Chapter Title: Alicia’s Thoughts

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Translator: TheDoru
Proofreader: EvilMayDie64

「Huh… This is the best, I feel like I’m coming back to life.」

I scoop up some hot water with both hands and pour it over my face. I’m currently soaking in a hot spring that the elves own.

The hot spring is surrounded by rocks, and the only sound I can hear is the sound of water running down from between the rocks.

The hot springs are surrounded by tall trees, so I can relax by myself without worrying about someone watching me.

「It’s a strange thing, though.」

Just a few days ago, I was standing in front of the evil god, and now here I am, being taken care of in an elven village.

I couldn’t have imagined this when I was living with Alicia in the Kingdom of Ilkut.

「Is Alicia going to be okay?」

I remembered the look on her face when we parted.

Alicia is a kind girl. She doesn’t like when someone else is going to get sacrificed in her place. She probably must be depressed.

「If only I could somehow let her know I’m okay…….」

To do so, I must first reach a village or a city of the human race……

「For now, how do I get out of this forest?」

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I puzzled over it.

Laughter could be heard from everywhere, and spheres of light floated all around us.

The glow of the spirit of light gently illuminated the surroundings, and the elves floating in it looked very fantastic.

I watched the scene as I sipped on a glass of honey wine.

「It’s delicious.」

The liquor made from the flowers was refreshing and easy to drink, and the elegant taste of honey filled my mouth.

It seems to be a secret Elven wine, and I’ve never had anything like it in town.

I was thinking that it was worth being here just to be able to drink this wine.

「Elt. Why is the star of the day sitting in the corner of the room?」

Serena was standing there.

In contrast to her previous attire while exploring the forest, she was wearing a thin white dress with sandals and flower decorations. Her cheeks were warm from the hot spring and she smelled very good.

She seemed to be in a good mood, holding a bottle of honey wine in her hand, just like me.

「I was just looking at them, thinking how happy they looked.」

I turned my gaze away from Serena and looked at them.

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「That’s true. We’ve been through a lot with the Bloody Ogre. Now that we don’t have to worry about it anymore, of course we’ll be happy.」

Serena said that and sat down next to me. As I stared at her, my eyes suddenly met hers.

「Hey, can you tell me about yourself?」

「About myself?」

「Come to think of it, we only know each other’s names, don’t we?」

I was so busy that I didn’t have time to have a conversation.

「That’s right, I suppose. It’s a long story, so if you wouldn’t mind?」

「Yes, of course. We have plenty of time.」

I was in a good mood after drinking, so Serena and I spent the rest of the evening chatting.

★ (Alicia POV)

「Elt, why……」

Alicia muttered in the darkness. The tears had dried up and were no longer flowing.

Several days had passed since the sacrifice ceremony.

The ceremonial hall was confused at first, but when the transportation magic circle that summoned them to the evil god told them that Elt had disappeared, the buzzing subsided.

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Most of the people praised Elt’s actions and shed tears for his self-sacrifice.

But deep down, everyone must have been thinking.

『Now Alicia won’t have to be sacrificed.』


「I’m not happy about it. I can’t believe that Elt is gone……」

Alicia’s memories of the time she had spent with Elt came back to her mind. At the same time, a sense of loss washed over her.

「Because I was weak, that’s why Elt was……」

I remember the night before the ceremony. Alicia had called Elt.

The next day, she would have to offer herself to the evil god. At the very least, she wanted to confide her feelings to him before that.

However, when she saw Elt’s face, Alicia could not muster the courage to confess her feelings. The childhood friend who had been with her since birth. If she shared her feelings here, she might end up tying him up for life. Thinking about it again, I couldn’t speak.

Instead, all I could say was a weak 「I don’t want to die.」

She had been chosen as a sacrifice by the government, and although she acted bravely, she was a girl of her age in front of Elt. Her true feelings leaked out.

When Elt heard Alicia’s words, he gently patted her back.

「If I hadn’t cried at that time, Elt might not have thought of taking my place.」

She looked at the magic circle he had been sucked into.

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「No, I’m sure he meant to do this all along. Elt is too kind.」

Alicia slightly smiled. She touched the magic circle and………….


The magic circle grew brighter.

「Is this thing still connected? That’s a lie…Because this light is supposed to disappear when the sacrificed person dies.」

The evil god’s magic circle appears once a year in the castle’s ritual hall. It will not subside unless someone passes through it, and it loses its light when the sacrifice dies. Alicia had been told this beforehand.

「Could it be that Elt is still alive?」

That was close to wishful thinking. There is a possibility that the magic circle is malfunctioning for some reason. It’s also possible that the legend was just wrong. But…….

The magic circle only shines and does not answer. Even if Alicia was on top of it, the magic circle would not activate, because it only had the ability to carry a single sacrifice.

「If you’re really alive……」

A light lit up in Alicia’s eyes. It was not the despairing lament of the past, but a determined light…….

「I want to see Elt.」

The girl said her wish.

「I have to see him and tell him. Because this is the only thought I’ll ever have…….」

Alicia put her hand on her chest and felt her heart beat faster and faster.

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