Though girls are sometimes more malicious than men, girls also get their own special forms of happiness – like retail therapy.

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  Apart from eating, what could one of the most enjoyably girlish activities be but to acquire a bounty of lovely items and dress up beautifully! Xia Wei and co. strolled casually around the Starlight Department Store and came looking brand new from head to toe.


  "Whoever said that tan skin can't be beautiful was wrong! Seriously, just look at that. I'm as gorgeous as a fairy!" Eight Treasures stood at the door of the Starlight Department Store, still admiring her new skirt in the full-length mirror. Xia Wei couldn't help but take a selfie next to her. Her own heels and skirt were also brand new. Even the silk scarves around her neck had been tied by a guide from the dream wardrobe department.


  Although troubles and anguish abound in life and society is unfriendly to women, when she looked at her beautiful self Xia Wei felt like even in the next life, she'd still want to be a girl!


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  The four indulged in their own beauty for awhile, attracting the eyes of numerous bystanders, and finally walked away with their hands linked. The number of heads they turned along the way was uncountable, and several people almost fell over themselves.


  When they were almost at Tian Xia Restaurant, Xia Wei gave Jiang Zhi Zhou a call and he came down to meet them. Although Twiggy owned the apartment above him, it was the first time the two had met in person. "Hello, Mr. Jiang. It's nice to finally meet you."


  She studied him carefully. He was more handsome in real life than in the photo previously taken by Eight Treasures, and excellent in both temperament and dress. He looked like a man with self-restraint.


  Jiang Zhi Zhou shook hands with her politely and said with a smile, "Twiggy, isn't it? Thank you for having Xia Wei in your home." He owed these girlfriends a lot for their roles in bringing him and Xia Wei together.


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  "You're welcome. Our Xia Wei is a girl with many problems, so for you two to have found each other, should we say it's like... two birds of a feather?"


  "..." Xia Wei looked at her, speechless. "Is this what they talk about when you've been abroad so long you can no longer speak Chinese?"


  Eight Treasures laughed, "Actually, I thought it was pretty well-said."


  Jiang Zhi Zhou didn't take their ridicule to heart and invited them all in. Xia Wei looked at him, puzzled, as he brought them to a different elevator. Curious, she asked, "I didn't know there was an elevator here. It's not the one we usually take."


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  Jiang Zhi Zhou explained, "This is a private entrance for VIPs. There are a few celebrities who come here for dinner. Since there are more people today, our usual private rooms are pretty booked up, and I can only bring you to the VIP sections."


  "So that's it!" Xia Wei nodded. "Which celebrities come here?"


  Jiang Zhi Zhou thought for a moment, "A lot of the ones you see on TV. There's a production crew here right now for a meal."


  "A production crew! Could we peek?" Eight Treasures looked at him hopefully.


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  Jiang Zhi Zhou replied, "I'm afraid not."


  Eight Treasures pursed her lips and glanced over at Twiggy, "I've heard that Film Emperor Mo often comes here to eat."


  The corner of Twiggy's mouth twitched. "Yes, yes, I know you went to see his concert, you met him in person, next please!"


  "Hmmmm~" Eight Treasures smugly hummed a couple notes.


  Upon arriving at the VIP room, they felt like they had stepped into a whole new world. The tiny room they usually ate at suddenly felt so shabby! The waiter was already standing by the door, and when he saw Jiang Zhi Zhou leading them over, he quickly began filling the table with dishes. Jiang Zhi Zhou handed the menu to them and said, "I've already taken the liberty of putting in an order for some of Tian Xia Restaurant's signature dishes, and there are a few that Xia Wei loves to eat here as well. If anything else on the menu catches your eye, please feel free."

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