Chapter 8: Happy Break Up — So she only wants romance, not sex?

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Starlight General Merchandise had five floors dedicated to food. There was also Dessert Heaven downstairs, also known as Foodie’s Paradise. Fang Wan and Jiang Zhi Zhou decided to buy something to eat at a dessert parlour after the movie was over, treating it as tomorrow’s breakfast. “Do you know if any dessert parlours are open right now?”

Jiang Zhi Zhou looked at the time—it was already a bit past 9 o’clock. “All the dessert parlours are like department stores; they close at 10:00PM. At this time though, there shouldn’t be a lot of things left.”

Fang Wan realized that he was right. Dessert parlours had always been a very prosperous business, and the popular desserts were even more difficult to buy. Although, the desserts that are sold at the dessert parlours had all been personally selected by the CEO of Yu Zhi, so there was no need to worry about buying something that was unpalatable. She smiled at Jiang Zhi Zhou and decided, “I still want to go take a look. Even if I casually picked something, there isn’t anything in the dessert parlour that would be unappealing.”


Jiang Zhi Zhou accompanied her into the dessert parlour. He had come here many times, but this time definitely had the least amount of customers. Every display counter in the dessert parlour was practically empty, and of the selections that were not sold out, only one or two pieces remained. In addition, they were being bought very quickly by the departing customers.

“There still seems to be thousand layer cake.” Fang Wan’s good eyes caught sight of the sole piece of thousand layer cake displayed in the case. Although she didn’t like durian fruit, the mango inside it offset her dislike.

She walked up, wanting to buy the cake, but a young boy’s voice rang out from the side. “I want to buy this thousand layer cake.”

Fang Wan felt that this voice was somewhat familiar, but what she cared more about at the moment was that he was fighting with her over the cake. “I came here first.” She tilted her head to look askance at him, and the boy raised his head to look at her as well.

Their gazes clashed, and for a moment, both seemed to be stunned.

“Wan Wan, it’s you.” The boy revealed a smile to her, as if he was meeting her again after a long period of separation. Fang Wan’s complexion, though, became unsightly.

“I didn’t expect to run into you here—what a coincidence.” The boy was completely ignorant to her worry. His gaze slid over to Jiang Zhi Zhou beside her. “Yi, this is your new boyfriend? Very handsome! But I always thought you liked them younger. Did your preferences change nowadays?”

Fang Wan: “…”

She currently wanted to stuff the thousand layer cake into his mouth.

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“Why haven’t you bought anything yet?” A young girl walked over in confusion, her gaze shifting to the three individuals surrounding the display case.

The boy replied, “Oh, I ran into my ex-girlfriend.”

Fang Wan: “…”

The girl’s gaze fell onto her body in passing, giving her a once-over. “You previously liked this kind of older sister?”

“Haha, older sisters are mature and reliable.” Once the boy said this, he glanced back at Fang Wan. “You wouldn’t fight with us over this thousand layer cake, right? Then I’ll be taking it.”

After he and the girl left, Fang Wan didn’t dare to look at Jiang Zhi Zhou’s face. In order to smoothly develop a relationship with Jiang Zhi Zhou, she really had lied. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe that one inevitable day her lies would be exposed, but she didn’t expect this day to come without warning like this.

“That…” In the end, she summoned her courage and begun to explain, “I’m sorry, that really was my ex-boyfriend just now.”

Jiang Zhi Zhou was silent for a while before saying, “I understand. I’ll go home first tonight. Be careful on the way back.”

Fang Wan stared after his departing figure and very much wanted to open her mouth to call out for him to stop, but she didn’t have the confidence to do so.


When Jiang Zhi Zhou started his car and left Starlight Plaza, Xia Wei and Ye Kai were walking on the sidewalk. That evening, Ye Kai had asked her out to the movies. It was a new romance movie, so the theater room was practically filled with couples.

“My younger sister recommended a dessert parlour to me. She said it had very delicious sweets. Next time, I’ll take you to try some.”


The two of them chatted the entire day, unconsciously walking back to Xia Wei’s residential neighborhood.

“I’m here.” This time, Xia Wei didn’t invite him out for another stroll, waving farewell instead. “See you again next time.”

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“Mn…” Ye Kai watched as she turned around with the intention of leaving, and, as if he was summoning all of his courage, he suddenly called out for her to stop. “Wait!”

Xia Wei turned her head to look at him. “Is there something else?”

“That…” Even though it was night, Ye Kai’s ears were rapidly turning an especially eye-catching red. “I, I like you. I’m wondering if you are willing to have, as a precursor to marriage, an official relationship with me?”

Xia Wei was stunned. She stared at the man standing there in the dim light of the night, his bashful face flushed completely red. For a moment, she didn’t know how she should reply to him. Ye Kai nervously gazed at her as if he was waiting for an important verdict. Xia Wei pondered for a good while before saying in a slightly abstruse tone, “I’m sorry…”

Ye Kai’s heart suddenly sunk. He asked with a bit of anxiety, “Was it because I missed our last date?”


“Then was it because I wanted to kiss you previously? That incident, I…”

“Also not that,” Xia Wei interrupted him. “It’s my own problem. I’m sorry, I think it is currently impossible for me to completely accept affection from a man…”

Ye Kai was slightly stunned as he tried to determine what she meant. “If you think it’s going too fast, I can wait for you…”

“I don’t want to waste your time.” Xia Wei inhaled deeply. “Before you, I had two boyfriends. At first, it all went well, but ultimately because I was absolutely unable to accept their excessive intimacy, we broke up… I don’t know how to speak of this problem. In short, I don’t want to harm you again. I’m sorry!”

Once she finished speaking, she quickly entered the neighborhood and ran home.

Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: 「I think I’m a really good slag…」

Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: 「?? Don’t tell me you just realized now??」  

Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: 「『smile』」

Not Losing 5kg Not Changing Name: 「What did you do this time?」

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Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: 「Ye Kai just confessed to me, asking if he could court me and to officially be together with him. I refused…」  

Not Losing 5kg Not Changing Name: 「…」  

Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: 「Very good woman『smile』You once again toyed with a young man’s feelings『smile』」  

Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: 「…QAQ I also feel very sad. QAQ Today he took me on a movie date. From beginning to end, I was worried that he would suddenly hold my hand or possibly suddenly kiss me or something. I didn’t even watch the plot carefully. QAQ Fortunately he was well-behaved the entire time. But if we get officially together, he’ll want to kiss me or hug me. I’ll avoid, and then I would hurt his heart even more QAQ」

Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: 「… I don’t know what I should say. Twiggy, you go」  

Not Losing 5kg Not Changing Name: 「Although this isn’t the first time you fell ill, I still need to ask, are you sure you really like him? When you like a person, you cannot help but want to be more intimate with him. How can you want him to remain distant?」

Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: 「I like. QAQ And I’m very happy talking with him, plus my heartbeat would always speed up whenever I see him」  

Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: 「I think rather than liking him, you like romance? You want a handsome boyfriend to keep you company, coax you into happiness, the feeling of fleeting enjoyment, blushing, and racing heartbeats, but you don’t want him to touch you. Woman, you are very wonderful!『claps』」  

Not Losing 5kg Not Changing Name: 「…No, I think if there was such a man, a regular woman would be eager for him to touch her.『facepalms』Especially an older, single lady—very thirsty『facepalm while crying』」      

Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: 「So she only wants romance, not sex?」

Not Losing 5kg Not Changing Name: 「…Who’d have thought that a 27 year old older woman with three boyfriends would still be a virgin?」

Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: 「Don’t know if I should feel sorry for her or her boyfriend…」  

Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year 「… 『Armstrong Hurricane Storm Tears.jpg』」

Invincible Little Sweetie: 「I think since you also like him, you don’t need to refuse so urgently? Perhaps it will get better after interacting for awhile?」  

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Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: 「But he wants to be with me with the intentions of marriage. Such a tactless and impulsive person like me dating him… I feel that I’m doing him wrong QAQ」  

Invincible Little Sweetie: 「pats」  

Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: 「You might be unsuited for dating…」  

Unsuited for dating? … Xia Wei’s turned off her phone with a weary heart. This problem she had also thought of. After her first relationship failed, she had already begun having doubts. She envied that fat orange cat downstairs, who was very happy as long as it was fed daily. How could it have such secular worries?

She decided to practice dancing, making a racket to annoy that Mr. Jiang downstairs.


Today Jiang Zhi Zhou’s mood was also particularly bad, and then he happened to unfortunately hear pa—ta— sounds from the floor above him. He found his phone to be on the table and was about to dial property management to file a complaint when Fang Wan’s name suddenly flashed onto his screen.

He stared at his phone for a moment and then accepted the call. “Hello.”

“Hello, you haven’t gone to sleep yet, right?” Fang Wan asked softly.

“No. What do you want?”

“Mn…In regards to today’s incident, I’m very sorry.” Fang Wan had thought for a long time and still felt that she should clearly explain things to him. “I previously had a boyfriend still in college. At that time, I thought that he was young, handsome, and energetic and felt that being together with him would make me seem young as well. After dating him for a while, though, I felt that I hadn’t found a boyfriend—it was like I had found a son. At first I found the fact that he depended on me for everything very cute, yet a long while later, I realized that I still wanted to find a man to take care of me. I’m normally very busy because of work, and after work, I would still have to take care of him. If something caused me grievances at work, I would be completely unable to speak of it with him… After we broke up, my family began setting me up on blind dates. I originally intended to refuse, but upon seeing your photograph, my heart was tempted.”

Jiang Zhi Zhou didn’t speak from beginning to end. Fang Wan exhaled lightly and continued, “I truly like you a lot, so despite the matchmaker saying you didn’t accept women with prior romantic experience, I still wanted to try. I’m very sorry. I deceived you because I really didn’t want to lose the opportunity to meet you just because I previously had a boyfriend…”

“I understand. You don’t need to apologize. This incident is my own problem.” Jiang Zhi Zhou finally opened his mouth to speak.

His reply seemingly gave Fang Wan a last ray of hope. “So, is it still possible for us?”

Jiang Zhi Zhou was silent for a moment before ultimately saying, “I’m sorry.”

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