Jiang Zhi Zhou remained calm: "Don't worry, they didn't see."

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  Xia Wei looked at him with hope for awhile before asking: "Is there a camera in the elevator?"

  ......There is.

  "The security guards aren't always staring at the surveillance camera, no worries."

  Xia Wei: "..."

  Her nerves weren't made out of steel!

  "Is this part of your secret plan to have me move in with you?"

  Jiang Zhi Zhou froze. "Was that actually possible?! I've learnt something new!"

  Xia Wei: "..."

  "Anyway, I was already planning to move into the guest bedroom."

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  Xia Wei: "Why?"

  "Now that you're in the guest bedroom, I'm all alone in the master. When I went to bed, I stared at the ceiling and felt strangely empty."

  Xia Wei: "..."

  Did you have X-Ray vision or something?

  Jiang Zhi Zhou had it all planned out. "I can move my stuff over pretty quickly, so I'll just get it after work today. What about inviting your friend to dinner tomorrow?"

  "...well, but you don't have to move to the guest bedroom?"

  "Yes I do."

  "......" Sure.

  Jiang Zhi Zhou had always been an efficient man. He slept in the second bedroom that night. Though there was no attached bathroom and the room was smaller, he endured. Every time he thought of how she was right above him, he felt very happy and satisfied. For this kind of satisfaction, a little inconvenience is nothing.

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  But he should still buy the new house as soon as possible and begin renovating.

  The next night, Tian Tian really walked out of working overtime and came to Tian Xia Restaurant on Jiang Zhi Zhou's invitation. She had seen photos of him that Eight Treasures posted in the group before, so she knew that he didn't look too bad, but after seeing him in real life, she felt like Eight Treasures' camera must have been truly awful.

  For her part, Xia Wei felt awkward. Although she had had several boyfriends, she had never before introduced one to her friends. Fortunately, Jiang Zhi Zhou took it all very naturally, putting her at ease.

  Tian Tian was glad for Xia Wei. For her to meet such an person as Mr. Jiang, she must be very happy.

  Halfway through, Xia Wei went to the bathroom, leaving only Tian Tian and Jiang Zhi Zhou in the private room. Tian Tian looked at the man sitting across from her and smiled at him. "Mr. Jiang, I heard Xia Wei say that you invited me here today as thanks for hiding her love letter, but it seems to me that I should thank you instead."

  "Why would you say so?"

  "It was very childish of me to have hidden Xia Wei's letter, and I've been blaming myself for it for a long time. But now that I see you with her, I can relax and comfort myself. Perhaps in the past I hid this letter just so she would meet you ten years later? Haha, isn't that pretty romantic?"

  Although Tian Tian was grinning, her face gradually sobered up and her eyes were extraordinarily serious as she looked at Jiang Zhi Zhou. "Maybe I'm in no position to say this, but as a close friend of Xia Wei, I truly hope that she can find happiness. She's really worked hard and wants to see the end with you. I hope that you will always treat her well and never let her down."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou had not expected her to say this. Although he felt that his feelings for Xia Wei did not require him to make promises to others, he still nodded to Tian Tian. "I will."

  After dinner, Xia Wei wanted to go shopping with Tian Tian for a while, so Jiang Zhi Zhou returned home first. Sunshine and Tangerine were both there, and some of the advertisements he had placed on the table were now mysteriously scattered all over the floor of the living room.

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  He took off his coat with a smile, walking over to pat the dog's head: "Was it you who did this?"

  "Woof!" Sunshine wagged his tail innocently, and glanced over at Tangerine, whose back was coolly turned. Tangerine turned his head and gave him an oblique stare.

  "Woof..." Sunshine's momentum instantly weakened by quite a lot.

  Jiang Zhi Zhou glanced at Tangerine before bending to pick up the sheets of paper on the ground.

  "Woof woof."

  Sunshine, who was still watching, wagged his tail. Jiang Zhi Zhou ruffled his fur with a smile and said, "Your mother will be back later. Shall we go for a walk when she gets home?"

  "Woof!" Upon hearing the magic word "walk", Sunshine's spirits instantly returned.

  Jiang Zhi Zhou tapped the papers a bit to straighten them out and placed them back on the table. Although it had been messed up somewhat, he had fortunately already finished reading. They were the houses that he had been looking at, and he rather liked several of them. He had been thinking of taking Xia Wei to scope them out sometime.

  The phone on the table rang. Had Xia Wei finished shopping so soon? Only after picking it up did he find that it was a call from his aunt, who hadn't contacted him for quite a long time.

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  He held the phone in his hand for a while before accepting the call. "Good evening."

  "Good evening," his aunt's voice sounded awkward. "Zhi Zhou, last time you said that you didn't want to go on any blind dates for the time being. It's been awhile, have you changed your mind?"

  Jiang Zhi Zhou had also guessed that since he hadn't participated in any blind dates during this time, certain elders must be anxious. However, he no longer had any intention to go on any blind dates. "Aunt, you don't need to introduce me to any more ladies. I've a girlfriend now."

  He didn't know if Xia Wei would approve of telling his family just yet, but it was time to make it clear to them.

  His aunt was dazed for a moment. She hadn't expected him to admit it so coolly. In fact, not long after Jiang Zhi Zhou had returned from S City, she had heard through the grapevine that he was already dating someone. Jiang Zhi Zhou's mother had also been incredulous at first, but when she later learned that Man Man had said something similar, she began to wonder if there was some truth to it.

  The two had discussed it and decided to have his aunt test the waters. She had originally thought that it might take some effort to get the truth out of Jiang Zhi Zhou, but he had spilled it all by himself.

  "This..." His aunt calmed down and asked, "How could you get a girlfriend but not mention it to your family?"

  Jiang Zhi Zhou replied: "I didn't want to introduce her to you before the relationship stabilized."

  The wheels in his aunt's mind were turning very fast. So the relationship had stabilized? She smiled widely and asked, "Well, whose daughter is she? When will you bring her home to introduce us?"

  Jiang Zhi Zhou thought for a moment. "Let me first discuss this with her. I'll let you know after we make a decision."

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