After resting for two days in the summer palace, this group of supervisory officials requested permission to leave. Gu Yuanbai granted their request and instructed them to promptly take the prisoners to the Dali Temple for sentencing. With the Wanshou Festival approaching, the criminal cases must be dealt with before that time. They had to be busy with these matters now.

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These bandits were all laborers. The healthy men were divided into three groups. One group remained in Lizhou to assist the local people. Another group was transported to the capital to serve as a deterrent and display national prestige, as well as to work as laborers in developing the uncultivated lands in the western part of the capital. The remaining group was sent to Youzhou, where there was a great need for such labor.

With these minor matters taken care of, it was already early September. Five months had passed from April to September. Time had truly flown by. When the crops in the fields began to ripen and the cotton was ready for harvesting, Gu Yuanbai decided to move back to the capital from the summer palace.

He had moved to the summer palace late this year, arriving only in mid-July. Time passed in the blink of an eye, and autumn had arrived.

Gu Yuanbai knew that the entire capital was busy with the approaching Wanshou Festival. By returning to the city now, he could ensure that people did not indulge in extravagance and waste.

As the Emperor gave the order, the summer palace bustled with activity. In the blink of an eye, the day of departure arrived. The long procession snaked its way forward, with the Emperor's carriage protected in the center. Gu Yuanbai bowed deeply to Consort Wan, who stood at the front of the palace gate, and said softly, "Please take good care of yourself."

Consort Wan had been comfortable in the summer palace, and she didn't want to endure the hardships of the journey back to the capital in the west. Besides, her health didn't allow it. Consort Wan had a vague premonition in her heart. 

She smiled at Gu Yuanbai, took a step forward, and held his hand, gently patting it. She earnestly advised, "You should remember to take care of yourself, even when there are urgent matters. No matter how urgent things may be, they can't surpass the importance of having meals and resting."

Gu Yuanbai bowed again, saying, "I understand, Mother."

Consort Wan was still worried. "I heard that you spent nearly two hours in the court during the recent morning court session. Yuanbai, you mustn't do this again. It will only harm your own health, won't it?"

Gu Yuanbai smiled faintly. "I have taken note of that, Mother."

Consort Wan smiled back, her eyes slightly tinged with sourness. She blinked away the traces of her emotions and pretended nothing was wrong. "Go on now, everyone is waiting for you."

After being urged several times, Gu Yuanbai turned around and led the officials away. He took a few steps but couldn't help glancing back. Consort Wan had a serious expression as she watched his departing figure.

Gu Yuanbai paused for a moment and then took bigger steps as he walked away. Consort Wan couldn't help but take two steps forward before stopping herself with a sigh.

She regarded the Emperor as her own child and didn't want to see Gu Yuanbai exhausted every day. A frail body like his was best suited for carefree nurturing. But as the legitimate son of the late Emperor, how could he not ascend to the throne?

Gu Yuanbai was doing well, even better than the late Emperor. If the late Emperor knew, he would surely exclaim with delight, "My son is amazing!" Consort Wan was just an ordinary woman who knew nothing, but she knew that the Emperor's authority had grown stronger, and he had become more decisive in the palace.

Her son was drawing closer to a powerful Emperor that everyone revered. Although she privately wished he wouldn't be so fatigued, she couldn't help but feel proud of him.

Consort Wan wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye and, in a moment of trance, felt as if Gu 

Yuanbai was stepping on a land of beauty and prosperity.


Xue Yuan's injuries had been treated until early September, and he had finally recovered somewhat. He had been waiting by the carriage since early morning, eager to see Gu Yuanbai.

After an unknown amount of time, a gust of wind brushed past him. Gu Yuanbai hurriedly passed by, lifting the curtain and quickly entering the carriage. After a while, a muffled voice came from inside, "Depart."

The horses lifted their hooves. Xue Yuan was a bit dazed as he turned his head to look inside the carriage. In that brief glance, it seemed like the young Emperor's eyes were red.

What's going on? Xue Yuan lowered his gaze, feeling perplexed.

The return convoy didn't stop to rest until noon.

Tian Fusheng entered the carriage to serve Gu Yuanbai his meal. Gu Yuanbai had no appetite, but he forced himself to take a few bites and felt satisfied. He couldn't eat anymore, so he let him go.

Tian Fusheng walked out of the carriage with a worried expression on his face and said to the people around him, "The Emperor is unhappy."

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"It must be because of Consort Wan," the chief guard sighed. "Consort Wan stayed in Hebei, which is several days' journey from the capital. With fast horses and urgent travel, it would take two days to reach, but considering the Emperor's health... If the Emperor wants to see Consort Wan, it would take around fifteen days for a round trip."

The imperial guards sighed. Why wasn't the Emperor hungry? Their stomachs were growling with hunger.

But would they dare to persuade the Emperor again? They didn't dare. If the Emperor couldn't eat, it wasn't something they could advise him on.

The chief guard worried in his heart but followed the usual practice of eating in batches. He instructed a group of people to go and eat first, and he specifically remembered Xue Yuan, who was still recovering from his injuries. "Young Master Xue, you get hungry easily. How about going to eat first?"





Xue Yuan maintained a composed expression and thought to himself, "How could I get hungry so easily?" But to accommodate the chief guard's stupidity, he replied with a condescending tone, "I'll eat last."

His displeasure was evident, and his tone of voice began to resemble his previous demeanor before going to South Jing. The chief guard quickly distanced himself, feeling puzzled.

During the journey back, Gu Yuanbai would usually provide sufficient rest and meal time for the soldiers.

Not far away, groups of soldiers gathered to eat. In addition to the distributed rations and pickled vegetables, the cooks were simmering meat soup. The aroma from the large pot of soup could spread for miles when the spices were plentiful. Although it couldn't compare to the delicacy of the royal meals, the portion was generous.

The soldiers lined up in batches, holding their bowls and chopsticks as they waited for the meat soup. Occasionally, someone would loudly declare, "Give me a ladle of soup with the most meat."

This would prompt laughter from the others, who would then jest, "Remember, everyone! When he finishes his own bowl, let's snatch the meat from his!"

"Leave him with just the clear broth!"


The aroma of the meat soup wafted all the way to the carriage. Gu Yuanbai lifted the curtain and looked outside, observing the soldiers playing and joking in the distance. After watching for a while, he decided to step out of the carriage as well.

The guards who were waiting outside for the next group to go and eat stood upright in astonishment. "Your Majesty?"

Gu Yuanbai rolled up his sleeves and gestured with his chin towards the large pot of food. "Bring me a bowl of meat soup."

A guard hurriedly ran towards the meat soup area, while Gu Yuanbai looked around and found a smooth rock to sit on. 

The guard who went to get the soup ran straight to the front. One of the soldiers in the queue loudly exclaimed, "His Majesty said that during mealtime, the reward silver should be distributed only after maintaining proper order. No one should disregard military regulations. Why did you go straight to the front?"

The guard replied loudly, "Please bear with me, brothers. I'm fetching a portion of meat soup for His Majesty."

The soldiers behind fell silent, afraid of delaying His Majesty's time. The soldier at the front, who was about to receive the soup, quickly protected his bowl and blocked the ladle being handed over by the cook. He hurriedly said, "Serve His Majesty first. I don't want the meat. My portion can all go to His Majesty."

"The meat is enough," the cook said as he tried to serve the soldier, but seeing his vigorous head shaking, he gave up and turned to ask the guard, "Has His Majesty's bowl and chopsticks been brought?"

The guard was taken aback. "I forgot to bring them."

The cook quickly squatted down and rummaged for bowls and chopsticks. After a while, he found a complete bowl without any discoloration or cracks. He washed it several times in clean water before carefully ladling a bowl of meat soup and handing it to the guard with both hands.

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The guard quickly arrived in front of Gu Yuanbai, and the aroma of the meat wafted along. Gu Yuanbai looked down and saw clear broth with slices of ginger and Sichuan peppercorns to remove the gamy flavor. He took a sip and found that it had enough salt and perhaps a hint of vinegar, making it flavorful.

"Not bad," Gu Yuanbai commented. "Go and bring me a big sesame seed bread."

The guard was momentarily stunned, then quickly ran off to fulfill the request.

During the Han Dynasty, panbreads became popular, and they became a staple food during military campaigns in the Tang and Song dynasties. With the increased cultivation of farmland in Da Heng, the people had more food, and two meals a day became three. With sufficient food supply, the variety of dishes expanded, including mature techniques for making sesame seed breads and steamed buns during the Da Heng era.

The military required a large amount of grains, and Gu Yuanbai wondered if his efforts had truly benefited the soldiers.

Seated on a rock, Emperor Gu calmly sipped the meat soup in his bowl. His actions were swift and precise, displaying a clean and neat demeanor. Xue Yuan couldn't help but observe him, noticing that many robust men in the army made rougher movements. Despite his frailty, the young emperor remained poised and graceful.

The guard brought over a bread made in the military style. Gu Yuanbai placed his bowl and chopsticks beside him, tore open the bread, examined its color, and tasted a piece. It was slightly hard and difficult to swallow.

He tore off another piece of the bread and soaked it in the meat soup, making it easier to eat. Gu Yuanbai had gone to great lengths to improve the soldiers' rations, ensuring an adequate supply of salt and meat. Fortunately, these provisions were carefully inspected and implemented at the grassroots level.

He displayed a hint of satisfaction on his face, but he wasn't hungry and couldn't eat any more. Xue Yuan, who was always watching him, spoke up, "Your Majesty, are you full?"

Gu Yuanbai nodded and replied, "I'm full."

Xue Yuan said, "Give it to me, then."

He took the bowl and chopsticks and began eating without any discomfort. In front of everyone's gaze, he soaked the bread in the meat soup. Once the bread absorbed enough water, he used his chopsticks to scoop it up along with the meat, devouring them.

The sound of soup gradually diminished, and in no time, Xue Yuan finished the bowl of meat soup and bread. His expression remained unchanged as he held the bowl and chopsticks, walking towards the back of the long queue, preparing to have another bowl.

Gu Yuanbai felt as though only a few breaths had passed, yet Xue Yuan had already gone far. He fell silent for a moment, then turned to the chief guard and asked, "Haven't you eaten yet?"

The chief guard felt embarrassed and replied, "I haven't eaten yet."

Gu Yuanbai raised his chin towards Xue Yuan and sighed, "Does he always eat like this?"

That half-grown brat is going to eat himself to death. Seeing this, I can only imagine how hungry he must have been at the border.

The chief guard pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that Xue Yuan can't tolerate hunger. Sometimes when he watches you eat, he becomes so hungry that he can't help but salivate."

Gu Yuanbai contemplated this. No wonder there were a few occasions when he noticed Xue Yuan's fiery gaze as he ate.

After lunch, Gu Yuanbai returned to the carriage.

In the afternoon, the wind picked up, causing the carriage to shake uncomfortably. When Tian Fusheng brought the dinner, Gu Yuanbai wanted to eat a little to sustain himself, but his body betrayed him. He had no appetite and felt a bit nauseous.

"I'm not eating," Gu Yuanbai muttered. "I'll eat when I'm hungry."

Having only taken a few bites during lunch and dinner, Tian Fusheng worried. He stepped out of the carriage, hesitated for a moment, and approached Xue Yuan. "Xue Yuan, do you have any way to make His Majesty eat a few mouthfuls?"

Xue Yuan smiled, his impatience evident on his face. "Tian Fusheng, I don't know if it will work, but if it does, I might end up being punished."

Everyone knew that Xue Yuan was still recovering from his injuries. Tian Fusheng frowned and pondered for a moment before biting his lip. "If Xue Yuan really gets punished because of this, I and the other officials will do our best to intercede for you."

Before he finished speaking, Xue Yuan snatched the food box from his hand and leaped onto the carriage.

As the curtain flew up and down, Gu Yuanbai didn't even have a chance to see who had entered before Xue Yuan was already in front of him.

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Xue Yuan's expression darkened as soon as he saw Gu Yuanbai. He reached out and touched Gu Yuanbai's stomach, frowning deeply. "Don't want to eat? Is it because you feel uncomfortable here?"

Gu Yuanbai felt uncomfortable. He pushed Xue Yuan's hand away, furrowing his brows and suppressing his voice. "Get down."

Xue Yuan smiled, bending down. His tall figure completely enveloped Gu Yuanbai in shadow.

In the next moment, Xue Yuan forcibly lifted Gu Yuanbai into his arms. As Gu Yuanbai struggled, Xue Yuan held him against his chest, using his thumb to lightly press on the young emperor's stomach, finding nothing abnormal.

Gu Yuanbai hadn't eaten, and he felt weak. Gathering his strength, he kicked Xue Yuan's thigh and spoke with a suppressed voice filled with anger, "Xue Yuan, do you really want to die? Let me off!"

"You always said that whatever you say is good, and I will listen to you," Xue Yuan lowered his eyes obediently. His actions were not as gentle as his expression. He locked Gu Yuanbai's legs under his own and restrained the young emperor's hands and feet before reaching for the food box with one hand. "But not this time."

He tossed the lid of the box aside and placed the food on the table one by one. He massaged Gu Yuanbai's stomach, knowing that when someone is in a bad mood, they don't feel like eating, and when they don't feel like eating, forcing them won't work.

Before Gu Yuanbai could unleash his anger, Xue Yuan's massage relieved the nausea he was feeling. Surprisingly, he even felt somewhat comfortable. His anger subsided, and he found a comfortable position, using Xue Yuan as a human sofa. He closed his eyes and muttered, "A little higher."

Xue Yuan obeyed and gently massaged Gu Yuanbai. However, he couldn't control his hand, and as he massaged, he had the urge to move upward and massage the heartless conscience of the little emperor.

Does Gu Yuanbai have a conscience? Yes, after all, he remembered to reward Xue Yuan after enjoying himself.

Xue Yuan wanted to please the emperor with intimacy. The difficulty lies in whether this intimacy can reach the emperor.

If that Taoist's talisman works... Xue Yuan sighed.

He, Xue Jiuyao, never expected to be so foolish at times.

But at this moment, the most important thing was for Gu Yuanbai to eat. Xue Yuan focused on massaging his stomach for a while, feeling that it was enough, and moved his hand away. Then he bent down, lowered his body, and pressed his ear against Gu Yuanbai's belly. After listening for a moment, he heard it—gurgling sounds.

Gu Yuanbai also heard the noises in his stomach. He opened his eyes and saw Xue Yuan listening intently to the sounds, seemingly fascinated.

Gu Yuanbai's face twisted slightly. "Xue Yuan?"

Xue Yuan quickly concealed his expression, calmly stood up, and held Gu Yuanbai in his arms, allowing him to lean against his chest. He picked up a bowl of congee and fed Gu Yuanbai.

Although it was called congee, it was as thick as rice. It contained carefully prepared meat strips and vegetables, each ingredient designed to stimulate Gu Yuanbai's appetite to the fullest.

Gu Yuanbai reluctantly took a sip, fearing that he might vomit.

Xue Yuan's palm was placed near his lips, and his eyes never blinked. "Can you eat it?"

The discomfort he felt earlier had subsided considerably. Gu Yuanbai swallowed the congee and replied hoarsely, "Continue."

Xue Yuan was busy. He had to feed Gu Yuanbai and keep his stomach warm. It was rare for Gu Yuanbai to obediently stay in his embrace like this. After feeding him, Xue Yuan found it difficult to let go of his hand.

Gu Yuanbai had half a bowl of congee, and once he felt something in his stomach, he no longer wanted to eat.

Xue Yuan tidied up the things. After Gu Yuanbai felt better and returned to his high and mighty emperor self, he took out a memorial to read casually while saying, "Get out."

Xue Yuan stepped down from the carriage. Before leaving, he suddenly turned back, smiled faintly, and whispered, "Your Majesty, the sound of your hungry stomach is more melodious than that of ordinary people."

With a loud "thud," the memorial landed on the wooden door that Xue Yuan managed to close in time.

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Xue Yuan silently laughed a few times, touched the sword at his waist, and stepped down from the carriage with big strides.

The convoy made its way, and eight days later, they arrived in the capital city.

As they entered the city, Gu Yuanbai looked around and reluctantly noticed that the main roads of the capital had been decorated by craftsmen with colorful paintings and bright fabrics. Groups of scholars gathered on the roadside, occasionally frowning and pondering, composing poems to congratulate the emperor's birthday.

Everywhere there was music and dancing, a scene of prosperity.

The convoy of the summer palace stopped in front of the imperial city gate. The officials stepped out of their carriages and stood beside them, bowing in unison to Gu Yuanbai. Every word spoken by Gu Yuanbai was passed on by eunuchs to the back. When the final order was given, the officials responded in unison and then dispersed, returning to their respective residences.

Chu Wei followed his father, guiding the carriage away. After walking a few steps, he heard a familiar voice from the outside guard soldiers, "Chu Zihu."

Chu Wei turned around and saw his classmate. He smiled and said, "You're here too."

The guard soldier stopped his classmate by the roadside, and Chu Wei walked out of that area before walking together with his classmate.

His classmate glanced back and opened his folding fan, teasing, "Chu Zihu, who used to disdain worldly matters, has now transformed into a high-ranking official from a top scholar."

Chu Wei reminisced about the past, finding it somewhat ironic. He smiled helplessly and said, "I was naive back then."

His classmate was surprised and scrutinized him up and down before saying, "Are you really Chu Wei, Chu Zihu?"

Chu Wei's expression turned cold as he replied, "Why did you come looking for me?"

His classmate let out a sigh of relief and muttered, "This is the Chu Zihu I know."

Chu Wei turned to leave, but his classmate quickly caught up. The coachman of the Chu residence, seeing his young master accompanied by a friend, led Chu Wei's father and mother back home first.

The streets of the capital were bustling with people. Craftsmen were painting colorful decorations, and the onlookers occasionally handed them a few bowls of water while admiring the artwork.

Passing by cheerful craftsmen and encountering several scholars composing poetry, they overheard the discussion about today's "Da Heng National Gazette." The top headline of today's newspaper featured an article about the preparations in various regions for the emperor's birthday.

"I wonder what those local powerhouses are up to," one of the scholars grumbled, "They are making such a big fuss. Are they trying to overshadow our capital city?"

"The 'National Gazette' reports that in one place in Huainan, the common people spontaneously prepared a thousand Kongming lanterns," another scholar chuckled bitterly, "Upon hearing this, the local powerhouses immediately added an additional nine thousand lanterns, symbolizing 'long live.'"

"Now that we have the 'National Gazette,' we realize how vast the world is," the scholars sighed but then became more spirited, "If these regions want to steal our limelight, they'll have to see if we agree or not."

Chu Wei and his classmate exchanged a glance, unable to contain their laughter. They walked past the scholars, and a few children ahead were happily running around with sugar-coated haws. In this lively scene, Chu Wei's classmate suddenly sighed.

"I was the shallow one," his classmate said with a sense of desolation, "The best Da Heng is right in front of me, and the best monarch is waiting for me to serve, yet I was blindfolded by the internal instability of Da Heng."

He chuckled bitterly, "The great danger that I was worried about had already been resolved by the court even before I fully understood it."

Chu Wei smirked and laughed.

He naturally knew how much the court had done during the busy months, but his classmate was not an official and remained unaware. As his gaze swept around, observing the peaceful lives of the people, he felt a lot of emotions. Just then, his classmate spoke.

"I also want to become an official."

He spoke with conviction.

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