137 First errand 4

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Gashi! (SFX)

From the left and right, the men grabbed Riette-chan’s shoulders and tried to lift her up.

And then Riette-chan’s neck spun around…

Gaburi! (SFX)


It seems that the man who had endured even the direct hit of the stones thrown at him without saying a word could not endure this.

Riette-chan is only 6 years old but has a powerful jaw.

Besides, her teeth are small. If a tooth is half the diameter, then the circumference is a quarter. In other words, sharp. And that’s where that power comes from.

Moreover, Riette-chan has quite developed upper canine teeth.

It’s like the difference in power between being stepped on with the heel of a normal shoe and being stepped on with a stiletto heel. It has already been proven in combat by Francette’s neck.

“Why do you have such a wide range of motion in your neck?” “Are you a wolf or some weird animal?”

The man who wasn’t the one who was bitten said so in amazement, but the one who was being bitten didn’t care.

“Hey, it hurts!! It’s going to rip apart! Hey, let it go! Arrgh!!”

But when you push his body aside or grab his head and pull, all that power is used to rip off the flesh of your own arm. So the man changed his ways and punched Riette-chan.

“Come on, I told you not to hurt that one!”

“I’m sorry. If I follow those instructions and lose one of my arms, who will take responsibility? Will that be you? Are you going to pay me 1000 gold coins and take care of me for the rest of my life? “

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With that being said, he can’t argue anymore. Certainly, at this rate, the flesh of his arm will be ripped to shreds, and if you are not good at it, the arm will become useless.

On the other hand, it would be fair to put the responsibility on himself, so he just shrugged his shoulders and looked at it. He thinks he’s glad he wasn’t the one who got bitten…

Even if a man punched her in the face and in the stomach, Riette-chan never let go of her biting mouth.

Then, in a fit of rage, the impatient man pulled the dagger from his waist with his left hand.

“Oy, hey, stop…”

Immediately he tried to stop the impatient man, but his left arm was raised regardless.

As expected, it seems that he intends to strike with the pommel, not the blade, but if he were to hit with such a thing, the body of an child, whether it be the skull or the ribs, would easily break…

And then, the man’s left arm swung down with all his might… and cut through the air.

“…ehhh? are? arere…”

The left arm was swung down without touching the little girl’s body.

Not knowing what was going on, the man who checked his left arm to find the reason and at a glance he found it.

Yes, his own left arm had been severed cleanly above his elbow and there was nothing left.

With this, it wouldn’t be surprising if I could swing it down without touching the little girl’s body.

 …agreeably. It was a perfectly acceptable reason.


“…!! What are you doing?”

Sensing something strange, the man shakes off Riette-chan who has let go of his mouth, grabs his left elbow and cries.

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The other man jumped back in a panic and pulled out his dagger.

And then, a lone girl wielding a sword that repels blood with ultra-high-speed vibrations that leaves not even the slightest trace of blood on it.

“… what the hell are you doing…”

A girl wearing knight-like equipment with a smile.

…but her eyes weren’t smiling at all.

With a fake smile, it stood up from its whole body. that is…….

Anger, hatred, and more anger.

Her comrade… Yes, the anger of hurting a comrade who serves the goddess.

Anger at seeing at seeing a young girl being hurt.

Regret, self-loathing, and anger at having caused such a situation because of her foolish carelessness.

Fear and anger at betraying her goddess’ trust and failing to fulfill her divine command.

“Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill…”

Thud! (SFX)

Crack! (SFX)

Without even touching the dagger, the belly of the sword sank into the man’s side.

The man’s ribs were sure to break and the fragments would have dug into his internal organs.

And then, the man fell to his knees, unable to make a sound, and only let out a whistling sound in the air.

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Francette, leaving the fallen man alone, approached the crying man, still holding his elbow-less left arm, and kicked him down and…

peki! baki! boki! (SFX)

His knees and right arm are trampled.


The fallen men are unlikely to be able to even crawl, let alone stand up or run away. After confirming that, Francette took out something like a small metal test tube from his pocket.

“Riette-chan, this is Kaoru-sama’s potion, drink it!”

But Riette-chan shook her face.

“Give it to everyone. I’m fine!”

For Francette, the first priority target to protect was Riette-chan, the second priority target was Riette-chan, and the third priority target was Riette-chan. Unknown orphans are nothing more than “I will help if I am free or if Kaoru-sama cares about them”.

Regardless of her current appearance, Francette is in the latter half of her twenties. on the inside, she’s quite dry and severe… no, she’s probably just loyal to orders.

However, it was Riette-chan’s priority, and after careful observation, Riette-chan’s complexion was not so bad, her breathing was stable, and she was able to speak normally. In other words, there were no signs of a serious condition, such as broken bones damaging vital organs or large blood vessels, and there seemed to be no immediate threat to her life.

And among the children who were beaten and kicked by the men, there were some who didn’t even move. The possibility of visceral rupture and serious functional impairment cannot be denied.

Also, if something happened to her children, Riette-chan would think it was her fault, and it would hurt her heart and carry a heavy burden for the rest of her life.

Of course, what Francette must protect is Riette-chan’s body, but her “mind” is also included in the target of her protection. It was natural for Francette to think so.

Then Francette whistled at a different tree than the one she was hiding in.

“Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” (SFX)

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Then, a crow perched on the branch of the tree flew in and drew a circle above Francette’s head.

At the crow, Francette showed a big X with both her arms and the crow flew away towards the town’s center.

…Yes, it was the messenger that Kaoru had assigned to Francette just in case, and the crow that had made her remember about three simple cues.

After confirming that the crow flew away, Francette nodded at Riette-chan, and seeing that, her face and stomach were probably beaten, and her jaw and teeth, which she was clenching with all her strength, would probably hurt quite a bit. Riette-chan desperately endured it and pretended to be okay with an awkward smile.

And Francette, who pretended not to notice, turned her back on Riette-chan and headed for her children.

Francette picked up the boy, who appears to be unconscious, pried open his mouth with her fingers, opened the lid of a small metal container containing her potion, and poured it into his mouth.

And then she picked up the girl who was conscious but obviously seriously injured, took out another potion container, opened the lid, and gently pressed it to her mouth.

“It’s medicine, take it!”

Uncertainly, perhaps she decided that Francette wasn’t her enemy, and the little girl did as she was told and gulped down the potion.

“…there is no pain…”

“Wha-what happened…?”

The two children who drank the potion had blank faces and didn’t understand what was going on.

There were four more children who were lying on the riverbed, but only two emergency potions were handed to them by Kaoru. There is nothing more that Francette can do.

“Ruth go get a piece of wood and something to wrap around it! I’ll bring water!”

“Additionally, look for blood stopping grass!”

“Right away!”

And then, the two children came to their senses and started running.

…The orphaned children seemed to be more useful than Francette…

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