Kaoru: “…So you guys are from a nearby village, you said?”

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Villager: “Y-yes, we live in a village that’s not far from here. We tend to come here occasionally…”

It seems like there’s a village nearby, but it’s a little away from the town and these boys said that they are from there.

Well, the village seems to be on the other side of the town where we got the information about this place from. So, the townspeople probably didn’t even bother to mention their village. Perhaps, even if there’s a town closer to the village, the villagers still probably won’t have that much interaction with that town.

…Ah, of course, we temporarily returned to the women’s tent and dressed up. Otherwise, the guys would be too unrest to talk.


Kaoru: “Well then, since you guys already came here, why don’t you join us? It’s not as if this hot spring is ours alone….or rather, we are just someone who gets in your way even though the ones who maintain this place are you guys from the village, right…?

Though this place is most likely a mixed bath, but it’s a little bit…, you know… so please wait a minute.”

When I said so, the children nodded a lot of times.

It’s bad to make them wait, but this is something like 『Earliest bird catches the worm』. Nonetheless, we want to be the first one to enter, you see.

Let’s have these children go together with Roland and Emile, so that we won’t regard it as 『excluding the other people』.


…However, even though this is probably a mixed bathing for the villagers, why did the children get shaken up when they saw our naked body?

Don’t tell me, they were surprised of my lack of breasts…no, shut up!!

I got a little intrigued and asked them, but they immediately turned red. When I thought 『Umumu, they are too innocent, huh?』, their gaze turned to Francette and Belle.

Is it because of my chest? My eyes?…..I see, it’s both, huh? Damn it!!

No, more than that, one of those three is looking towards Riette-chan!

D-don’t tell me, you bastard….

Oh…, he was just remembering about his sister that he took care of when he was young and felt nostalgic about it…? Je-je vois….


After that, we slowly went to the hot spring, leaving Roland and Emile who are watch-keeping the boys.

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Ah! I forgot!

(Come out! A lion head-shaped container with a tiny bit of potion inside. The ingredients can be dissolved in a hot water that flows through the container and have a slight beauty effect, healing effect and relaxing effect!)

Yup, everything’s fine because I had imagined all of the details inside my head.

And then it appeared, the one that is just like the details. That lion head-shaped thing, which can spew hot water from its mouth as if it’s vomiting…… somehow it’s kinda dirty!

No, it’s not like that!

Anyway, I poured the hot water into the back of the lion head which had been stuck to a rock and the water came out from its mouth. It looks just like some kind of decoration.


Well, since Francette had come here as well, I have to at least offer a little service to her who always goes through a lot of hardship.

Sometimes she comes back full with bruises and wounds after going to a sword dojo and had 1 vs 10 matches just for training so that her body won’t get dull. When I tried to heal her with a potion, she always said 『this kind of wound is not necessary for that』 and refuse…

But I feel guilty to Roland if her body is full of bruises and wounds, you know?

That’s why, I need to go sneaky on this.

And also, don’t bully the weak, Francette…….you’re not allowed to go home waving some kind of a flag, okay!?


Francette: “W-what’s that…?”

Kaoru: “Yup, as I thought, a hot spring has to have this after all. In my world, it’s a common sense that hot springs are spewed from a lion, yeah!”

Of course, in truth, there’s no such thing as that. In the first place, it’s not really a match between a lion and a Japanese-style hot spring.

Francette: “H-Haa…”

Francette made a doubtful face, but Belle and Riette-chan were touching the lion head as if they’re curious instead. Well, I guess it’s fine to just touch it as it probably won’t have any medicinal effect.


Ah, more or less, if you try to remove the lion head from its place, it will be pulverized and all effects will be lost as well as all of the things that I have created has self-destruction function except one-time disposable things. No matter how slight the effect may be, if it’s abused by a certain authority or rich people, it would be a disaster.

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For women in every world, even a slight effect may lead to a great attraction, so it might be enough for them to get at least a husband or lover who is an influential person. Women’s desire for beauty is truly terrifying….


……Me? Give me kind eyes, chest and height!

Damn it, I really failed the negotiation with Celes, huh….

No, I will challenge my inner self with this appearance and genes which I got from my parents, and I won’t use any potions as well for it! This has to be a fair match….

Riette: “Nee-sama, are you playing one hundred faces tag?”

(TL Note: I dunno about this, it’s 百面相ごっこ and I can’t find the English word for it…)

It’s not like thaaatt~!!


And thus, the four young girls (only the looks) tried to start the girls talk but…

There’s no topic to talk about!!

Me, who is the same age as them and doesn’t have a single boyfriend yet!

Belle is more or less a couple with Emile, but she’s never changed ever since when she was an orphan.

And Riette-chan is out of the question.

What’s left is….


Kaoru: “Francette, how’s Roland?”

Francette: “Ha? What do you mean by that?”

Kaoru: “No, I mean, I wonder how far have you gone, or something like that…”

Francette: “Eh? I have always been with all of you, so I didn’t go anywhere else except from the royal capital, Gurua to here, though…”

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Kaoru & Belle: “”……””

Belle and I exchanged glances and sighed.

This is useless……

After that, we bathed for a while until my body swollen up, put on my clothes and then called the guys.

Boys: “””””Too long!”””””

Ah, as I thought….


Boy: “Uwah! What in the world is this!?”

Ooh, they are surprised because something that they haven’t seen before had been placed there.

Roland: “What animal is this?”

Eh? Do they not know what a lion is?

Is there no lion in this world, or is it just because it cannot be found around here?

Well, they don’t have a TV nor any animal picture book, so it’s not weird that they don’t know. Even I won’t have had the chance to see a lion even though I lived in Japan if there’s no TV, books, or zoos. Of course there’s no 『Announcement from Lion』 or something like that around here either.

Well, while listening to such voice, I rolled around in the women’s tent….




Kaoru: “So, what’s this about inviting us to your village?”

Boy: “Y-Yes, it’s around 2 hours from here, it’s right over there. It’s a small village, but it’s a good place. We have delicious vegetables and yams! Even our venison and boar dishes are delicious as well!”

Ooh, venison and boar meat, in addition, yams!

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…but why are your eyes swimming around….?

Well, I will still go, though.




Francette: “Why is this kind of invitation happened again? It’s probably something strange as well, don’t you think?”

Belle: “Right~?”

Riette: “Strange…..”

Francette, Belle and Riette-chan severely said so inside the women’s tent.

……Well, Riette-chan is just trying to imitate those two and seems like she doesn’t know anything.


And so, after I said to the boys, 『Well, should I try and visit there~?』, one person remained so that he can be our guide, and the other two went to the village saying 『We have something to do, so we’ll go back first』 and left.

……most likely it’s for the preparation, right…?

As we haven’t had enough time to enjoy the hot spring yet, we won’t leave immediately. We plan to leave after fully enjoying the hot spring in these three days and two nights.

To begin with, even in Japan, there’s no time to relax if it’s just a round trip for a hot spring even if it’s for two days one night with only a schedule such as arriving in the evening, eating a meal, bathing and then go home in the next morning. It’s better to stay and enjoy while repeatedly entering and leaving the hot spring many times. Oh, and sometimes go sightseeing in the nearby spots….


Well then, how will a small village in the back of the mountain entertain us?

Will it be a village full of thieves that strips off what travelers brought? Or rather, will it be a village full of thieves living with their families who are not only 『stripping off』 the travelers, but also selling the 『travelers』 themselves as slaves?

It’s not like I’m interested in social reform nor volunteering, but if they ask me to follow them, then I will go like what they wanted to.

……Alongside 『The Fierce God and the Goddess’s Guardian Knight, Einherjar』, 『A Brave Elder Brother of a King』, and 『The Devotees who doesn’t value their own life』……

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