“It’s no use if you’re talking about the Hanev that signed a contract with Verkley. I’ve already checked.”

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Gabriel refuted, recalling her encounter with Verkley and Eliana earlier.

There was no sign of harm done to Eliana’s soul by the Hanev that bargained with Verkley.

“Yes, you would’ve known as soon as you saw him. Even Mach has fallen. The Divine Realm must be in turmoil.”

“You cannot speak as if you did not start this.”

“Is that so.” 

His voice had been dull the entire time, but the words he uttered were quite emotional.

“Mach was the youngest of the 12 Army Commanders… You’ve become quick-tempered since our last meeting. And you didn’t even recognize me.”

“…Recognizing a soul that has fallen to the point of corruption is impossible. Especially if you deliberately hide.”

“You’re still as firm as ever, aren’t you?

The man rose from his seat at the end of the sentence.

Gabriel remained seated, her eyes looking up at him.

There was no affection in her gaze.

The man accused Gabriel. “Is it your remaining ego that won’t allow you to say my name?”

“You no longer own the right to that name.”

“I see. If that’s how you wish to settle things, don’t come so poorly prepared next time.”

The man warned Gabriel by threading a hand through her hair.

But Gabriel didn’t bat an eyelid.

She countered with a smile as if he were laughable.

“You are mistaken. It was you who was unprepared, not me. Do you think I’ll be blinded by your words?”


“Do not touch that child. You’ll regret it. The price of ruining a soul’s life will continue to pile up as karma.”

“An unwelcome meddler is my only answer.”

The man spoke sarcastically, completely stepping away from Gabriel.

Gabriel also rose from her seat.

At that moment, the window burst open by itself, and a gust of wind flew inside.

Gabriel’s golden wings expanded magnificently.

“I warned you… You already seem to be regretting it.”

And she just disappeared.

Golden feathers seemed to float in the air, but then they vanished without a trace.

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The man’s eyes turned red not long after.

After the man roughly ran through his hair, he plopped back down on the sofa.

Then he clasped his hands on his forehead.


‘I hope he doesn’t get caught.’


Eliana shared her hope that the people who cursed at him for being evil wouldn’t capture him.

As Gabriel said, it was he who ruined her previous life.

He smiled to himself.


‘I cannot turn an arrow on my opponent just to ease my mind.’


If Eliana had known this, she would have never defended him.

Remembering what she’d said at teatime with Mary and Gabriel, the man slammed hard on the desk.

Bang, a sharp noise filled the quiet study.

He’d been waiting for a soul for a very long time, and Eliana was it.

So as soon as he found it, he used it in his plan.

He completely isolated the soul and controlled the people around it. Even the man who could’ve been the soul’s lover would be misled to ruin and forced to die.

She was the soul he lured in.

And he had no qualms in deciding how to use it.

Even now, everything was being manipulated as planned.

‘But… why do I feel so terrible?’

Michael himself couldn’t understand what he wanted to do with her. She was traumatized by the accident and startled at the slightest sound. She also hesitated to ride a carriage and struggled to live a life beside Verkley.

Michael felt a severe thirst.

It was an unknown thirst he felt long before his corruption.

It was a thirst that only God Algiers could fill, and now, what he wanted was right in front of him.

Michael’s eyes turned back to their original color.

They were ice cold.

His swirling emotions settled coldly.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t regret a thing, Gabriel.”

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He muttered that into the air, then stormed off and left.

* * * 

Mary mustered up the courage to visit Verkley in the royal villa.

She hadn’t visited the royal villa ever since his health began to deteriorate, and she nearly died.

As Verkley’s bedroom neared, her body trembled.

The memory of that day shattered into pieces, messing with Mary’s head.


‘I loathe nice people.’


She remembered what Verkley had said to her, acting strange.

When she visited Verkley that day, he was just biting his lip, not saying a word.

Thinking it was because he was having a hard time, Mary approached him and held his hand to convey words of comfort.


‘Brother… I know you’re grieving and very upset right now.’


‘You must be having a hard time with His Majesty’s and the Empress’… Truth be told, brother, I came here out of concern for your health.’


‘I will be your eyes for you. Therefore, brother…’


It was before Mary could finish her sentence.

He violently shook off her hand before tearing off the bandage covering his eyes.


‘This b̲i̲t̲c̲h̲ is adding fuel to the fire?’


Verkley’s sharp-tempered response was unusual and bizarre.

It seemed out of character—as if someone other than Verkley were possessing his body.

Mary flinched, taking a step back.

And she saw it clearly.

Verkley’s red eyes.

A shade of red that was different from her own mother’s red eyes. His right eye was marked with a strange symbol she had never seen before.

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Verkley’s hand shot out, gripping Mary’s neck.

Verkley flashed Mary a sweet smile when she gurgled as if they were playing a fun game.

She didn’t sense any murderous intent from him, but he seemed unafraid to kill her.

When Mary’s breath was almost at its peak, Verkley flung her to the ground.


‘Get lost. Before I decide to kill you.’


Mary had escaped, wiping away tears with her sleeves.

After that, the mere sight of Verkley made her shudder and unable to go near him.

One thing that bothered her was that Verkley didn’t seem to remember what happened that day.

Whenever she thought of Verkley acting as if he’d been possessed by something, she always felt chills run down her spine.

Mary decided to bury the incident alone.

She did this, worrying that if she said Verkley had become both blind and crazy, he would not be crowned emperor.

Mary wished for him to rule as emperor more than anybody else.

“Princess Mary is here, Your Majesty.”

“Come in.”

A soft beautiful voice was heard from the inside.

The guard opened the door.

Verkley sat in the sun, enjoying a sunbath.

His black hair glowed a bluish tinge from the sun.

Eliana, who was by Verkley’s side, welcomed Mary.

“Welcome, Princess!”

“It’s been a while.” Verkley also greeted Mary in a calm voice.

Mary cautiously approached Verkley, bringing her forehead to his hand.

Verkley’s hand was very cool.

His touch on her forehead gave her a little chill.

Mary peeped at his face.

Fortunately, his eyes were blue.

She checked out of habit every time she encountered him.

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Always afraid that his eyes would suddenly turn red and he’d go mad.

“I’m in charge of Your Majesty’s attire for the ceremony.”

Verkley turned toward Mary.

It was amazing for a child who hasn’t even visited the royal villa to come, and it was irritating that she often acted to be walking on eggshells.

As if he could be found guilty of something, she remained wary of him.

Whenever Mary did that, for some reason, one side of Verkley’s mind felt heavy and uncomfortable.

So, if possible, he didn’t want to see her.

Facing each other was awkward.

At that time, he felt a strong gaze burning a hole into the side of his head.

Eliana was watching, shooting daggers at him with both eyes.

Even though she did not have an over-solicitous parent, she angrily dropped hints if Mary seemed to be overly cautious about something.

If a stranger were to witness this, they’d believe that Mary’s life solely depended on Eliana.

It was hard to say if she was a careful lady or not.

Verkley said with indifference. “Eliana tells me that you have taken an interest in design.”

“I still n-need to improve a lot!” Mary answered, startled.

Then, Verkley thoughtlessly patted Mary’s head as a form of comfort.

His eyes zoned in on Eliana as if he were asking, “is this okay?”

Eliana gave a gorgeous smile and slowly nodded her head back and forth.

“You don’t have to worry about that, so prepare comfortably.”

“…R-Really?” Mary gazed up at Verkley with pureness in her eyes.

Verkley did not return her stare because he was acting blind.

Mary’s eyes filled with sadness in Verkley’s unfocused eyes.

They began to redden.

Verkley’s hand hesitated.

He recalled that he used to have a habit of patting Mary’s head when she made a mistake before his mother died.

Verkley quickly retracted his hand in displeasure, and a flash of regret passed Mary’s face.

“I’ll do my best, Your Majesty.” Mary asserted with an innocent smile.

Verkley just jerked his head in a nod.

Since then, Verkley spoke less, but Mary’s words only increased.

When Mary arrived, her face was filled with dread, but when she left, her expression turned very bright.

After that day, Mary could feel a little more at ease with the scary royal villa.

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