Alright, my work here is done. Time to withdraw!

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(Kaoru) 「Well then, I have finished my business here, so I’ll be off now…」

(Drivell) 「Please wait! If you leave without us doing something, the face of Drivell family will turn bad! By all means, I have to give you our gratitude with something!」

I was desperately stopped by the baron. Well, that’s as expected, right~

I would like to prevent breaking the edge this time as well, since it seems like his true intention is really just want to give his gratitude. Okay then, let’s go with 『a modest gratitude that won’t burden the giver』.

And also, forbid him to speak about me.


(Kaoru) 「Okay then, first of all, promise me that you will never tell the others about me. It’s a bother to be coiled around with rude and poor-hearted people. I don’t like to destroy a kingdom that much, you know.

……but Celes probably doesn’t bother at all, though.」

(Drivell) 「Y-y-ye-ye-yes, I swear to the goddess!」

Arya~ he’s getting cold feet this much.

……as expected, huh? There are several myths which Celes destroyed a kingdom. Also, it’s seriously a true story due to the fact that a part of the scar still remains on this continent.


(Kaoru) 「Next, uhh, let’s go with some information instead of rewards.」

(Drivell) 「……information?」

The baron has a puzzled look.

Yeah, well, he might be wondering what kind of information the angel would like to know.


(Kaoru) 「Are there any seriously sick or injured people in this kingdom’s royal family as of currently?」

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The baron seems to understand the intention in my question.

(Drivell) 「T-there’s none, neither the royalty nor duke family have such a person now. …but if it is being kept extremely as a secret by them, we won’t even know about it…」

Yup, it’s because he’s a baron, right…

Unless he seriously investigate and pinpoint it, he won’t get the confidential information from above. It’s probably the result of working quite hard that he got the information of 『Angel-sama』 and potion.


(Kaoru) 「Well then, how about below the marquis family?」

(Drivell) 「There’s some of them. An old-age former owner who handed over the family to his son, a daughter who has a weak constitution, someone who was injured in an accident during skirmish with another fief, someone who suffered from lung disease, and so on…. If I also include the lower class nobles, life peers, and their relatives, there will be a fair amount of people even though they are nobles.」

As expected….


(Kaoru) 「Well then, if those people ask you why your son’s illness got better and order you to introduce the doctor, what would you do?」

Yes, that’s a bit of a worry. Perhaps the baron will keep the secret, but if that happens, there won’t be any excuse for him.


(Drivell) 「No, there won’t be any problem with that. It’s already a well-known fact that I have widely sought for medicines and doctors, and it is also known that I have been caught by swindlers many times.

Hence, if I say that one of them worked, they won’t know which one, and no one knows about the doctors who has come here. And just to make it sure……」

Having said that, The baron looked at my eyes and said with a serious look.


(Drivell) 「Please say it to me,『If someone force you to tell the secret and found out about me, the first thing I would do is killing him and his family. Hearing them out will come later』……

No, there really is no need for Angel-sama to be like that. However, with that, I can just say to them 『I was told so』.」


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What is up with that!? How am I supposed to ask if I have already killed them!?

In the first place, since all the injured and sick people will be dead, there won’t be any need for the angel’s turn or 『Goddess’ tears』, you know!

But well, indeed, the problem will be gone, though……


(Drivell) 「There’s no need to worry. In the first place, I will never give up in this matter, hence there’s no need for Angel-sama to actually kill someone.」

……in this matter? That’s just like you’re assuming that I killed a lot in other matters then!? Hey hey……

Did you think I’m the same as Celes because she has done it a lot? I won’t snap at every kingdoms just because it pissed me a bit, you know!

……wait, haven’t I destroyed once? No no no, I just overturned that kingdom’s system! It doesn’t mean that the whole citizens were killed by me and I destroyed the kingdom. I’m different from Celes, you know! Different!


Oh well, don’t worry about small things!

(Kaoru) 「Fine. Well then I will say it, 『If someone force you to tell the secret and found out about me, the first thing I would do is killing him and his family. Hearing them out will come later』. Is this all right?」

(Drivell) 「Yes, thank you very much!」


Alright, my business is now finished. Mission Complete.

(Kaoru) 「Well then, I will be-……」

(Drivell) 「Please wait!」

There’s more!?


(Drivell) 「Please take this as our gratitude at least!」

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Having said that, he gave a small-sized leather bag that looks heavy. It’s probably that thing, the one that they had put some gold coins in and labeled, 『It’s for the reward!』 and was passed to everyo-………wait! that thing was for me!?

But, when did you prepare thi-……wait! there’s a butler-like person who is standing behind the baron!

When did he appear!?!


However, he’s a low-class noble and seems to have spent a lot of money on his son’s illness.

Even if it’s a low credible story and understood that there won’t be any effect, he continued to take out money while hoping for a result, probably……

I will feel guilty to put more burden on their finance as I have no trouble with the money at all.


(Kaoru) 「No, I won’t receive that. What I want is just a little grati-……wait! That’s it!」

When I received the presented leather bag, I untied the strap and put the contents on the table…..

(Kaoru) 「Aah~ this leather~! The one that I have wished for, 『a reward bag to put gold coins inside』!! This! is it okay if I take this?」

(Drivell) 「Eh? S-sure……」

The baron has his mouth wide-opened.

But I don’t care about that!

This feel of leather is the best!

Is this deer’s back skin?

Or is it some sort of monster’s skin so that it can be sold cheaply?

Anyway, this 『gratitude』 is already enough. For me, it’s a lot better than wearing a chanel bag!

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No, of course I understand that I could just ask anyone where to find the person who sell leather bags.

But I want to cherish this 『encounter』.

Well, there’s also a possibility that he could not think of anything to give to me in return, though.

Okay, this time, let’s withdraw!




When I left the barony, everyone had already been waiting for me. This time, it’s a full cast of fighters, Francette, Roland, and Emile.

Bell who could kill one by one with a knife in exchange for her own life is not recognized as a fighter. Hence, she’s staying together with Riette-chan at the store.

Of course, everyone won’t be near me. If they do such a thing, no matter how much I disguise, there won’t be any point and my identity will be exposed. Thus, until I put off the disguise at an unpopular place, they need to take a distance from me and pretend to not know each other.


Of course, I was waiting for something unexpected in the barony. But in this world, I think that there are not many people who could interfere with me.

What I meant as interfere is that they will try to use me.

They think I’m an angel and Celes will get angry if someone uses me.

Celes gets angry quite easily and has no resistance to kill humans. The people of this world also know it as there’s already an example and a fresh scar that still remains on this continent.


Yeah, no way~

Using force is no way~

Now then, I have to go back quickly and prepare our dinner.

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