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The female knight Francette came and informed Kaoru, together they went to Earl Adam mansion.

This time, we won’t use Baron Lyotal house.

And then the king’s brother Roland tells Kaoru various stories. International situation, chased Empire, war, and plan of Sacred country Rueda.

「Well, is this war because of me?」(Kaoru)

「No, that’s not the case」 (Roland)

Roland answers Kaoru’s questions.

「Actually the Empire starts their invasion plan long ago. Their country geopolitically shaped confine in the tip of the peninsula. Their economy can’t even supply their own country. They want to move down and they need to invade other country.

And rumors about Kaoru only start spread more than a month.

There’s no way they can prepare for war in just a month or two.

Originally they were already preparing for invasion before that. Kaoru only added as one more reasons for them to attack own country」 (Roland)

After heard Roland’s explanation, Kaoru was a little relieved. Well, if the war happen because of her, she can’t help but feel diggusted.

And now she got angry at the Sacred country Rueda instead.

「Okay then, we will meet with Rueda’s people here in the afternoon tomorrow」 (Roland)

「I got it. Thank you」 (Kaoru)

The two mouths were lifted a little. The faces that planned something and understood each other without explanation.


After returning to the workshop, Kaoru turned her brain with full power.

This time it’s not just some trickters, I will kill the enemy with full power. For that reason, I focused my wisdom and thought about the future.

Even to some people I’m a goddess, and for most people I’m the miracle girl that have the goddess’s love. But my cheat ability isn’t something that can change the situation of the war. Many people will get involved, many soldiers will die.

And can’t make fault with the enemy soldiers. That is just their work and it’s the way they choose to live.

After made dinner for everyone in the workshop and cleaned up. Kaoru kept thinking and finally decided a plan. She went to sleep in preparation for the next day.


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*** The next day, Earl Adam Mansion***


In the hall room, there are Earl Adan, Royal King’s brother Roland, Female Knight Francette, Kaoru and Rueda sacred country. The escorts are standing by outside the house or outside the residence.

「Oh, angel, I am honored to meet you!」(Cardinal)

The Cardinal with name that Kaoru doesn’t bother to remember with two bishops and several priests greeted Kaoru with a smile.

A bald head with a long beard, fat belly, he must live in luxury up until now.

And he called Kaoru with「Angel」is the fact that he was lacking information.

「No, I’m not Celes’s believer, it is a well-known thing and it also means you don’t know anything about me at all」(Kaoru)

With the cold expression of Kaoru, the cardinal is slightly panicking.

「No, no.

The Pope had heard the words of the goddess Celestine. And tell us to come here and get the angel of Goddess!」(Cardinal)

Cardinal seems to want to make Kaoru an angel my all means that doesn’t even hesitate to use of the goddess Celestine’s name.

「Then … what did the goddess tell the Pope?」(Kaoru)

「Well, I think that the angel already knew, but now the army of the Arigo Empire is appoaching the capital of the Balmoa Kingdom.

So before the army of the empire arrives in the kingdom , Goddess wants to the Angel come and visit our Sacred country Rueda which is safe for the angel and protect her at the Great Temple of the Sacred country …」(Cardinal)

With the poorly respond of Kaoru, Cardinal tries his best to persuade her.

「Well, that was the work of the Sacred country, wasn’t it?」(Kaoru)


The Cardinal is dumb found with Kaoru’s remark.

「Because, even though the Empire invaded from the northwest of the Sacred country, why didn’t you notify any countries in the south-east direction of the Sacred country?

Even your luxuriously, heavy decorated and slow-moving carriage was already arrived, but why wasn’t the racing horse carry message arrived yet?

Weren’t you need time to prepare for departure after you know about the invasion. And your timing are really too soon. Even our racing horse messenger just arrived yesterday.

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And lastly, the Imperial Army’s invasion happens too fast. It mean that the Sacred country doesn’t resist at all. Why did you let the army pass without resistance and why didn’t you contact other countries or ask for relief?」(Kaoru)

「Well, that … that …」(Cardinal)

Cardinal can’t find any words to reply back to Kaoru.

「… In other words, the Holy Pope had team up with the Imperial Army, didn’t he?」(Kaoru)


Ignoring the silent Cardinal, Kaoru turned towards Roland and said.

「Roland-sama, can you inform all other nations, the Sacred country Rueda had betrayed the goddess Celestine, abandoned their neutral state and sided with the Arigo Empire」(Kaoru)

「Hey, what’s up with that. It’s blasphemy!」(Cardinal)

「Well, I was「the angel who conveys the word of the goddess 」, wasn’t I ?」

Kaoru said back to the cardinal with a cold voice.

The Cardinal desperately screams.

「If you oppose the Sacred kingdom, you are an excommunist!

Can the Balmoa Kingdom be excommunicated from goddess Orthodox!」(Cardinal)

Kaoru coldly told the cardinal who yelled.

「The excommunication is towards the sacred country Rueda.

Goddess Celestine already knew that your country is a rotten country that used her name for your own merit. Her patience also has the limit, she won’t allow you to use her name anymore」(Kaoru)

Cardinal was shocked.

「Im… Impossible … The Sacred Kingdom is a country where the goddess was miraculously raised and blessed!

It is the country of those who received that miracle!」(Cardinal)

「Oh, that was a mistake」(Kaoru)

「「「Huh…?」」」(Cardinal + 2 Bishops)

With Kaoru ‘s bomb remark, the Sacred country people are bumb found.

「Ceres appeared in your country was just because there was distortion in that land.

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What she did wasn’t blessed but just returned the unclean land to the origin. In other words, just returning the minus to zero. It was just a land purification not a land blessing.

Even clergy’s ancestors didn’t undergo miracles or blessings. Because Ceres was just purifying the land. And clergy’s ancestors were just people who had been watching Ceres’s work from afar.

Thank to you, Ceres was complaining to me that it was hard to work and it was annoying」(Kaoru)

「Well, that kind of thing,… impossible, I don’t believe it …」(Cardinal)

Leaving the dismal cardinal, Kaoru again ordered Roland.

「Roland-sama, about the plan of the Sacred country, the excommunication from the goddess.

And also there’s no blessing in the Sacred Country originally, but only the descendants of those who bothered the goddess.

Would you please let other countries know. And you should let the citizens of the Sacred country know as well!」(Kaoru)

「Understood, I will prepare couriers soon」(Roland)

「Wait, wait, please stop it! If you do such a thing …」(Cardinal)

「You just reap what you sow」(Kaoru)

Kaoru coldly told the Cardinal.

「You use the Empire to invade this country, spread false information and try to take important people away, isn’t this an act of intrigue? Destruction work?

Capture them all and we will get the information from them」(Kaoru)

According to Roland ‘s instructions, soldiers waiting outdoors or out of the residence detained all the messenger from Sacred country Rueda, and took them to King’s Castle.

「I was the one telling you to get the information, even so you are merciless …」(Roland)

「Oh my, I don’t need to have mercy with my enemy, aren’t I?」(Kaoru)

In the words of the King brother Roland, Kaoru replied confidently.

And Roland thought from how Kaoru looked.

(Oh, I wonder why this girls look so cool when acting like a Villainess…)

「Well, I leave the contact with other countries to you. I have something else to do now …」(Kaoru)

「What are you going to do?」(Roland)

Roland asked with a bad feeling.

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「I will go out to say goodbye for everyone for a moment, after that I will go and crush the Imperial Army」(Kaoru)


Kaoru said 「I will go and crush the Imperial Army that crossed the Sacred Country Rueda alone」
Roland stopped Kaoru but Kaoru didn’t listen, evently he gave up.
However, Rorand asking to attach several escort soldiers to Kaoru, who by all means would go to the imperial army by herself.

There was no choice but to believe in the power of the goddess. It may be necessary to review the Kingdom Defense Plan as well.




「That’s why I will be going for a moment. In the worst case, please escape with the salary that I have accumulated」(Kaoru)

Kaoru handed over several healing potions to the 7 children that were the current 「goddess’s eye」, she explained the situation in a simple way. The potions this time aren’t commercially available product but 「the goddess’s tears」and of course with no expiration date.

And when Kaoru tried to return, she was surrounded by children.

「「「We will do it」」」(Children)

「No … No, I’m going to fight with the 20,000 Imperial Army soldiers, you may even get killed」(Kaoru)

「「「We will do it」」」(Children)

Emiru, the leader of the children is firmly talking to the Kaoru.

「At that time, if we weren’t get help from goddess, 2 or 3 of us are already dead. And by this time, maybe another one of us was dead by starving. And 2 or 3 more of us would die within a few years.

The remaining children also fought against each other for territorial disputes and get were killed or caught by a guard by stealing?

But right now, all of us are still alive, we live in a house with roofs and walls, no rain and no wind blowing, wearing beautiful clothes, eating delicious meal until full, we have a future. That’s why we must return this gratitude. In addition…」(Emiru)

「In addition?」(Kaoru)

Emiru fix his posture with his hand on the chest.

「We are「the eyes of the goddess 」who gather information for the goddess and guard the goddess!」(Emiru)

The other six children also nodd in their hearts.

No-one feel like escape at all.

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