I Sought Out the Tragedy’s Scheming Mastermind – Chapter 6

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‘Is it because I’m not physically saying the words?’

Eliana felt a little courage when she saw the teacup react, even for just a moment.

Of course, gaining the confidence to say a spell out loud was not an easy thing to do for Eliana in this matter.

Magic was natural here, but not in her world.

She came from a world where gold did not fall from the sky because she was not from a novel. What a rip-off!

But now, she had to have courage and confidence.

‘I-I’m not embarrassed at all. I must be confident!’

But Eliana hesitated. She did nothing. 

Fin then urged. “What are you doing? Hurry up and do something.”


“What use does it make to glare at the teacup, Miss Eliana?” Fin retorted with a relaxed smile.

She could clearly tell her master was lying again.

Yeah, she had to go through a bit of embarrassment to get Fin to believe her.

With determination set in mind, Eliana screwed her eyes shut and cried out, “Freeze, yap!”


A terrifying silence followed.

Unfortunately, the teacup didn’t even shake.

No, the echo of Eliana’s voice created a small wave in the water.


‘It didn’t move when I said it out loud, so what’s the difference?!’

Eliana covered her red face with her hands.

She wanted to die.

Ah, she’s already died once, but at this moment, she wanted to die again.

Eliana almost looked ready to cry.

“What are you doing?”

In hindsight, Fin stared at Eliana dumbfoundedly.

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Apparently, her master was crazy.

Eliana was so embarrassed that she shouted, preventing Fin from saying anything else. 

“Wait! I just got my powers… Yes! I need a mentor, a mentor!”

”Haa, Miss Eliana.”

Fin shook her head, knowing she could not do anything to stop Eliana.

‘No, this isn’t fair! Did the ice just shoot out of me when I froze Marquis Valkyrie’s face?’

Thoughts conjured inside her mind with no way of stopping.

‘Is that all? I shook off Count Mussieux when he tried to get me, and he yelled “Ahh!” and then suddenly I was like, “I have ice powers!”’

Honestly, she could not tell you what she was thinking.

Eliana somehow felt wronged.

She could not make any refutes, so she kept her mouth shut.

A real mage did not have to make embarrassing excuses like this because they could prove their powers.

But she didn’t know how to use magic.

She didn’t know the exact way to use it.

‘What a useless body! I can use magic when I don’t want it, but when I actually need it, I can’t.’

And it’s not like she had stage fright!

Eliana thumped her chest in frustration.

And then, a good idea popped into her head.

‘Yes, there is a way!’ Eliana thought proudly with a smile of satisfaction.

“If you don’t believe me, go back to the Mussieux estate. I’m the one who created all that chaos.”

“You’re going to try to run off while I’m gone, aren’t you? I know all your tricks, Miss Eliana.”

But Fin still couldn’t believe her and looked at her in suspicion.

She looked very wary of Eliana’s sudden change in attitude.

However, she’d have a different reaction if she went back to the estate. A lot of people witnessed the eruption of disarray.

Eliana clung to Fin’s arm and begged her. “No! If you don’t believe me, you can lock me up in that room over there. I’m innocent.”

“How could I do that to you, Miss Eliana?” Fin shook her off in horror.

Weren’t there maids who locked up their masters inside rooms?

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Well, it was more so for their protection rather than to keep them there, but this didn’t make sense.

“I won’t go anywhere.”

“No, no.”

“I promise.”

“Do you think you can fool me twice, Miss Eliana?”

Fin was more stubborn than she thought.

Eliana wanted to tear her hair out in frustration, but Fin stopped her.

“Don’t do that to your hair!”


“Why do I even bother? Last time, you said you wouldn’t run away, but the count caught you trying to sneak out of the estate.”


“And that’s not all you did. You lied whenever you had the chance, and if I didn’t believe you, you’d get annoyed.”

Eliana was at a loss for words.

Eliana in the original novel seemed to have deceived Fin several times.

‘It won’t be easy to convince her.’

Her head started to throb due to this unexpected difficulty.

While Eliana continued to argue with Fin, the door burst open, and both of their gazes swung toward the door.

Eliana’s face brightened. She’d been waiting for this guy to make an appearance.

The young man’s eyes widened at the sight of Eliana.

He didn’t know they had a visitor.

He had dark green hair.

That was slicked back in a way that showed his forehead.

With young dark green eyes.

He had a sharp face but also had features that resembled Fin’s.

He was so tall that Eliana had to look up, and his clothes were stained with something red.

And when he came in, he smelled faintly strange.

“Oppa**, close the door!”

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[ **T/N: Females use this title for their older brother, older male friend, or even in a flirtatious way. ]

Fin shook Fon by the arm.

She was sure it was him, seeing that he was her brother. Fin only had one brother.

And, of course, he plays a certain role.

Hera’s lackey and the same man who will lead Eliana to Hera!

‘The stain on his clothes looks like blood… You’ve been exterminating people for her, right?’

Eliana stared at him with a gleam in her eyes.

Fon stared back with suspicion.

He was Hera’s servant, who did all the dirty work but was also the head of the mercenaries.

“Who is this?” Fon asked, throwing a wink at Eliana, who was dressed in luxurious material.

It seemed that the two had never met.

Eliana used to only reside at the estate, so she couldn’t have crossed paths with any of Hera’s lackeys.

But the way he was looking at her seemed more hostile than friendly.

His attitude was disrespectful as if she were a nuisance.

Eliana continued to focus on him with that same greed in her eyes, but then stopped when she saw his face.

It was then that Fin scolded him. “What’s with that murderous look? You’re not going to greet her?” She smacked Fon on his back.

“Who is she?”

“Miss Eliana.”

“What? But why is she here?”

Only then did Fon realize that the woman in front of him was Eliana Mussieux. His face flushed in embarrassment.

If Fin noticed, she didn’t care. She clapped her hands together, taking advantage of the situation.

“Oppa, I’m glad you’re here. I’m going to the Mussieux estate for a while, so please keep an eye on her.” Fin ordered and then grabbed her bag.

Fon suddenly lunged for Fin in a panic. He was put in a situation where he had to stay alone with a young noble lady.

“Wait, Fin!”

“Don’t even think about going anywhere, Miss Eliana!” Fin warned her, slipping away from her brother’s grasp and quickly leaving.


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Fon let out a deep sigh, acting as if he were put in charge of a troublesome task. He dragged a chair and sat in front of the door.

All to keep an eye on Eliana in case she had plans to escape.

‘I don’t want to run without Fin.’

Eliana drank her tea with a content smile.

It was a little cold, but not bad at all.

It didn’t take long for Fin to come back.

Fin took Eliana’s hand in hers with excitement written on her face and shouted, “Oh goodness! My Lady is a mage! You have ice powers!”

“Do you believe me now?”

“The estate was in complete chaos. The Count kept shouting at the servants, telling them to find you.”

Fin showed her admiration with an expression of excitement and joy.

Eliana spoke in a slightly whimsical manner. “See? I told you. I’m very powerful.”

“Yes, yes. I believe you, I believe you.”

And although Fon sat at a distance, his face drained of color. The expression on his face was blank as if he were lifeless.

Among the magical world, Eliana had ice powers, so it was natural for her to shine in his eyes.

And Hera would be searching for someone to bend at her will, so Eliana’s ability would surely not go unnoticed by her.

While Fin retold Eliana about the trouble she caused back at the estate, Fon interrupted their conversation. “It seems dangerous to go back there.”

When Fin realized her brother’s words were true, she said in a solemn tone, “We need to go, miss. I can take care of you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. How could you hide from the count? Miss, may I make a suggestion?” Fon asked in a polite tone.

Eliana greedily nodded at his words. “Tell me.”

“I have a client who helps people like you. I’m sure they’ll help you once they find out your situation.”

“Is that true, Oppa?” Fin turned to her brother as if what she heard was good news.

‘This was good!’

She was very positive that “Hera” was the client Fon mentioned.

Eliana plastered on a mournful face while she screamed with joy on the inside. “Alright, that’s better than going into hiding. Then I beg you, please help me.”

“Of course. I’ll arrange something soon.”

“I’m so happy for you, miss.” Fin smiled with satisfaction, and Fon looked pleased.

But of course, the happiest out of all the three was Eliana.

Everything was going according to plan.

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