When I saw him not crying even at times like this, I really wanted to cry deep inside.

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It’s going to bleed like being stabbed with a knife all over inside.


Reukis, who looked at me with a face like nothing had happened, seemed accustomed to enduring the pain.


Merria breathed deeply, trying to calm her tingling heart.






To the unusual call, Reukis, unable to face Merria, looked around and answered.


Merria stroked the back of his wounded hand with her thumb.


Although he slept, ate, and talked casually, he was not indifferent.


Merria scolded herself for her indifference and bit her lip.


She looked at his face at best, but she couldn’t figure out what to say.


“First of all, I’m sorry… Of course, never. I swear I didn’t mean to bring it up on purpose, but as a result, you ended up telling me this.” Merria pulled her words out stuttered with trembling eyes.


“No, I shouldn’t have said that…”


“There was no unnecessary story between lovers. Even more so…”


When Reukis immediately shook his head in denial, Merria held his hand tighter and interrupted him.


She looked at Reukis straight in the eyes. Merria continued, making up a determined face and voice.


“Before, I used to say things about Serinia, complaining that she was annoying, whining about being scared of bugs, but she liked the cold night sky.”


Reukis words were heavy but sincere, and he always responded steadily without a single nuisance.


That attitude played a big role in breaking down Merria’s boundaries.


Merria used to talk to him about little things at some point.


“Was it all useless to you?”


“Not at all.”


It was very enjoyable and valuable for Reukis to learn one by one about Merria.


Besides, he used to feel strangely proud that she only confided her story to him, which she didn’t tell others.

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However, she couldn’t accept Reukis standing still and dismissing it as a ‘nonsense story’.


“Why would you say that?”


“It’s the same. I don’t want to lightly ignore what you’re saying.”


“…I don’t know.”


Reukis thought of himself as a dark human being.


‘I wasn’t sure how far I should show myself or whether such a choice was right.’ (Reukis)


Reukis had never been told to reveal himself or his real feelings to anyone.


But it was natural to be confused after hearing that from Merria for the first time.


Merria watched Reukis’ wobbly eyes and continued.


The way she shrugged and the way she spoke was also gentle. She did it to make it look as if it wasn’t a big deal.


“It’s not difficult. For example, you said you don’t celebrate your birthday because you don’t want to ruin your memory.”


Merria, who was being sarcastic in a friendly tone, asked Reukis.


He could not define this emotion exactly, even though he felt the emotions in Merria’s eyes.


“Let’s say I heard your story and came to see you with an armful of gifts to make happy memories about your birthday.”




“Then you just have to react honestly to my actions. If you’re happy, hug me tight, and when you think of your parents and you’re sad, lean your head on me. That’s how lovers are supposed to be.”


“…Was that okay?” Reukis’ eyes trembled and said.


“Yes, you could do that to me.” Merria smiled as she gently brushed her hair.


Reukis, dazzled by her gentle touch and the light in her eyes, nodded slowly.


He slowly lowered his head and leaned against Merria’s neck. His cheeks, which touched the exposed nape of her neck, felt hot.


Merria was quietly sweeping her hair without saying a word, staring at the scenery outside.


Reukis pondered over Merria’s words and spoke after a while.


“Until now, I hated being alone, so I pretended nothing was wrong.” (Reukis)

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“But… Now that I have you, I think I’ll be fine.”


Reukis large hand reached out slowly and hugged Merria’s slender waist tightly.


While their bodies were tightly pressed against each other, when the sound of their breathing became the same, Reukis continued.


“So please, be with me on this birthday. There’s nothing more I could ask for.”


After speaking in a timid voice, Reukis closed his eyes and fell completely into her arms.


Merria softly kissed him against the ear and hugged him more tightly.


Reukis’ body trembled as something soft and tickling touched his ear.


He gently raised his head and looked Merria in the eye.


His beautiful golden eyes settled looking straight at her.


Merria clearly realized the meaning of the words ‘being caught in someone’s eyes.’


She couldn’t even blink feeling trapped in his golden eyes.


Merria slowly lowered her gaze. Platinum-colored eyelashes covered her bright red eyes.


Reukis turned his head as if waiting, and softly licked his lips.


Merria stroked his head at Reukis, seemingly hoping for unspoken comfort.


She laughed like a child playing in the water.


Before she knew it, the tenderness of the beginning quickly disappeared, and even her laughter was eaten by Reukis.


His affection, which quickly intensified, tickled Merria up to her fingertips and couldn’t help but drown in his love.


Reukis’ robe, which had been placed under the palm of her hand, was crumpled helplessly.


Before they both knew what was happening, Merria’s body, which clung to him, gradually leaned back.


The corners of Reukis’ lips raised slightly, and supported Merria’s head and pulled it towards him.


Merria surrendered herself without hesitation, not paying attention to her reclining back.




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The sound of bodies bumping was drowned out by the soft cushions of the carriage.


In the meantime, the two of them did not part their lips.


Merria took her hands that had been wrapped around his waist across his neck. Having found the right support, she overlapped with him again.




Somehow, the time they rode the carriage felt longer than usual.


The two of them arrived near the outskirts of the capital.


Merria couldn’t keep her mouth close as she saw the light purple landscape before her eyes.


Before she even got out of the carriage, there must have been a garden with the smell of flowers. Merria stared at the scenery in amazement.


‘I didn’t expect it to be this much.’


The field of lavender flowers fluttering like reeds under the blue sky was quite unrealistic.


The deep lavender scent filling her nose felt like a pinch of reality.


As Merria’s face lit up with excitement and her mouth opened unconsciously, Reukis said with a gentle smile on his lips.


“I remember you said you liked flowers before, so I chose the nearest place to be in full bloom.”


“Thank you. It’s so pretty.”


Merria nodded wildly, looking as lively as a sunflower in sunlight.


‘Milo, who informed me of this place today, should be rewarded later.’ (Reukis)


Vacation or whatever should be fine.


Because his superior and the only Grand Duke of the Tristan Empire had just decided so.


Reukis held Merria’s hand and pulled it.


“If we keep walking along this trail, we’ll find a place to sit. Your legs might hurt, so why don’t we sit there and watch together?”


“Good. Absolutely!”


Merria cheerfully made a light step like an excited child.


As she walked with Reukis, they quickly reached the place where the chairs and tables are.

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“Did you prepare it in advance?” (Merria)


A moderate sized table covered with white tablecloth was packed with food and various kinds of desserts to simply fill their stomach.


From light breads and salads that are easy to eat, to Merria’s favorite caffe latte.


It was simply a perfect table setting.


Not to mention the glossy cakes and tarts sitting next to them.


Merria covered her lips in surprise with an admiring expression, her body was trembling.


“Reukis was really the best!”


“I’m glad you liked it.”


Reukis answered, as he swept Merria’s platinum blonde hair to one side, which was fluttering in the wind.


The affection in his eyes seemed to resonate in Merria’s heart.


The two of them sat down and started a pleasant meal with the light purple wind in the background.


With the desire to be alone with her, Reukis prepared food that didn’t need to be served in particular, so the meal ended smoothly.


Merria’s lips softened as he brought his handmade dessert close to her.


“It’s such a nice place… Now that I’ve been here for the first time, it’s embarrassing.”


“They say it’s a place that no one knows about except the people from the nearby village. I also learned about this place for the first time from someone in the mansion.”


“I see. That’s great, how about you?”


“Of course, I…”


Reukis pupils were shaking as he recalled the conversation in the carriage while unconsciously trying to answer.


He pondered for a moment, then nodded.


“It’s a beautiful place just looking at it, but I’m more than happy that you’re with me. This place will remain as a pleasant memory for me.”


“I’m also glad I could come with you.” Merria responded, smiling like a blooming flower.


The warm sunshine, the fragrant smell of lavender, and a happy lover smiling lovingly.


Reukis captured this moment in his eyes throughout, which sometimes feels like a dream.

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