enduring countless hardships, Xu Xiong-Yuan and the others finally reached Jiang Xian Dao.


The Jiang Xian Dao was extremely treacherous, and a moment of carelessness could lead to a sheer cliff. Some horses were even too afraid to cross it and had to be ordered by Xu Xiong-Yuan to be slaughtered and abandoned. With only a few remaining horses and soldiers, they cautiously crossed the Jiang Xian Dao.


As Xue Yuan awaited them at the end of Jiang xian dao, he was about to encounter this group of rebellious troops, who were like a pack of desperate dogs.


After these rebellious troops managed to navigate the extremely perilous Jiang Xian Dao, stepping onto level ground was an arduous task in itself. They had just started to show signs of relief and joy for escaping with their lives, but in the next moment, those expressions froze on their faces.


The imperial soldiers ambushed them, and shouted loudly as they rushed forward, a dense mass of soldiers that appeared more terrifying than ghosts in the eyes of these fleeing individuals. The smile that had just appeared on Xu Xiong-Yuan's face froze, his eyes widened, and his expression became a strange mix of laughter and crying, extremely eerie.


Banners fluttered, and on them, the prominent character "Heng" caught the eyes of everyone.


Every soldier under the command of Da Heng was experienced and physically strong. They stood their ground, brandishing their weapons to block every escape route, watching the expressions of the rebellious troops with a fierce gaze.


Xue Yuan, riding on his horse, paced a few steps in place and laughed loudly, "Wise Emperor, it was His Majesty's order to station us here. General Dingyuan, take a look. Who has come?"


General Dingyuan burst into laughter, "General Xue is right. Isn't it the leader of the pack of rebel dogs?"


The enemy forces had already shown signs of scattering, with people in the rear turning and fleeing towards the Jiang Xian Dao. In their panic and fear, many individuals lost their footing and fell into the abyss.


A surge of fear and anger rose within Xu Xiong-Yuan. He raised his blade, his expression fierce, and exclaimed, "Has the court run out of capable individuals? They actually sent a little brat who hasn't even grown a beard to capture this general! You, boy, have you ever set foot on the battlefield?!"


Xue Yuan's expression turned mischievous, "Are you talking about me?"


The position of Du Yu Hou was a fifth-rank official, while General Dingyuan held the rank of fifth-grade official. However, His Majesty appointed Xue Yuan as the commander-in-chief. General Dingyuan, a middle-aged man in his thirties, aware of Xue Yuan's capabilities, had no objections. Upon hearing Xu Xiong-Yuan's words, he burst into hearty laughter.


Xu Xiong-Yuan thought he was being mocked and immediately burst into laughter. He mounted his horse and wielded his weapon, saying, "You, little brat, today I, Xu Xiong-Yuan, will show you the cruelty of the battlefield. It seems that the court truly cannot send out any competent generals, allowing even a young lad like you to become a commander! Once I sever your head, it will be a perfect opportunity for that dog emperor to witness my prowess!"


Xue Yuan drew his large blade, which had been sharpened to gleam with a cold light during the days of waiting to kill enemies. He smiled at Xu Xiong-Yuan and replied, "Interesting."

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The court achieved a complete victory!


The defense forces from the three factions, totaling a full 20,000 soldiers, hardly played a significant role. They only executed the wealthy elites who had joined the rebels, seized their assets, and tightly sealed off the news from South Jing and Jiangnan. Not even the slightest hint of information leaked out.


Under the guidance of the Supervisory Office and the Eastern Feather Guards, the damage suffered by the common people was less than expected. Gu Yuanbai made arrangements for the losses of grain and trampled houses. Once the affairs in South Jing and Jiangnan were thoroughly dealt with, the news was slowly reported in the "Da Heng National Gazette," which had been gradually spreading from the capital.


Only then did people from other provinces come to know that there had been turmoil in South Jing and Jiangnan. The rebel forces had forcefully taken control of the local wealthy elites and commoners, trampling upon the regional powerhouses for money and food. Fortunately, the court reacted swiftly and handled the situation in a timely manner, preventing the common people from suffering greater harm.


However, numerous wealthy elites and merchants were still completely killed by the rebel forces. These rebels showed no mercy, and their leader, Xu Xiong, was particularly ruthless, setting fire to more than half of Huaihua Prefecture!


This news shook the entire capital.


Soon, an outpouring of curses followed!


As the Emperor's trusted wordsmith, Chang Yuyan immediately stood up to praise His Majesty's benevolent actions and strongly denounce the greedy and brutal rebel forces. He wrote an exceptionally brilliant article that made readers feel the urge to personally grab a knife and stab the rebels in South Jing. The article vividly and sorrowfully described the agonizing and desperate experiences of the people in those two regions during the chaos and escape, evoking a sense of being present and bringing tears to readers' eyes.


Finally, Chang Yuyan called upon everyone, saying, "In South Jing and Jiangnan, due to the harm caused by the rebel forces, the people are left homeless, embracing their children and weeping. The court wishes to aid these suffering people. Let the wealthy donate money and the poor contribute rice, so that we may all lend a helping hand to the people of these regions."


Once this article was published, thanks to its excellent quality, it quickly spread throughout the entire southern and northern regions, becoming known to scholars.


It was at this time that these scholars learned about the events in South Jing and Jiangnan. Moved by the words in the article, they shed tears of sorrow and immediately sent generous donations to the court.


After Gu Yuanbai finished reading the letters sent by the defense forces, which had been seized from the group of wealthy elites, he roughly grasped the relationships and interests among the powerful figures throughout the country. From the letters, he also obtained some information. After organizing these documents, he heard the news of donations pouring into the capital from all over the country.


When he and the Minister of Revenue took a look, both of them were somewhat astonished.


 Later, when they heard the exact amount being reported by the personnel, the Minister of Revenue gasped for breath, trembling and supported by eunuchs. He turned to look at the Emperor and, with a sudden realization, blurted out, "Your Majesty, do we still have any rebel forces left?"


Indeed, how incredible! It was truly a profitable endeavor!

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