130 Trouble 6

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[Is the shopkeeper here?] ???

Kita Kita(They’re here)……

Normal customers don’t say this line when they enter the store. So that means…

[Mu, are you the shopkeeper?] ???

Looking at my face seriously while saying so.

Damn it, judging me with an intense look, temee(this bastard)!

……No, that’s fine.

However, if they know that I am an angel, That is a big attitude to show.

Don’t you know that? Or maybe you’ve heard of it, but don’t believe it?

Well, even if you heard it, you might think, <Something must be wrong, Maybe they’re spoofing>. Or you may also think it’s just a little girl who was just a little carried away.

(TC: Damn this gender suspense, it’s hard to think of unisex words!)

Certainly, if I am a real [angel], I can’t be bothered to abandon my country to go out and run a small shop in another country. Nor can the top of the country could overlook such a thing.

…And the chance that I am <A fake who has been exposed to falsehood and has fled the country in a hurry.> is what they more likely want to know.

Besides, their role is to <confirm the facts and truth> first, and it will be after that when they will move on to the next stage. The royal palace should still have only reports from Marielle and the Count.

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Also, the aforementioned case of the son of the Baron family is in the ears of some merchants and influential people who are sensitive to information. So the investigation’smain target is Marielle, and I think I’ve been on the line for investigation since I came to this town.

They’re so motivated that they got to me much later than the other merchants…, no, isn’t it? BossIf you can’t live up to your expectations, it’ll be hard. That would be important when it comes to being ahead of the other merchants.

It’s just that the merchants were the messengers and were more familiar with the information they gathered.

Perhaps, forcing the merchants to provide information, the merchants whom I thought that I lost, gave them the information in an attempt to pull the old scums. ……They omitted the information that about the last transaction.

Un, I guess they didn’t lie since <they omitted the explanation about the last transaction>.

That’s what a merchant is. You don’t have to lie, you just don’t necessarily have to be fully honest.

These guys consisted of three people, one who looks like a bureaucrat and two who look like the minions. It seems that the minions are not really the combat type. Do they also have a role as an attendant and a liaison with the royal capital? Anyway, does that mean I only need to talk to one person?

[Yes, I am the owner.] Kaoru

I just answered what I was asked. There’s no need to voluntarily provide extra information from here. These guys are not <customers>. And there is no reason to provide information to those who are not customers for free. Especially if the information is detrimental to me.

To get good information from the other party, it is necessary to have excellent technology or a reasonable price, but it seems that I do not understand that at all. I guessing that they’re thinking of something like if they yell and ordered me, I’ll speak anything.

[What is your name?] Bureaucrat

[My mother has taught me not to expose my personal information to strangers unnecessarily…] Kaoru

[Eh?] Bureaucrat

The bureaucrat had a dumbfounded look at the words I said. ……Hey [Bureaucrat] are you okay?

Then, he screamed as his face turned into beet red, probably because the words I said had already seeped into his head.

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[Y, you! Who do you think I am…] Bureaucrat

[No, I don’t know? A person who suddenly came into the store and tried to find out about me personally without giving his name, yelling loudly and threatens me…….] Kaoru

While saying that, I rang the handbell on the counter.

Dodo Dodo! (Running sfx)

[A robbery? There’s robbery? A robbery!] Emile

[Wai, wait!…] Bureaucrat

Emile screams out loud as he runs down the stairs, and Bell is running behind him.

And when he heard that, the bureaucrats and his minions were confused with a cramped face.

Since Emile shouted out loud, of course, his voice echoed outside the store, and people began to gather outside surrounding the store.

Yeah, this response changes depending on the other party’s appearance. No wonder.

That’s why I instructed Emile on some corresponding patterns depending on how the bell rings. …… And what I just rang was the pattern of [Treat them as robbers and make a loud noise without asking questions].

I am the store owner together with Riette-chan. And everyone thinks I’m an impressive child who works while taking care of my younger sister, so my neighbors have given me good treatment.

By the way, Emile was thought to be like my brother and Bell as his lover who’s helping the store while working as hunters to help their families.

And then, Francette and Roland seem to be just a bunch of parasites living on the income of their children, who are flabbergasted without even working. No one has ever seen them work, not by the surrounding stores and they don’t do shopping. Assholes.

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Even though they’re wearing expensive-looking armors, they don’t work as hunters, and they don’t carry the luggage when their children go for shopping. They just walk together instead. Just taking a walk.

Because they both look good, they stood out for being scumbags……., it was a terrible evaluation.

They aren’t aware of what their neighbors think of them.

Though it seems that they’re quite popular with people other than the neighbors because of their appearance. Quite a lot…

No, they don’t carry my luggage when we’re shopping because they have to keep their hands free to quickly pull out their sword and protect us right away, but it can’t be helped…

If they’re oblivious of their neighbors and are happy, that’s fine. Don’t mind the small details!

Well, that’s why, in the event of a crisis involving me and Riette-chan, Emile and Bell, and also my neighbors will come flying. Just like now…

[What are you doing, Temee(You bastards)! Hey, someone, call a guard!] Neighbor

Many people surrounded the outside of the door, and some of the men came into the store and yelled at the bureaucrats.

For the time being, the bureaucrats aren’t touching us directly, and maybe because they look neat, they didn’t hit or take control of us suddenly, but they seemed to be quite angry.

……Well, the people in this country only see me as a 12 year-old-girl, and Riette-chan, who is sitting on my lap is a genuine 6-year-old girl, unlike me <Being a 12-year-old girl>.

The fact that the bureaucrats, who seem to have a certain level of status, are so bullish about me. And this is proof that they think of us as friends with locals. I’m so grateful……

[Wait! We are not suspicious! We are messengers from the royal capital who have been tasked!] Bureaucrat

I could have left this place to escape and leaving the lines abandoned, but if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to come here anymore. If so, the next time I show up here, there’s going to be a fuss when my neighbors find me, and if I scream at this moment, that would be the end of them.

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So, in order to talk to me, they have no choice but to resolve the misunderstanding here.

So the bureaucrat is desperately trying to explain everything, but the wholesaler does not wholesale it.

[Eh? Do messengers just suddenly yell at you unilaterally without telling you their name or business, and forcing you to do (try to ask) various things?] Kaoru


[In the first place, who sent you as a Messenger? What kind of various order are you trying to force a child without stating their name or position? If you do not tell me the name of the person who ordered such a thing, there is no way to reply!] Kaoru

[Ugh……] Bureaucrat


In front of such a large number of people, the name of the commander cannot be revealed. It would be an act that outstrips other royal palace officials and influential people, and in such a situation where they are accused of forcible and unconventional attitude, it is possible to get a name from them.

Besides, they don’t seem to be aware of it, but I intentionally use <a way of saying that their purpose is misunderstood>. It’s not a lie, though.

This guy, of course, knows his purpose and recognizes that what I say is in line with it. However, how about the ordinary people who do not know such things when they received my words…

[Trying to grab a kid, you’re such an idiot… It would be a criminal act even for your client and others who hired you, people, to forcefully do an abduction! Hey, who ordered you. Who is the bastard! Spit it out, quickly…] Neighbor

The bureaucrats are just <the messenger and the attendants>, and it seems that the two subordinates are not separate escorts. … In other words, they have no fighting ability.

Against the number of our neighbors, including those who seemed to be quite dexterous. And Emile who’s equipped with a sword and Bell armed with a dagger.

Yosh(alright), these guys are in trouble, they’re in trouble… (TC: With a wide evil grin in her heart.)

(TN: (よし、連中、困ってる困ってる……。) She said komatteru(in trouble) twice.)

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