(Kaoru) 「Now, let us hear thou wish…」

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(Carlos) 『M-my wish….? T-that, that is…』

(Kaoru) 「That is?」

(Carlos) 『Young miss! That is to save young miss!!』

As expected, huh……


And then, Carlos talked about himself.

That he was a riding horse of an aristocrat family.

When he was 5 years old, the nobleman and his wife had a second child who is second only to the eldest son.

Ten years later, the mild-mannered Carlos who has a long experience as a riding horse was appointed to the young lady who is now the eldest daughter in the family. The reason being was probably that he would not run excessively as he was already too old…


A 15-year-old horse is already regarded as a quite old horse.

He saw the 10-year-old human girl as his own child or grandson as he himself doesn’t have any children and was also not a breeding horse.

It was the calm old days which perhaps indicates that this was his last duty as a riding horse for a noble girl who was raised as a gentle child. Like this, their time will flow quietly until he reaches his final time.

……is what he had thought.

Until that day!


When the girl turned 14 years old and Carlos was 19 years old, a carriage that carried the whole family was attacked. The parents and eldest son died, except for the young girl who was house-sitting at that time.

The grandparents had already gone, and the only surviving girl was now living in the house together with the girl’s father’s younger brother, in other words, her uncle who said, 「My brother told me to take care of his daughter in case of an emergency」 and he then proceed to force the girl to marry him.

She fully obeyed him if it was for her father’s dying wish.

However one day, Carlos was together with the girl in his stable and saw that man passes through.

And then, the two horses near him murmured in astonishment.

(Horse) 『…he was the one who instructed those assailants…』

Carlos heard that.

(TL Note: (?) Carlos will remember that. )

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Clearly with his own two ears.


After the family died, the young miss told him the details of every matters.

For a long time, whether the other part understands it or not, she always told him everything by monologues.

(Young Miss) 「Hey, Carlos. I don’t like everything about Uncle, but if it’s father’s will, I will marry him and protect this house. Carlos, you have always been with me, so you can’t leave me alone, okay?…」

(TL Note: Why is there an onion here…?)

The young miss’ words floated up in his mind while I was brushing his mane.

That was a very difficult wish from an already old and short-lived horse.

However, Carlos wanted someone to respond to his wish no matter what.

Blood rushes to Carlos’ head.

A burning sensation as if the blood in his body would boil.

And on the contrary, there’s a heavy and cold unpleasantness much like rotten intestines.



And again, anger.


He had attempted to kill the man when he came to the stable alone, but failed to do so and was brought here by strangers in the next day.

Perhaps the kindness of the people here had given him a chance to spend his last moment in this place. But unfortunately, it will soon come to an end and he’s scared about that fact.


However, If there is still a spirit even after death.

If you can curse and kill humans with anger and hatred.

If there are demons and devils in this world.

『……I, shall turn into an evil spirit just to kill one human with my curse!』


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(Kaoru) 「……」


It was heavy…….

However, what I could say is only a few words.

(Kaoru) 「Leave it to me. That grudge, do you want to clear it?…….」

……not good. If it’s like this, I will be like an Evil God instead of a Goddess.


After Carlos skillfully bent his legs and prostrated, we went back to everyone’s place and reported the results to Ed.

Of course, since it is in horse language, Francette and the others could not understand us.

The word of that report was,

『Vengeance is mine.』

This is not a quote from a famous movie title. Instead, it was from the verse of the New Testament, meaning that 『The one who give retributions to the wicked is not the humans, but instead it’s the God’s role』.

(TL Note: “Vengeance is Mine” (1979 Japanese film))

(Kaoru) 「Okay, everyone! Laugh!」

If they start to bow down or take a strange attitude here, leaving out Francette or Emile and the others, Roland who is quite sharp will suspect something from us. Hence, just like before, this is to make it seem like an idle talk.


(Kaoru & Horses) 『『『Buhihihihi~n!!』』』

The three of us laughed together, except for Ed’s wife and daughter.

(Francette & Roland) 「「…………」」

I completely ignored Francette and Roland’s reproachful gaze.


After that, everyone was planning to deepen their relationship with the horses and I was going to go to the office where the chief administrator is. Nobody said that they want to come when I told them that it will be a meeting about tending the horses and the fee payment.

Well, there shouldn’t be any danger lurking around me and everyone also want to take their time with their riding horse, so it’s natural.

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And thanks to that boring matter as the reason, I can get straight to my real motive.



(Kaoru) 「Please sell the old horse named Carlos to me!」

(Chief) 「Eh……?」

Yup, if I leave it as it is, I won’t know when will Carlos be disposed of. Thus, I should buy him now for security sake.

As he is already a 19-year-old old horse, that is around an 80-year-old human, he shouldn’t be that expensive.


(Chief) 「He’s a mild-mannered and smart horse but, he’s quite old, you know?」

(Kaoru) 「I know that, hence I would like Carlos to spend his old days coming into contact with humans rather than manual labor….until his last day, that is…」

The chief administrator opened his eyes slightly as if he was surprised and lowered his head.

(Chief) 「…By all means, please do so…」


He should have known that I’m a customer who is willing to spend money for horses as I had paid them extra charge for Ed and the others. Additionally, I’m also a wealthy customer who deposited five riding horses individually. It’s only natural for him to be courteous towards such important customers.

……However, apparently it seems that this is not the only reason.

The work of an animal caretaker has various difficulties. Excluding the business office in the middle of the city, he, who plans to still be working even in his old age in this actual spot at the city outskirts, probably likes animals in general, including horses.

And, he could only be glad to hear that an old horse that just waiting to be disposed of, was taken care by a rich and horse-loving young girl and will bring happiness to the old aged horse.

Alright, he seems to become less tense, now’s the chance!


(Kaoru) 「Could you tell me about Carlos’ whole story?」

(Chief) 「Yes, the truth is, he used to be a riding horse for an aristocrat family in their residence, but as he was an old horse, he tried to inflict an injury to the new master of the house and we were asked to dispose of it……

But Carlos, like the other horses of the Reifell Viscounty, is a horse that we had taken care of for a long time, so I can not believe that the smart, gentle and friendly Carlos was like that….!

However, if the owner instructed us to dispose of it, we cannot help but abide to it. Therefore, I want him to at least spend his last moment leisurely……」


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Ah~ I’m moved to tears.

……He’s a good person, I see…

Oh, but….

(Kaoru) 「If you were ordered to dispose of him, wouldn’t it be bad to resell him then?」

I showed a suspicious look.


(Chief) 「What~? The order was, 『Throw this horse away. The disposal fee will be enough with only the money from his sold meat』. Hence, what problem does it have for us to receive the money from the sold meat? Certainly, it’s just as ordered, we sold and 『disposed』 him, then receive the payment for the sold meat.

Whether the 『meat』 is alive or dead, it is within our discretion.」

Uwaaa, that’s a great smile……


(Kaoru) 「But, won’t it be bad if the Viscounty side found out?」

(Chief) 「…… So what?」

An old horse is more important than earning a Viscounty displeasure, huh!?

Are you superimposing your old self with him? ……I don’t dislike that kind of old people, though.

Fine, leave it to me!


(Chief) 「…then, do you also want to put extra charge for Carlos?」

Ah, that’s right, he’s already 『my horse』 now.

(Kaoru) 「Please. His meals, brushing and grazing will have the same conditions with the other five.」


Alright, with this, I have secured Carlos’s safety.

And I also successfully got the name of Carlos’ original owner as well.


……All according to Keikaku……

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