“Oh, my head.”

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Alyssa patted her head. If before she was stressed out by people who only looked away from her, now is the complete opposite. She struggled with people watching only Alyssa. However, it is not as difficult as it used to be.

She rather liked the people who needed her.

“You can’t put your papers away even during breaks.”

Seidrick said, displeased, as she entered the bedroom. It was because he saw Alyssa dragging the work all the way to the bedroom. Alyssa couldn’t sleep until she had done what she set out to do.

“It’s a bad habit.”

Seidrick grunted and sat down next to Alyssa. Now, a light touch like this is nothing. It’s nothing…

Alyssa was taken aback by Seidrick lying on her lap. Seidrick burst into laughter at the frozen Alyssa.

“Keep doing what you were doing.”

In fact, he was doing this because he knew Alyssa wouldn’t. Alyssa’s long hair wrapped around his fingers as if Seidrick didn’t care. He avoided Alyssa’s troubled gaze as he stroked his hand through her soft curls.

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“…… Seidrick.”

Alyssa pursed her lips. Alyssa knew he didn’t like her behavior, but what if she couldn’t deal with the work? Would she not sleep?

“Did Alyssa tell me not to go against the doctor’s advice?”

Seidrick murmured slowly.

“But Alyssa breaks it all the time.”

“That’s…… ”

Alyssa cleared her throat. She had nothing to refute Seidrick’s words. According to the doctor, it was important for Alyssa to get enough rest, and she never seemed to have kept it. No. She kept it a few times before he came…

Alyssa smiled awkwardly and told Seidrickrick.

“I just need to look at these documents. The drought in the Heidel region is so severe that the crops have to be requisitioned.….”

“You will have to use the southern granary, so tomorrow morning, you can let the southern nobles pick it up, Your Majesty.”

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Seidrick winked. Now, Seidrick was taking over Cambridge’s work again from Alyssa. However, Seidrick is not a workaholic like Alyssa. He’s in the process of building a new medical line in a deal with Belgium, but he hasn’t brought it to the bedroom.

Alyssa’s cheeks lit up at Seidrick’s words.

When Alyssa became king, people called her ‘Your Majesty.’ However, Seidrick had never once called her with such a daunting word.

“Your Majesty, please stop looking at the papers.”

Seidrick mumbled in a playful voice and pulled Alyssa’s sleeve. It was a light movement, but all her nerves were focused on it. Seidrick touched her hair and her hem. And…

Seidrick got up and took the papers from Alyssa’s hand. It was a natural movement. Alyssa looked up at Sedrick. He lightly kissed her lips.

“Why? Your Majesty.”

When Seidrick dared to call her by her title, a chill ran up to the nape of Alyssa’s neck.

“What, what’s wrong with you? You’re trying to make fun of me!”

As if she only knew it now, Seidrick hugged Alyssa and patted her. Unlike before, when she was dangerously thin, Alyssa gained a lot of weight and became healthy. The gloomy darkness that had enveloped Alyssa had lifted, and now only twinkling light filled her.

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Seidrick stroked Alyssa’s soft hair.

“How can you know that now?”

“You are a bad person.”

Alyssa muttered sulkily. In fact, she doesn’t even know why her face is so hot. Alyssa wrinkled her nose.

“Alyssa is a bad person. Are you just going to look at the papers when I’m with you?”

“That’s not……”

“If you keep doing this, I’m going to tell Dania.”

“Oh! You’re such a bad person!”

Dania was a bit of a strict aide to Alyssa. Is it something like a real sister? She put Alyssa first in

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this royal family above all else. She used to stress over and over that Alyssa’s health and happiness were of the utmost importance.

What if Dania finds out that Alyssa is sneaking the papers into her bedroom?

“Ugh……. Dania is a little scary.”

Alyssa mumbled.

Seidrick hugged Alyssa.


“What should I do when you’re only scared of Dania? I’m the one who’s with you now.”

Seidrick laid Alyssa down on the bed, whose eyes widened. Seidrick covered her with his body, bent his eyes, and smiled.

“Is it better to close your eyes and sleep, or ……”

Alyssa quickly closed her eyes tightly. With her toes shriveled.

The sound of Seidrick’s little laughter permeated Alyssa.

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