126 Trouble 2

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…For the time being, I have to disguise it…

Apparently, they knew about <The Angel of the Balmoa Kingdom>, so let’s conceal it first.

I’ve been known as an angel for four years, so I’m sure they can tell what I looked like, but since there were only a few people who travel directly to the Balmoa Kingdom, so it would be manageable if the major characteristics were different…

In this world, only a few people travel to distant countries. Even if a merchant carries cargo to a distant, unfamiliar country for several months on his own, he doesn’t know any merchants there, and there is a high probability that it will be seriously damaged if the political situation and the market price of the product are unknown, so he will not go that far.

…If he carries it with high shipping costs, it will be a big loss by one shot even if he sells it until he’s out of stock when he can only sell it at a super low price on the other side.

So the odds that those who saw me from the royal capital of this country all the way to Balmoa Kingdom was fairly low. Also, if think about it, it’s okay if they saw me since it was a long time ago.

If there’s a big difference, they’ll think that I’m a different person.

And so……


[The potion that can change the color of my eyes and hair! Appear!] Kaoru


And I drunk it right away. I don’t know how the changes will turn up.

Then let’s check it in the mirror. My hair is brown, and my eyes are light brown.

Yeah, this is OK.

And, there’s more…


[Get the recovery potion that went into the container and the black-haired wig!] Kaoru


And so, for the time being, I’ll wear the wig properly.

Alright, this is perfect!

Since my black hair and brown-brown eyes are already well known here, my eyes have changed slightly to the point that I can insist, <Eh, this is the natural color>.

And my hair was really brown, I’m just wearing a black-hair wig.

It is often said that the Japanese have black-eyes, but in reality, they are dark-brown. There are many colors back on earth. There are people with light-brown-hazel in Kyushu…

In my past life, I used to write the color of my hair and eyes on a foreign document, but my hair was black and my eyes were brown. I didn’t want to fill it out myself, but I was given a document that required it. Therefore, I should have brown eyes.

Even in this world, my eyes are often called <black-eyes>, but I wonder if it’s dark brown.

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Well, anyway, this looks good. After that, I’ll just insist on the settings that I decided from the beginning!



[Excuse me.] Man  (TN: A very formal form「失礼致します」.)


…It came!

Ordinary customers do not say such words even though they are in this store. It’s as good as declaring, <I’m not a customer>. And if he’s from the royal palace, he wouldn’t say it with such respect.

Then that means…


[I am the merchant Elekdir from the capital. Is the shopkeeper here?] Elekdir


Yeah, he’s one of the merchant team.


But, just him?


[I’m the store owner, Ku~aoru.] Ku~aoru


Yeah, I deliberately botched the pronunciation so that it sounds like another name instead of Kaoru.

……Just to the extent that I didn’t lie.

At this rate, this merchant would hear it as <Ku~aoru>, and those familiar with my name would hear it as <Kaoru>.


The merchant looked a little dubious for a moment, but he was convinced that the pronunciation might have been a little mispronounced as the story spreads across several countries.

Well, whether he’s convinced or not, he’ll have to believe it because I said that I’m <Ku~aoru>.

The reason why I didn’t give a completely different name is that I’ve already researched my name that was spread here, so if I give a different name, <you’re suspicious!>. It is almost the same as waving the flag while screaming.

Therefore, there was no choice but to use a name that falls within the range of pronunciation differences. So, from that name, I wouldn’t say that I denied being an <angel>…


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[Oh, Angel-sama! I came from the capital city and this time, I would like to ask you to trade your potion with the <Griffon Chamber of Commerce>…] Elekdir

[[[Wait a minute!!]]] Men


And the three merchant-like men jumped into the store.


[What are you getting ahead for!] Man1

[The negotiations should be done together with us!] Man2

[You got to be kidding me, Gorua!!] Man3  (TN: no idea (ゴルァ).)


……Ah, I knew it.


[Eh? What are you talking about? Business is the talent of a merchant along with luck and timing. So it’s first come first served. Isn’t it common sense for a merchant?

Right now, I’m having a business talk. It is a rule violation to interrupt when you come late…] Elekdir

[Don’t bullshit us!] Man1


One of the late-comer merchants grabbed the collar of the merchant, Elekdir, from the Griffon Company, who arrived early.


[Give it up, this is bad <Manticore shop>-san…] Elekdir


Elekdir-san has a generous smile despite being grabbed by his collar.

Ah, it looks like they’re out of touch with each other…


[Hey, we are all merchants here, so let’s stay calm and have a proper discussion…] Kaku-Usagi

[That’s right, just exactly what <Kaku-usagi Horned Rabbit>-san said…] Elekdir  (『角うさぎホーン・ラビット』)


Next to the strong-sounding store names is a horned rabbit?

Oh, right. He’s a merchant, so it’s not a strong-sounding name, but a symbol of prosperity and fertility, and a horned rabbit may be a good name for a merchant.

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It’s a rather strong and aggressive brand name…

Alright, let’s take advantage of this situation for the time being!


[Well then everybody, what do you want from a small shop in a rural city where the little girls are the ones doing business?……] Ku~aoru


When I said so with a sly face, the merchants nodded with a plain face that saying <yeah we know>.

……Damn it, they all researched it…



[What’s wrong Ku~aoru?] Bell


I pressed the switch below the counter to send a blinking signal to the second floor <Bell, come down with a normal attitude>, so the bell came down from the second floor.

…With Francette.

Why did Francette came down with Bell even though I haven’t called her…

Unlike little Bell here, Francette is a bit out of place in the scene. A knightly woman in knightly equipment, in such a small shop…


Even the merchants are nodding with faces saying the same thing…


[Bell, please give them a store-queue number. And please guide these people upstairs.] Ku~aoru


After asking Bell, guided by Francette, everyone went to the second floor except Bell.

The reason why I didn’t call Francette’s name was that if they’ve researched this much, that means they would know of the name <Demon Fran> who was, of course, a super famous person in the Balmoa kingdom and had a deep relationship with the <angel>.

So, naturally, I won’t call Roland’s name either…

I can only call Emile, Bell, and Riette-chan by their name before the merchants or the people royal palace.



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[Um, I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but do you want to buy my product?] Ku~aoru

[[[[Yes!]]]] Men


The four merchants sat side by side. I’m sitting across from them.

Francette stands diagonally behind me so that if something happens, she can immediately slash them.

Roland, including his equipment, has too much intimidating aura, so he’s waiting in the next room with Emile. With the four merchants here, even Francette alone is enough for an overkill.

Umūmu, of course, they’d like to make connections with me and get healing potions…


[If so, feel free to buy the products you want from the store shelves…] Ku~aoru

[[[[No no no no!]]]] Men


They were on bad terms a while ago, but they seemed to be good friends.

These guys…


[So you want some products that weren’t lined up in the store?] Ku~aoru


Kokukoku Kokukoku! (nodding sfx.)


[Well, then, it’s a hassle to divide the same thing into multiple stores and wholesale it, so maybe only one store is enough…] Ku~aoru



The moment I said so, a terrible murderous aura was released.

Francette involuntarily lowered her posture and reached for the handle of her sword.

A rattling sound was heard from the next room. Perhaps the still immature Emile stood up from his chair.

…But for the merchant old men. The murderous intent was a little too much for them…


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