Jiang Zhi Zhou and Xia Wei rushed to the kindergarten, but before they got there Jiang Cheng Yue called again, letting them know that Man Man had been found.

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  "The auntie who takes care of her called. She was found in the park near the school."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. "Was she hurt?"

  "No, but she's in a very bad mood. I spoke to her over the phone, and she was crying."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou frowned. "Did you ask her why she ran away?"

  Jiang Cheng Yue sighed. "I haven't asked. I've been too busy comforting her."

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  Jiang Zhi Zhou thought for a moment before asking, "Now that Man Man has been found, will you still be coming back?"

  "Since I'm already at the airport, I will. I'll be boarding soon." Though his work in S City was not yet complete, he had just been on the phone with Man Man and felt uneasy about her unstable mental state.

  "When you get home, spend more time with Man Man. We're incredibly fortunate that nothing happened this time. Let's not let this happen again."

  "I know. I have to board now, see you later."


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  When Xia Wei saw Jiang Zhi Zhou end his call, she asked, "What happened? Was Man Man found?"

  "Yes. She isn't in any danger."

  "Why did she run away?"

  "I don't know." Jiang Zhi Zhou furrowed his brow. Man Man was still very young, and her parents often neglected her. It was very bad for her. "I'll talk to her later."

  He turned into the next intersection, in the direction of their apartment. When he got home, he clicked on a penguin icon on his computer and finding Man Man online, sent a video request.

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  "Little uncle." Man Man, holding a plush toy, sat on the bed, her eyes red as if she had just cried. Xia Wei leaned in alongside. When Man Man saw her on the screen, she called, "Little aunt."

  "Hello, lovely Man Man." Though afraid of scaring her, Jiang Zhi Zhou asked, "Why did you run away from kindergarten today? We were all so scared."

  Man Man flattened her lips, and tears rose up again. "Today I saw a man who looked like Daddy... I thought Daddy was here to pick me up..."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou felt a pang in his heart, and was at a loss for what to say. Man Man looked at him, hurt visible in her eyes. "I don't want Auntie to pick me up. I want Daddy."

  "Daddy is coming by plane and will be home soon."

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  "Man Man doesn't care about Daddy anymore. Daddy doesn't want Man Man."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou saw the tears in her eyes and quickly comforted her. "How can Daddy not want you? Today, when you ran out of kindergarten, did you know how worried your father was?"

  Jiang Man Man pursed her lips and said nothing. Jiang Zhi Zhou tried again. "Man Man, be good now. Little uncle will pick you up another day and make you something delicious."

  "Okay. But little aunt has to come along too, so I can pretend that it's Mommy and Daddy picking me up."

  Jiang Man Man's childish words hit hard. Even after the video call ended, Jiang Zhi Zhou was still distressed. He hugged Xia Wei tight and buried his head on her shoulders. In a muffled voice, he promised her, "In the future, I'll care for our daughter with my whole heart, and will never let her become like Man Man."

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