119 Siege Warfare 5

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[My deepest apologies~ ~ ~ !! ] Village Chief


The village chief was rubbing his head on the floor while apologizing, the villagers behind him bowed in a similar position.

After that, the village chief has abandoned all the tricks and strategies, then simply revealed his real intentions.


According to the story, it was like this:

Even though they’re not wealthy, it’s a small village in the depths of the mountains where they have been living on agriculture, forestry, and hunting, also it’s a pleasure to be in a nearby hot spring.

then one day, they came. the very familiar, thieves.

However, without attacking the village or robbing them of their livelihoods, they seemed to have come up with some kind of a deal.

{We’ll protect the village, so give us money, food, and women as a reward.}

It was comical.

Apparently, they were going to make this village a <Feeding Ground> because the life of a thief was unstable.

Instead of hitting and crushing it all at once, just turn into a stable source of food and gold.

A source of women.

And continue using it as a source of thief apprenticeship and training facility for a long time.

However, if the girls and young women are to be used up by themselves, while the boys and adult men are to be used as disposable pawns instead of meat shields, in a few years only the old folks will the ones to remain in the village.

But there’s no problem with that.

When that time comes, the last thing to do is to deprive the villagers of everything and move to the next feeding area.

And the bad thing about it is that they are <requested for escort>, though it’s just for show.

At this point, you cannot ask the Lord for help. They’ll just say <I haven’t done anything yet.> and <We are contracted as escorts.> something like that.

They are only presenting the terms and conditions, also they are not making any threats or committing criminal acts.

……But no one knows what would happen if the contract was rejected.

You may get information of the acts of bandits, but you don’t know what damage was done by those guys, the survivors of the attacked merchants don’t live nearby, they probably won’t remember the thief’s face as it will be concealed. And if the suspect says that he <doesn’t remember>, then it’s all over.

Also, if the lord of the territory sent out the territory army, all they have to do was to move their thieving business elsewhere while the territory army was being mobilized and return after the territory army had withdrawn.

In reality, there is no way the Lord can situate the army in such a remote village for such a long time.

To begin with, it’s better to leave the villagers to be exploited than to send out the army for a small village in the depths of the mountain and take casualties in the fight against the thieves.

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The tax should not be reduced(wasted). No wonder the lord decides so.

The situation may change a little if this was a village that pays more tax, or a village that produces rare items though……



[……So, you didn’t do anything wrong, and you only thought of trying to make the unrelated foreigners who got tricked and got dragged into fighting the bandits, you say? Moreover, it’s also those people with children who have only three people who can fight…] Kaoru


The villagers may think that Bell was also a combatant because of her style, but Bell’s daggers were mostly decorative and were only menacing. At best, it would be a success if she could be mistaken for an opponent.

It would seem that Bell’s role was to become a meat shield to protect me and to earn a few seconds for Emile and Francette to rush-in.

Holding on to the sword stuck in her body, so they cannot pull it out… Who would make you do such a thing!


[No. No, I don’t… I don’t think you can fight against nearly 30 thieves by yourselves!] Village Chief


……No, we can fight them.


[Of course, we will fight, too! The people gathered here are all of the people in the village, excluding the children and the young people who have not yet made their mark.

However, they are all amateurs who have tough fights and have a slightly better physique but have never done interpersonal combat. But enough to be able to fight a little as a hunter. Though, even that, their experience against a beast is not very useful.] Village Chief


However, the village chief’s eyes were not dead yet despite what he said.


[At any rate, if the young men go to the town saying that they will have a life of their own, their families would be abandoned, the old folks and young children will have to do farm work, hunting, etc., on their own. They won’t have a choice but to abandon the village and go to the town as well.

To live in the mountains is better than to die in the poor slums. If that’s the case, I’d rather fight here.

Even if you ended up fighting and dying on a battlefield, it’s ten million times better than to regret watching your poor wife and children dying in poverty within the slums, you cannot escape there!!

Then, when the kids informed us about you, who seemed to be used to fighting against those kinds of people, the devil intervened.

Do you want some strength?

Do you want to increase the probability of winning even a little?

If using a girl or a child would raise the chance even a little, it doesn’t matter what my life would become, I would even accept falling into hell after death instead of heaven, so please…] Village Chief


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Saying that the village chief pressed his head against the ground once again.

If you look at it, some of the villagers here are quite old.

Rather than take the old people out of battle and protect them, are they going to use them as stones to keep young people alive?

The village chief himself was included in it…

Hmm, is that so?

Hmmm, it’s that kind of thing…

I stood up, crossed my arms and said.


[Village chief. Why did you try to involve us by using weird tricks?] Kaoru

[…………] Village Chief


He can’t say anything, the village chief just kept pressing his head against the ground.

And so I spoke.


[You could have asked us without any weird tricks, like saying: <We will fight for the village, for our lives. So please help us.> You should have just said that…] Kaoru


The village chief and the villagers continued to prostrate.



[As expected, Kaoru-chan!] Francette


After the villagers dispersed, we all went back to the same room, Francette immediately speak. Followed by, Roland and Riette-chan.


[Umu.] Roland

[Shining Face?] Riette


Francette is unusually pleased that I do goddess-ish things and gather faith from people. Roland also tends to be pleased when he’s able to participate in the act of protecting the people. Needless to say, Emile and Bell as well.

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……And Riette-chan, what do you mean by [Shining face]!

That’s not funny at all!

(TN: Francette said [Sasuga=As expected] while Riette said [Sasu Kao=Shining face] though correct me if I’m wrong.)


Anyway, it’s not the job for the front, the owner of [Convenient Shop Bell], but the person at the back earning business, [Goddess’ Eye].

……No, it’s not a separate job. Well, something like a hobby or club activity?

I’m taking it easy, though…


[Then, the relaxation trip of the store’s employees and the related people is temporarily suspended. From now on, as the [Goddess’s Eyes], we shall set aside the common sense of the world for a bit…] Kaoru


Koku Koku Koku Koku Koku (Everyone nodding SFX)

Umu, then, let’s go!



I spoked with the villagers a little bit since then.

In the past, they were chased from another land, there was no other choice but to cultivate and create a village in a mountain. The hardships of their ancestors who succeeded in cultivating while losing many friends.

They cannot return to nothing with this generation, just because of some thieves.

And so, to protect the village, it’s okay for most of the men gathered here to die, huh.

If the women, the children, and the younger children survive, the village will survive and the knowledge will be passed on. And in the next generation, they should have many children. Then, they will inherit the lives of the former generation.


[This is not a <pointless death>…] Village Chief


The village chief who said so is laughing and no longer looking down.

Did he change? Or…

Compared to abandoning the village, escaping, rushing into the crap of a poor citizen’s slum somewhere, dying after being regretting everything.

Look at how proud they are to die here.

Anyway, it looks like they’re ready for battle.


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[Then, I’ll plunge into the center of the enemy and defeat about half at the beginning. Roland and Emile also wanted to play an active role in front of Kaoru-chan, so I’ll divide the rest into three equal parts…] Francette


In the words of Francette, I would like to say <Are you kidding me!>, but if it is true, if she really did divide them into three equal parts from the beginning, she cannot handle it herself.

Emil, who seemed to think so, quietly nodded with a slightly regrettable look.

Roland has nothing to worry about because he has the idea that if he directs and defeats them with his subordinates, it’ll be credited to him, even if he did not directly attack the enemy.



[That’s no good. If the villagers who were in trouble did nothing and a convenient Deus Ex Machina, appeared and solved everything. The villagers will not gain experience and so, no growth will attain. Then, how will they overcome the crisis next time when we are not there? And the second part? What’s next?] Kaoru

[Uwaa……] Francette


To my words, Fracette’s mouth froze.


[And what would happen if such story spreads? Everyone wouldn’t risk or struggle on their own, they will just wait for help somewhere. <Just like that village, help will come for us!> or something. Trials must be overcome by their own power. If you’re asking for the help of someone else, will you throw it all away, leave it to others, and rely on God?…. Besides, these people doesn’t seem to have any intention of doing that, you know.] Kaoru


Perhaps ashamed of her own thoughts, Francette quietly looked down.

But rarely Emile argued against my words.


[That’s because they don’t know the power of Kaoru and the rest of us, right? If they knew it, the attitudes and beliefs of the villagers would have been different.  Besides, even if we have the power to help, should we not do it and let them fight by themselves then get injured or die?] Emile

[That’s fine with me.] Kaoru

[…Eh?] Emile


Emile looked very surprised because my reply was unexpected.

But in this world, that’s the kind of thing. You shouldn’t get caught in anything and your risk will be zero. When those things happen frequently, people just rot.

Roland and Francette looked convinced. As expected, it is the achievement of the year. I think Francette was already 30 years old.

Yeah, the villagers will not die.

I’ll let them do it, but <we’ll help a little>.

Yea, <just a little>…

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