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「We will arrive to the next town soon」(Rena)


After the small break, Rena said that while looking at the map.
Of course, because the girl were traveling alot, the map was needed. Otherwise, they would get lost anytime soon.
However, although it’s a map, it isn’t like the one used in modern Japan, nor the world map in Role playing game with many instructions.

Well, this one, ignoring the scale factor, the artist only drew forests and rivers and mountains.
However, people can still easily reach the destination if people proceed on the highway without missing the left and right turn. The map still fulfilled its meaning.

In any case, this is a world that is easy to die by making a mistake. That’s why all travelers have a map.


The morning after that『the cuisine is delicious, but it was an uncomfortable celebration』, the 『Red Oath』went out quickly.
There was nothing left for the 『Red Oath』to do there, and in the first place, the girls couldn’t 『bear』that air any more. Two pairs of couples created their own barriers and spilled『Sweet acid』to the surroundings. On the other side, Meliza’s dark face was un-bear-able.


In the first place, the 4 girls were all cute, but somehow all of them had『History with no boyfriend for age』
Everyone has circumstances: right now Maevis wanted to be ranked A quickly, Rena was aiming for B rank, and Pauline wanted to save money. No one was going to waste time on a boy or the like.
Only Mile was thinking 『It may be good to get a boyfriend soon』

Mile thought that, but, the traveling days was never ceased, and Rena’s interference work was superb.


When the girls wanted to leave, the owner couple repeatedly thanked and invited them but they refused with『we do not intend to earn money with boring work』

The owner couple, and brothers felt disappointed, Rafia and Aryl were a little relieved, Meliza was still dull.

The『Red oath』said their farewell lines and left the town quickly.


「Meliza, I hope she can be happy」(Mile)

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「It’s okay, the owner couple said that they would certainly sniff out the real jobs of good-condition men.
Because she is a young beauty with an inn, … there are lots of guys aiming at her, so if she stop being picky she will get a man soon. You do not need to worry!」(Rena)


Mile and Rena seemed to wish for Meliza’s happiness, which means they felt little close with her.
But one must wonder what were their familiarity.


***And early in the evening.***


Thanks to the Mile’s item box, 『Red Oath』girl had no luggage, were much faster than ordinary hunters. The girls can advance more than 40 kilometers a day. An average traveler can only travel at 30 kilometers at best. But that was for young man; for a girl, the speed is even slower.
The girls could travel with this speed because they had healing and recovery magic.


And the party arrived at the next town a bit early, they headed to the guild branch as usual, confirmed the liaison board and the request board, then took the inn.

There is no big difference between the inn in this town and the price is slightly different, but there seems to be differences in the facilities, dishes, etc, so it depends on personal preference.
Well, this is average for any town.


Three girls: Maevis, Rena and Pauline had dinner at a suitably selected accommodation. They have moved a whole day and got a bit tired, they refreshed with body cleaning magic, and then rested early.

Mile, like usual, was up late.

For the three other girls’ sleeping exactly for eight hours was normal (except during outdoor activities), but for Mile her sufficient sleep is only six hours. Since the previous life, she had such a pattern.

Mile used light magic after casting a shading shield so that the light would not leak outside. She took out the『poor ballpoint pen』which she got by asking the nanomachine and poor quality paper from the item box and started writing.


At first, she tried using a feather pen as everyone in this world used, but since it was troublesome to attach ink every time, she tried to make something like a fountain pen, Pen is caught or ink is caught because paper quality is bad.

Next, she decided to make it simple and solid 『pencil』 but she got irritated because it also got caught on the paper again and she had to scrap her writing every time.

…Mile was too temperamental.

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No, the average Mile was really patient, it was only when she was disturbed by reading and writing, she lost her temper, as if a different person.

That was Mile’s quality.

And finally Mile decided 『It was like-a-ballpoint-pen』
Actually if Mile said『Make a car』, Nanomachines would take it as 『Violation of rules』and wouldn’t accept. However, because Mile know the ballpoint-pen’s mechanism, if she have time, she can produce it in this world even without nanomachine.

So it was not 『making impossible things in this world』, it’s just saving time and effort, so it is okay for nanomachines to make things that can be created within the knowledge of Mile.

So it seemed.
Even now, the boundary is not clear …


Anyway, that’s why Mile continued writing with 『like-a-ballpoint-pen』
But Mile didn’t know whether Orichalcum or Mithril were used in the ball and tip part of the ballpoint pen, it seems that this wasn’t a big problem for nanomachine.
Making high quality paper was above this world technology and would get other attention, so she had to use commercially available ones. It was bad quality and stupid, but only this can’t be helped.
And when the date changed (mid-night), Mile finally got into the bed.


The next morning, after having finished breakfast, the 『Red Oath』party left the inn and headed for the guild.
The girls were planning to go to the capital of this country without any intention of staying in this town. But the girls just wanted to make sure it if there were any good request before going to the capital.
Normally in small towns, some requests with high difficulty, unusual requests, interesting requests etc. were really rare. The girls thought it would be better to go through a small town and head for the capital quickly and stay in the capital for a while.
And, as a result of checking the request board, there was no request which was interesting or a satisfactory quotable as well. And the last merchant group to the capital already left so the girls could not even take escort quest.


「Well, we will be leaving no…」(Rena)

「Oh, please wait a minute!」(Mile)


Mile cut Rena’s words half-way.


「I want to ship something, so please wait for a while」(Mile)

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While saying so, Mile picked up some sort of baggage from the bagpack that she carried on behalf of looking like an average hunter.


「I will finish soon!」


That said, Mile ran toward the reception desk. It’s not a window of orders and completion reports that the girl are familiar with but to the request window.


「I’m sorry, please ship this with a guild regular flight, the destination is the capital of Tyrus Kingdom, this is a delivery request for documents」(Mile)


Yes, that was the 『Delivery request』handled by the guild.
In order to carry luggage to other cities, it is common to carry it by yourself or ask merchants via a commercial guild.
However, if it was important documents or valuable things, people prefer to request transportation by Hunter Guild regular flights. However, it was considerably expensive compared to asking a merchant …


Why are you asking the Hunter Guild if it is expensive?
That is because the safety is overwhelmingly high.
Even if people request on the commercial guild, it was an ordinary merchant to receive it. Some merchants might have bad taste and there was also the possibility that they would be attacked by thieves.
However, the regular service of the Hunter Guild is the main task of carrying guild documents, they rarely carried money so the bandits wouldn’t get anything even if they attack it.


And because it transported important guild documents, this service have enough hunters to escort. In addition, if anyone dared to attack the Hunter Guild’s carriage, it means that they made an enemy out of the Hunter Guild in the whole continent. They’d call in a horde of hunters, without minding profit, from all neighboring countries.

They would rush over the country of incident and all the neighbors, and they will not stop until they catch the criminal and massacre them.

The Hunter Guilds will not forgive those who look down and harm them. Otherwise the same incident will occur again.

『Don’t you dare lay your hands on the Hunter Guild』

In order to engrave this in the minds of criminals, the guilds don’t spare any amount of budget and means.

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That is the Hunter Guild’s quality.


And this transport service hires a lot skilled hunters but it is only one carriage, naturally have limited load capacity. Moreover, unlike a merchant’s carriage, it runs at high speed, so it’s never full loading.
Fast, safe, little load capacity.
It was obvious that the fee charged on board will rise.


「Would you mind waiting a minute?」(Elf-san)


When Mile tried to offer a wrapper to the receptionist, a voice was calling from behind.
When Mile turns towards that voice …


「Eh, elf?」(Mile)


Yes, a slender, tall, curly facial with extended hair, … and a young male with sharp ears.
He is exactly『an elf from the elf』that made everyone think that he is an elf at first sight.


「U wa! It’s an Elf! This is first time I see one!」(Mile)

「Didn’t we already stay together for several days with Doctor Kulereia!」(Rena)


Mile was excited that she forgot about that but Rena remembered it.


「Oh, that’s right …」(Mile)


Because with Mile, Doctor Kulereia‘s ears was removed from the the vision that made her a not-completely elf.

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