Adelia’s shoulder flinched for a moment.

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…you must be talking to me.

Adelia sighed and crept out.

“Did you enjoy watching? Viscount Yurpheon.”

Rainer asked, smirking. Maybe he’s offended because she caught them having that kind of conversation. Adelia pondered how to explain.

Will he accept whatever I say to explain?

No eloquent explanation can appease the man now.

“I’ll be honest with you. I heard your voices while I was passing by.”

“So, you overheard the conversation?”

“…I don’t deny it. Right. I’m sorry. I should have avoided it right away.”

Rainer’s brow frowned at Adelia’s frank apology. He shut his mouth for a moment and looked at Adelia. Adelia also remained silent, contemplating how to get out of this place.

Then, the voice of the weak Rainer asked a self-help question.

“Do you think I look like a fool?”

Adelia looked at the figure of Rainer. To be honest, he looked really cool for a person who became a fool because of his lover’s betrayal. 

“Not at all.”

Adelia gave a frank appreciation. Then Rainer’s face was momentarily stained with embarrassment.

“…I think you misunderstood the intent of the question-”

“Oh, if you’re asking if the lord’s situation is funny, it’s not that funny.”


Rainer looked blankly at Adelia as if he had lost his words. Adelia shrugged and continued.

“I don’t know the details of your situation, but… It’s Mary dale who did something wrong, isn’t it? Well… in her words, you seem to have left her lonely, but it doesn’t make sense for her to share a bed with your cousin, have a child and get engaged with another aristocrat.”

Rainer murmured softly, reflecting on Adelia’s words.

“…That’s right. Her behavior was not sensible.”

Soon he burst into laughter and approached Adelia. Adelia frowned at Rainer’s sudden action. Soon after, Rainer approached Adelia and gently wrapped Adelia’s hair with his hand.

“It’s a mess.”

“The distance is too close.”

Adelia took a step back, hitting Rainer’s hand with a fan. Rainer said, taking a step closer to her, though she was clearly refusing.

“Your lip makeup is smudged a little, too.”

“My lord. What are you doing now?”

Adelia snapped back and asked, Rainer replied carelessly.

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“I’m trying to seduce you.”


A laugh escaped Adelia’s mouth.

“Now that I think about it, I think I was the only one who kept his loyalty.”

“Rainer Orlando.”

Adelia’s cold voice called Rainer’s name.

A voice so cold that he never thought would come out from a slender woman’s body. Rainer finally realized that he had insulted Adelia. He brushed his face and immediately handed an apology.

“…I’m sorry.”

“Of course, you should be sorry. I’m not a person who is free enough to warm up the bed at any time to soothe the lord’s mind.”

“…that’s not what I meant.”

Rainer’s shoulders drooped. He looked quite miserable, so she felt sympathy for a moment, but Adelia was not so soft that she would be swayed by momentary emotions.

“The problem is that it sounded like that to me.”

Rainer’s eyes shook. As if it’s broken. Adelia clicked her tongue briefly. He was pitiful, but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s been rude to her.

“Since my lord has been rude to me, may I give you some rude advice?”

“…I’ll listen.”

“I think you’re out of your mind because of your ex-lover’s betrayal, so I hope you get well soon.”

Madam Orlando will be deeply disappointed if he does something wrong. That would make it even harder to approach Madam Orlando. So, him coming to his senses was important for her. 

“How… how can I recover?”

“…. revenge?” 

“If it’s revenge…”

“It would be a good revenge to meet a new lover and show your affection to her in front of your ex.”

It’s a little childish, though.

“…I see.”

Adelia did not add any more. It’s time to get back to the hall.

“If you’ve calmed down, shall we go back to the ballroom? We’re partners anyway.”

Rainer nodded slowly. Adelia took Rainer back to the hall. The ball was about to reach its climax. Adelia stood close to the wall and watched the ball go on without a word.

At that time, the Grand Duke who was surrounded by nobles and talking in the distance came into view. For a moment, Adelia hurriedly turned her eyes away as if she had made eye contact with the Grand Duke.

Rainer whispered in a low voice when he saw it.

“You were with your Highness.”

Adelia avoided answering and kept her silence. Rainer did not ask any more questions that would not get an answer.  The two remained silent until the ball was over.

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Serajin’s ball ended in great success.


It was already dawn when she came back from the ball. Adelia couldn’t go to bed easily. Various thoughts ran through her mind. From the Grand Duke to Demalo. She felt her head aching because of the sudden situation.

“How can I look at the Grand Duke from now on?”

Adelia sighed deeply and touched her forehead. Suddenly, she felt a rush of regret. But you can’t put the spilled water back in. It seemed that she had to keep her distance from the Grand Duke for the time being.

And Demalo… 

Adelia couldn’t shake her thoughts about Demalo while she was trading with Serajin. When she thought about it, she had a feeling of affection and hatred.

“Is this love and hate?”

Adelia didn’t want to run into him and didn’t want to let him go.This contradictory feeling caused her to agonize.

But I had to make a decision. ‘Adelia’, what do you want to do?

She asked a question to the owner of her body. Of course, there was no answer back.

So, Adelia’s troubles continued until dawn. Adelia finally came to a conclusion. The maids came in to tidy up the bedroom.

Adelia asked the maids in a calm voice.

“Can you bring me Demalo?”


“I heard you called me.”

Demalo’s voice was full of tension. Adelia’s calm gaze turned to Demalo.

“Indeed, I decided to keep you by my side.”

For a moment, Demalo’s eyes grew bigger. Soon hot liquid filled his eyes. Adelia was surprised to see the unexpected tears of Demalo.

“No… Why are you crying? That’s what Demalo wanted, right?”

“Oh, my lady, no, my lord. People sometimes shed tears when they are happy.”


Adelia was at a loss for words. It was only after a long tear that Demalo was able to calm down. He knelt on one knee and put his forehead on the back of Adelia’s hand.

“I will do my best to keep you safe.”

At that, Adelia somehow felt as if one side of her chest was full. Adelia smiled quietly and responded to Demalo’s oath.

“I’ll believe you one more time.”

Only after accepting Demalo could Adelia see his face, where the traces of time had remained. It’s similar to what she remembered, but different….

Adelia suddenly wondered how he lived when he left her.

“Can you tell me how you lived after you left me?”

Demalo was embarrassed for a moment when asked unexpected questions, but he answered with a small smile.

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“It’s going to be a long story.”

“I don’t care. Tell me everything.”

“That’s great.”

It was a particularly sunny morning. Adelia and Demalo did not stop talking until the sun, which was floating high on the top of the head, crossed the horizon.


“Can’t you all pull yourself together?”

At the command of Lizzie, Hestine’s maid, the servant’s eyes turned to the floor.

“Doesn’t anyone know what this banquet is for? Leah, you tell me.”

“…It’s a banquet to celebrate the performance of the saint.”

“You know it well. But why are you making such a rudimentary mistake?”

Lizzie looked at the servants with fierce eyes as if she were very angry.

“Ha… how dare you break the vase and injure the holy body of the saint.”

Lizzie shook her head as if it were ridiculous.

“Lizzie, Hestine-nim seems a little surprised, so I think it’s better for you to comfort her.”

“Dennis, you’re here. Hestine-nim? Was she surprised?”

At the appearance of Dennis, a smile bloomed on the fierce face of Lizzie. 

“It’s not that serious, but you’re the only one I can rely on.”

“Ha… yes, Hestine-nim needs me.”

Lizzie swept Denise’s forearm with a face full of annoyance. Denise had the same smile as he did when he first appeared without any signs of displeasure.

“I’ve got to go. See you later, Denise.”

Denise smiled softly and took a vague attitude toward Lizzie’s words. Recognizing this positively, Lizzy hurriedly headed to Hestine’s room. As Lizzie’s shadow disappeared completely, Denise turned to the servants.

“You all worked hard.”

As warm words of encouragement came out of Dennis’ mouth, sighs of relief came from here and there.

“Ugh… that mosquito-like human being. Before she became the saint’s maid, she used to flatter me but now she acts like a saint just because she’s the saint’s full-time maid.”

“And did you see her swept Denise’s arms? It’s terrible.”

“You’re going through a lot, Denise.”


A young man with brown hair and beautiful green eyes has almost become a hero among servants these days. It hasn’t been long since he became the duke’s servants but many trusted him. That’s because he’s the only one who can mediate Lizzie, who became the maid in charge of the saint and treats the servants like a slave. 

The original maid was kicked out of the duchy because of Lizzie, and the only person who could stop her, who was fully trusted by the saint, was the one who inherited the blood of the duke. 

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However, there was no way the nobles cared about the treatment of their employees.Therefore, servants’ evaluation of Dennis, who prevents Lizzie’s ridiculous nitpicking and venting anger every time, is high.

“I’m fine. Finish your work. I’m done with mine.”

“Thank you always!”

“Dennis has a good personality, too.”

Dennis walked quickly, leaving behind the compliments of the servants. The place where he headed was the cookery where they prepare the food.

“Dennis? What brings you here?”

The kitchen servant tilted his head to Dennis’ appearance and asked Dennis said with a gracious smile.

“I came here to help you because my day ended earlier than I thought.”

“Really? Then I’d be grateful. I’m busy right now. What’s more, there’s going to be an important guest. The chef is very nervous. He said I shouldn’t make mistakes. Your Majesty is coming….”

The servant began to spout useful information. Dennis naturally sat next to the servant and peeled the potatoes. At the same time, he led a conversation so that the servant would not stop talking.

“I know it’s a party but it’s really noisy, do they have a special guest?”

The servant glanced around and leaned cautiously toward Dennis. Then he whispered quietly in a low voice.

“I’ve heard from another kitchen clerk that the special guests who said were coming were the priests of Vishna temple.”

“A priest? Isn’t it natural because a saint is here?”

“And there are five bishops…?”

“Well, that’s definitely a lot.”

Dennis nodded naturally in agreement.

“And usually, when guests come, they give you a detached house near the main castle, right? But strangely enough, they told me to prepare a detached house in the forest behind the castle.”

For a moment, Dennis’ eyes glanced at him. The servant kept peeling the potatoes and didn’t notice the look of Dennis.

“The mountain at the back?”

“Oh, you don’t know. Well, it hasn’t been long since you joined. I’ve been working here for 12 years. Even before I worked here, the mountain behind the territory was prohibited.”

“For what?”

“I don’t know the details. Well, I hear there’s a diamond mine or something.”

The mountain behind us. 

Dennis squinted his eyes and recalled the mountain behind the castle.

The scale itself was big, but there’s nothing special about it. That’s what I’ve known, at least so far.

However, the forest was thick and the road was complicated enough to hide something.

“But isn’t it strange to welcome the bishops there?”

A significant smile flashed around Dennis’ lips.

“That’s right. Something’s definitely wrong.”

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