“Since the Empress Dowager requested a baptism, we will hold it regardless of whether she inherits divine or magical abilities.”

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“Marquis, do you think you’ll be trusted by the princess?”

“Well, that is something only Algiers knows.”

In response to Eliana’s question, Rube replied, staring at Algiers in the mural.

Eliana also looked at Algiers in the mural.

The figure of a god, full of dignity with a beautiful face, holding a large hourglass with one arm.

The hourglass contained the entire universe, a divine symbol governing time and space.

Eliana was staring blankly at the mural when Rube broke the silence.

“Then, Eliana, what kind of powers do you think the princess will receive?”

“This may sound profane, but if I knew, then I’d be Algiers, wouldn’t I?” Eliana rebuked with a playful smile.

Rube laughed at her response, which might seem a little brusque.

“You’ve changed very much from before.”


As soon as the joke died, he brought up a topic unrelated to the ceremony.

Eliana just smiled awkwardly because she didn’t know the story.

Rube noticed her expression, and his face was slightly bitter when he said,

“You said you couldn’t remember me at all.”

“Yeah…” Eliana answered shortly, insecurity showing in her voice.

Rube grinned as if he never had a bitter look on his face.

“It doesn’t bother me that you don’t remember. Because we’ve met again like this.”


“So don’t have to feel sorry if you can’t remember.”

His tone was caring. Is he the type of person who is used to being considerate of others despite a disappointing situation?

For some reason, Eliana felt burdened by his excessive kindness.

Of course, she wasn’t always this way in the beginning.

She used to genuinely appreciate the kindness of another person.

It was after she met her sunbae, Soo-hyuk, that her perspective changed.

‘If I hadn’t met you, sunbae, I wouldn’t be doubting people.’

Eliana smiled with spite.

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She became bitter inside her darkness.

“I don’t remember you, but I’m sure you’ve helped me before, right?”

“I was the one who needed help.”

“Really? I’m not the type of person to help anyone, actually. Especially in the past.”

Eliana shunned the thoughts weighing on her head and smiled as she recalled the old Eliana.

In the novel, Eliana was a woman who cared for no one but herself, and she had no intention of hiding it.

Rube burst into laughter as he watched Eliana curse herself.

When the basic explanations of the ceremony were over, he cautiously said,

“Since you’re already here, would you like to see the temple?”

“Oh, I was going to ask you.”

Eliana was delighted by Rube’s suggestion.

As good luck would have it, she needed to know more about the Itdeoni myth.

Rube stared at Eliana’s liveness, and a subtle smile crept across his mouth.

5. Meeting the main characters of the novel.

Based on the information provided by Rube, the ceremony’s preparation would proceed slowly.

Eliana headed to the main palace with a draft of Mary’s dress.

She was a little excited to meet the heroine of the novel.

Mary Owen.

The heroine of the tragedy, [ The Princess Who’s Blind to the Emperor ], and the only princess of the Owen Empire.

She was born to a foreign dancer and then labeled as a “mixed-blooded child” and suffered many wounds.

However, despite having had an unfortunate childhood, she was bright as the heroine.

It was only when Verkley revealed his true colors that she began to lose that brightness.

Mary’s life did a complete 180 because of Verkley’s sudden change.

Mary gradually lost her vitality as Verkley’s tyranny began in earnest.

To make matters worse, the novel turned into a catastrophe when the hero, Kallius Harpons, sided with Verkley.

It was the betrayal of her fiancé and her mother’s death that led the once bright and smiling woman to lose hope in a moment.

After all, by the end of the first part, there were hardly any scenes of Mary smiling.

Kallius later realizes his sincerity to Mary and regrets it.

And that’s how the first part ended.

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He had numerous opportunities to realize his feelings, but Kallius foolishly missed them.

As Mary went blind and Hera slowly died, he was simply in torment, not knowing the cause of his discomfort.

Then he realized how he felt when Mary no longer smiled at him.

‘You were too late, you fool.’

The maid, who was guiding Eliana, stopped.

They were at the drawing-room where she met Hera last time.

When the maid announced Eliana’s presence, a clear voice came from the inside.

“Come in!”

At the command, the doors to the drawing-room opened.

Eliana’s gaze naturally zeroed in on her red hair.

Her red hair was adorable, similar to Hera’s but in two ponytails, and her beautiful face held blue eyes like Verkley’s.

Blue eyes that only passed down in the Owen family.

Although she resembled Hera, she still looked strangely different because of her eyes.

Her blue eyes gave off a completely different vibe than Hera’s.

‘Is it because of the color of her eyes? Rather than Hera… it reminds me of Verkley.’

“Welcome.” Mary greeted Eliana with a bright smile.

Eliana stood in front of her, lightly raising the hem of her dress, being respectful.

“I greet Princess Mary Owen, the star of the empire. I am Eliana Mussieux.”

“Nice to meet you, Miss Eliana,” Mary responded warmly without hesitation.

She was 18, about to make her debut, and was as beautiful as a flower in full bloom.

Eliana handed Mary the roses she had prepared.

“Oh my, you didn’t have to bring anything… Thank you.”

Mary accepted the bouquet and smiled shyly.

She was the princess, yet she treated Eliana with respect, even though she was below her in rank.

“I brought them because I thought the color red would suit you, princess. I’m glad you like them.”

“Your words are sweeter than the roses, Miss Eliana.”

Mary sniffed the roses and smiled.

She was a woman who really suited flowers. How can she speak so beautifully?

With Hera’s doppelganger being kind, she felt like she was melting away.

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‘She’s brighter than I expected.’

Eliana lovingly stared at Mary, who flashed her white teeth every time she smiled.

If there was anyone who could make you feel better with just their presence, it was Mary.

They chatted for a while over light refreshments.

Not long after, Eliana felt a subtle sense of something alien as she talked to Mary.

It was Mary’s attitude.

‘Weird. Why is she talking so comfortably? It’s like Mary’s trying to fit in with me…’

Although it was Eliana who had to be cautious with her words, Mary acted on Eliana’s feelings.

Every time Eliana said something, she would chime in and it was unusual.

But thanks to that, they were able to act friendly without any awkwardness, regardless that it was their first meeting.

Most of their conversation was about the ceremony.

Usually, props for the ceremony and the food choices were carried out according to the debutante’s taste.

It was a procedure. They had to be careful about not choosing the wrong food, patterns, and colors.

So nothing felt alien at first.

The strange feeling started when she genuinely began to ask about Mary’s preferences.

Mary agreed with all of Eliana’s opinions without any judgment.

“Is this the draft of the dress I’ll be wearing at the ceremony?”

When it was time to choose a dress, Mary peered at the draft and asked.

Eliana explained the draft of the dress in order, and Mary nodded from time to time.

“Yes, the Priest said that the symbolic colors for the ceremony are white and blue and to avoid purple. I think pattern A would look good on you, but what do you think, princess?”

“It’s so nice! I think A would look good, too.” Mary cheerfully said.

Eliana looked at Mary and thought it was unbearable.

It was because Mary decided to do whatever Eliana said, no matter what.

‘Even so, I’m sure there’s one thing she’ll disagree on…’

Mary was practically a yes-woman. Eliana doubted whether the dress looked good because she agreed to all her suggestions.

Even though Mary was the final decision maker for the ceremony, she handed it all over to Eliana.

Eventually, Eliana spoke to her seriously. “Are you sure it looks okay, princess?”

“Of course. I thought you had a really good eye, Miss Eliana.”

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Again and again.

Mary’s reply was like an automatic voice message that popped up whenever you clicked it.

It’s like she’s agreeing with the opinions of others.

No wonder Eliana’s expression morphed into something bitter.

‘This is it. The strange feeling I felt earlier.’

Surely, she was bright and sweet.

They felt comfortable with each other despite that they’ve only met today because one of them was tailoring their personality to fit the other.

It was natural to act awkward and unfamiliar when two people first meet.

Mary’s attitude toward Eliana was obsessive.

Just because it looks like she’s happy doesn’t mean she’s not hiding her true self, but it seems Eliana overlooked that.

The Owen Empire had a lot of ostracism against foreigners.

Since it was such a country, when the emperor had a child with a dancer from a foreign country, the nobles went into an uproar.

Mary knew that the empire hated mixed-race children and mocked her as a “mixed-blooded child” behind her back.

How many wounds did she have growing up, hearing that she was dirty since birth?

Mary had no desire for the throne.

There was already Verkley, born from the empress, and Mary, only the daughter of a poor concubine.

Mary was very fond of Verkley and the empress, who treated her kindly.

So she tried to let them know that she had no desire for the throne.

We are not enemies.

I like you guys.

So Mary naturally tried to avoid people’s attention.

Even if there was something she was good at, she stopped at the right moment, making a mistake on purpose.

Mary knew that a smile makes everyone feel good.

The Emperor was kind to Mary when he saw her smile.

Maybe that’s why Mary never lost her smile, even when she was sad, angry, or irritated.

She thought it was the way to live peacefully with everyone.

She had become accustomed to being patient from a very young age and learned that her opinions held no value.

‘Her method to survive everyone has been poisoned.’

Eliana stared at Mary with pity and ran through the draft with determination.

Then she deliberately pointed to a pair of pointy boots that didn’t go well with the dress.

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