Adelia looked at Ivan, dressed in a navy tailcoat, matching her dress.

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What a perfect man he was.

God is so unfair

The biggest question is ‘Why he doesn’t have a lover?’

A man like Ivan Hamilton would have been able to meet a woman as much as he wanted.

Maybe there is a reason why he’s not interested. 

Adelia gave up her useless thoughts and held out her hand to the Duke.

Then the Grand Duke put his forehead on the back of Adelia’s hand.

“You look beautiful, Viscount Yurpeon.” Ivan praised Adelia with a serious look.

Her face felt hot for no reason.

Isn’t it cheating to say that with that face?

“…as always, your highness also looks excellent today.”

“Because Liam has worked very hard for today.”

Adelia agreed with Ivan.

Among them, it was Liam, not anyone, who was most pleased and looking forward to their participation in the ball.

He seriously looked for talented artisans for dresses, shoes, carriage, masks, etc.

None of them was prepared in vain.

“Please go and have a good time.”

“Thank you, Liam,”

“No, this the first ball of the Viscount of Yurpeon. Of course, it’s unofficial, but… I should have taken more care of you, but I’m sorry I couldn’t.”

Liam’s eyes were filled with regret, as if there were no lies in the words.

“That’s enough, Soon the sun will set.” Ivan spoke to Adelia, who was talking to Liam.

Adelia nodded, took Ivan’s hand, and got into the carriage.

The place where the masquerade will be held is at Count Tegris.

The host, of course, was Countess Tegris. She was the leading woman in the principality. She often held parties because for her exchanges between the nobles of the dukedom is quite important.

Her parties were always successful.

The masquerade was the same, and young aristocrats always lined up to receive invitations from her.

There must be a lot of powerful people at Mrs. Tegris’s party.

Adelia remembered the leading members of the principality’s social circle she had memorized in advance.

If I can take them in my side, it would be like putting the principality’s social circle under my feet.

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Of course, I can’t have everyone on my side tonight.

In the first place, her today’s goal was to make her face known rather than create power.

‘Who in the world is the red-haired woman next to the Grand Duke?’

Just this was good.

With the curiosity of the nobles, they’ll naturally get close to her themselves.

“We’re almost there.”

At the Grand Duke’s words Adelia turned her head and looked out the window.

Befitting the prestige of the Count Tegris family, the mansion was beautiful.

The purple lighting, indicating where the masquerade is being held, also matched the exterior of the mansion.

It was like a building built for a masquerade.

“Wear a mask,”

Ivan held out a small box in front of Adelia.

Adelia carefully opened the box.

Inside the box was a gorgeous mask of the same color as her navy-blue dress.

Adelaide exclaimed as she looked at the mask with exquisite jewelry and peacock feathers.

“How can a mask be so beautiful?” Adelia, raising her head, had no choice but to shed another exclamation.

Ivan was already wearing a mask.

There are people like this in the world.

She thought a mask would hide his attractive appearance, but it didn’t.

His presence was not something that could only be concealed by a thin mask.

“It’s dangerous,”

If she doesn’t know the face of the Grand Duke, she would have wanted to take off his mask at once and see the hidden treasure beneath it.

“…is it strange?” asked Ivan, with an awkward smile.

Adelia, awakened by the voice, shook her head and said, “Not at all. It’s a problem because you look so good with it.”

“…I’m flattered. You’d better put on your mask now. The moment you step into the garden, the party begins.”

“I see,”

Adelia reached out to the box and held up the mask.

It’s just the beginning.

Adelia wore a mask with a stiff face.

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The slow melody filled the dance floor.

Serajin Tegris smiled satisfactorily at the successful ball today.

A gentleman in a brown feather-decorated mask approached Serajin.

“Madam Tegris, thank you for having such a wonderful ball again today.”

Serajin frowned at the man’s words and actions.

Does this man not know the rules of masquerade?

You need to pretend you don’t know the person even though you do and act like it’s your first time meeting them. 

We are all equal in status.

No more, no less, with just the right level of courtesy.

All of these rules also apply to the organizers without exception.

Now I see it, he is a loach that’s clouding the water.

The man also attended the masquerade she held last time.

Was it the third son of Baron Strauss of the Empire?

It has been said that the successors will soon inherit the family. You must be in a hurry.

The man was kicked out of the last ball for taunting women too much.

She could see his desire to marry a rich woman quickly and secure a stable position.

There was no better place to meet a partner than a masquerade, but the problem is that men went too far.

“I guess Baron Strauss’s son didn’t even learn the basic rules of a masquerade ball.” said Serajin, staring at the man with cold eyes. 

The man’s face was bewildered.

“I hope you’ll be careful next time. I don’t want any noise in my ball.”

“…that’s a little too much to say,”

The man stared at Serajin with a frightening face.

He was intimidating her, trying to get an apology, but Serajin was not an easy woman as he thought.

“Oh, aren’t you the one being too much my lord. From this point onwards, the atmosphere continues to blur…….”

Serajin giggled and gave the man an order.

“Why don’t you go out of this mansion and look for another party?”

The man shook his fist in uncontrollable contempt.

“The rudeness I suffered today… I’ll remember you!”

“It’s an honor,”

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Serajin turned away as if nothing happened.

The man glared at Serajin, turned his back and left.

“Oh, I don’t feel good today.”

Her idea that the party was going successfully was gradually changing.

The atmosphere was disturbed by the uproar.

Something needs to be done.

Shall I hold a small event? All right. Let’s catch a rabbit. The prize would be the emerald that came in the other day.

Rabbit hunting. It just looked like childish children’s games, but it was a little different at Serajin’s party.

First of all, she, the organizer of the party, randomly selects two of the attendees and gives them a “rabbit” mask.

The rabbit couple must hide inside the mansion for a fixed 10 minutes.

It didn’t matter whether it was a room, a restroom, or a secret place somewhere in the garden.

The rest are hunters who will catch the rabbits.

The first person to find the rabbit and steal the mask becomes the winner.

It’s a bit of a waste, but….

It was when Serajin was about to ring the bell to inform the participants of the event.

A couple dressed in blue came into the ballroom.

The couple, who showed off their beautiful appearance, drew the attention of the people.

It was the same with Serajin. 

She stared blankly at the two latecomers of the party.

It was a beautiful couple to see.

It wasn’t just the appearance that was beautiful.

The atmosphere they gave off attracted her attention.

Serajin’s eyes widened as she continued to admire the couple.

Wait a minute, he’s…!

Serajin immediately recognized the identity of the man.

Grand Duke Hamilton!

He was the master of the principality and a man who had lived apart from the social world since he became an adult.

She can’t believe such a man is attending her banquet.

A smooth smile hung around Serajin’s mouth.

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I can’t miss this opportunity.

She reached out and rang the bell.

The bell drew people’s attention to Serajin.

“Do you feel a little bored today? So, I’m going to hold an event.”

Participants were buzzing with interesting expressions at Serajin’s words.

“There are two late comers today, a man and woman. Playing catch the rabbit would be a good idea.” 


Adelia and Ivan slowly stepped into the party.

The appearance of the two drew the attention of the party hall.

The eyes of those who saw the two were mixed with admiration, curiosity, and other emotions.

Adelia smiled. 

Attracting the attention of the people was a success. 

“What should I do now?” lvan whispered.

Adelia, pretending to be relaxed, said to Ivan,

“Just stay around me for a while. If you’re feeling cramped, you can go out on the terrace. I’ve already attracted enough attention.”

Adelia noticed that Ivan felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere of the party.

Somehow, she felt sorry.

“I thought you were used to parties like this.”  Ivan breathed a sigh and shook his head.

“I’ll try to stay with you as long as I can.” said Ivan, with a determined look on his face.

Adelia had no choice but to hold back her laughter.

Then a bell rang from the second floor.

Adelia and Ivan naturally raised their eyes to the place where the sound came from.

A woman wearing a blue butterfly mask.

Adelia had a hunch that she is the organizer of the masquerade.

“Do you feel bored today? So, I’m going to hold an event.”

As she expected, the woman in the blue butterfly mask was the host.

“There are two late comers today, a man and woman. Playing catch the rabbit would be a good idea.” 

The fingers of the woman in the blue butterfly mask pointed to Ivan and Adelia.

This was a completely unexpected situation.

Adelia blinked and looked at Ivan as if asking a question ‘what is catch the rabbit’. 

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