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Mile chapter87: Suspicious Man

Kingdom – Forest Village – Hill

“What …” (Old man)

The old man is somewhat angry shouting at the words of the girls.

Of course, Mile had absolutely no intention to give the Wyvern to such a stupid man from the beginning.

She just played a little and hoped that a man accidentally leaked the information.

“But then, he will die!” (Old man)

“It is natural, is it proof of being subjugated …” (Rena)

Rena returned with the most brilliant answer to the old man’s anger voice.

“But I want to take Low … the Wyvern alive!” (Old man)

“So, you should know that if you combine all together. The cost will be no less than 100 gold coins.

Because we won’t get the rewards plus the bonus for captive alive and minus the fee for handling request failure.

Most important, we will lose our evolution points” (Rena)

Just like Rena said, no matter how much money he pays, Rena has no intention of delivering the Wyvern.

Even if it says that a man gives a considerable amount of money, we still refuse because we can’t accept the stigma of the request failure and the loss of credibility.

More important, if the Wyvern attacks the village again, it may kill more people next time.

“Gununununu…” (Old man)

It seems that more than 100 gold coins same with more than 10 million yen in Japanese yen, is too much of what he can effort. The old man thinks desperately.

At that time, Pauline was casual talking like natural with him.

“By the way, what is the cow like thing that grabbed by the Wyvern?” (Pauline)

“Oh, that is a dragon basket I ride, it looks like a cattle caught even if seen by a third person view … … … …” (Old man)

The word which he spoke like bragging suddenly became smaller and cut off halfway.

… There was a fool.

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“Mile, is this one your father?” (Rena)

“What do you mean by that!” (Mile)

Mile raise her voice in protest against Rena.

“This Wyvern, what is it called? Low-something?” (Pauline)

“Low breath” (Old man) (ロブレス: Ro buresu)

The old man reply to Pauline question like bragging.

“Although he can’t be compare with an acient dragon.

He can breath out for the first time, it is rarity as a wyvern, so I give him a name.

A low level of Breath, so I make it short for easy calling『Low Breath』

“Monter Low Breath…” (Mile) (怪鳥ロブレス: Kaichō roburesu)

Compared the child to its parent to name him these days, this old man has been a decent reason for naming. Mile can feel the this old man’s affection for the partner.

Mile was admired obediently.

“I’m telling you, Wyvern isn’t a monster!” (Old man)

“Ah, hi …” (Mile)

Mile got scolded.

“But you’re using a Wyvern to attack people. What is your purpose?”

“Nothing in particularly … ” (Old man)

“Hah?” (Mile + Rena + Pauline + Maevis)

“I said that there is nothing in particular” (Old man)

“Whaaaaaaaat?” (Mile + Rena + Pauline + Maevis)

The answer to the accusation of Mile was too unexpected, the『Red Oath』raise their voice.

“But, it’s attacking the village …” (Mile)

“Any Wyverns would originally attack the village in its territory, right?”

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“U …” (Mile)

Mile couldn’t deny the words of the old man.

“Then, this Wyvern …” (Maevis)

“It’s 『Low Breath』” (Old man)

The old man protest against Maevis’s word. Apparently, he seems to like that name.

“… That『Low Breath』, you are keeping him, right? Are you give him instructions to attack the village …” (Maevis)

“I don’t keep him” (Old man)

“Hah?” (Mile + Rena + Pauline + Maevis)

“As I said, I don’t own『Low Breath』.” (Old man)

“Then, what kind of relationship did you have with 『Low Breath』?” (Pauline)

The man replied graciously to Paulin who unusually shouted loudly.

“He is my friend” (Old man)

“Whaaaaaaaat?” (Mile + Rena + Pauline + Maevis)

“He is a friend of mine, he sometimes carry me with a dragon basket or I heal his injures. We are just friend. Do you think friend have anything to do with other friend eating their meal?” (Old man)

“…” (Mile + Rena + Pauline + Maevis)

The girls were stunned with their mouth open and the old man continues.

“Besides, I asked him not to attack those who didn’t harm him, especially women as much as possible.

If there’re people asked the forest wolf not to attack any people other than those who attack him, especially if the woman

Or asked him not to kill or cause serious injury as much as possible even get attacked, is it still a criminal act?

On the contrary, isn’t the one who attack are at fault?” (Old man)

“…” (Mile + Rena + Pauline + Maevis)


It is outright suspicious and what he says is only a sophistry.

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Even so, you can not catch it as a criminal unless you refute what a man is saying.

If there is no evidence, even if they are caught, they will become criminals on the contrary.

How can we … Three people, Lena, Mevis and Mile have trouble thinking

But Pauline said with a light tone.

“Well then, shall we deliver this 『Wyvern』through the guild?” (Pauline)

“As I said, Robles is my friend …” (Old man)

“Then, What ?” (Pauline)

Pauline emphasizes that it isn’t a name 『Low Breath』 but『Wyvern』, and it is only a monster to us.

“What you said is just『This Wyvern has a human acquaintance』,

what we are doing is simply catching 『A wild Wyvern that attacked a village and killed a lot of hunters and soldiers by request, and hand it over』

And what demand right now is like saying to a police officer who is trying to arrest a murderer 『Don’t catch or punish him because he is a friend of mine』

You are just his friend, you don’t have any responsible for him.”

“Huh … ” (Old man)

As expected of Pauline.

If you say that you aren’t responsible for the Wyvern’s actions, we only have to treat it like that.

Then, Pauline gives a finishing blow.

“It seems tough to carry him alive, we might get injured if it’s on a rampage on the way …

How about give up the extra for captive alive and kill it?

Even if we will get additional amount about 10 gold coins for captive alive, it’s better to eliminate the risk in the middle of transportation. 30 gold coins and a successful addition point of request success are enough, don’t you think?” (Pauline)

Since this man lived as a magician until this age as hermit, he seems to have appropriate knowledge and ability.

However, thinking from the past actions, his social skill is low.

It is already overwhelmingly low.

Rena said “The father of Mile” was too accurate line.

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He probably become like this because he lives his life that have a little exchange with human beings.

As soon as the girls realize that Pauline is planning to fuel the man, Maevis and Rena are giving a helping hand.

“That’s right, it might be a fool to lose everything, regardless of a little additional fee” (Rena)

“Yes, I should do so!” (Maevis)

“Well…!” (Old man)

“Eh, we don’t have to do that, right?” (Mile)

After all, Mile and this man were similar.

“Hmm … apparently you seem to have a kind heart that is different from the other three … 

Your silver hair is really pretty, it’s a disappointing that you only have modest breasts …” (Old man)

“Sh… shut up!” (Mile)

The old man is surprised with Mile suddenly changed attitude, he doesn’t realize that his compliment is a rude remarks.

“Well, you somehow remind me of appearance of Elsie. For being part of the party that captured 『Low Breath』, you must be healthy and strong …” (Old man)

The old man try his best to get on the good side of Mile.

“Well, I will give it to you.

Rejoice, I will use your body for my cute Elsie heart!“ (Mad scientist Wyvern Tamer)

“Just what with that. There’s no reason to be pleased with that!” (Mile)

Screaming Mile.

Rena, Maevis and Pauline standing still on the rapid expansion of the story.

And『Low Breath』are somewhat relieved, thinking that the topic have separated from himself.

Translator’s Note:

These Wyvern chapters from now are plain stupid, I wonder where did the Author refer it from.

2 more chapter for this stupid old man that I want to kill right away.

Please hang in there. Only 2 more chapter and we will begin new arc.


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