12. My Harem Development is wrong as expected?

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*creak* *creak* *creak* *creak* *creak*…

When I heard something squeaking, I awoke with a start.
My whole body was strangely heavy.
The area around my chest was being pressed intermittently.

On top of that, the area around my stomach was warm.
Simultaneously, a terrifyingly soft feeling was transmitting to my skin, and I begin feeling erotic.

I have no clue what’s going on.
After leaving the guild yesterday, I found an inn in the city and while complaining that my room was small, I remember lying on the bed but…


The squeaking sound starts feeling like a distant dream. I was about to go to sleep again in rhythm with it.
However, I managed to endure and lift my eyelids.

“Master! Master! Wake up!!”

The first thing that jumped on me was the desperate form of Pafimia.
She keeps screaming, telling me to wake up.
While respectfully calling me master, for some reason she continued beating my chest.

“What are you doing, Pafimia?”

Is what I replied.
Then, tears begin to emerge from Pafimia’s eyes.



Pafimia wraps herself around my neck.
She hugs me strongly as if trying to mark me with her scent.

“W-w-w-w-w-what are you doing!?”

For a night’s visit, this was too bold.
For starters, the light leaking from the curtains means it’s definitely morning.
The chirping of the birds, reminds me of the time after the ‘deed’.

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However Pafimia, without any embarrassment, keeps on clinging to me.
Her face looked as if we were having a reunion after 10 years.

“I’m so glad, master! I’m so glad you’re alive.”

What’s with her.
Is she confused about something?
Or did I inadvertently cast the magic [Confuse] in the middle of the night?

But her eyes looked sane.
No, sincere would be more accurate.
Pafimia, you…
calling me master while holding such feelings…

I didn’t expect my popular phase to arrive as soon as I came to the human realm.

“P-p-p-p-Pafimia, calm down. Let’s calm down for a bit.”

“…Sorry, master. I became too excited.”

I see.
So you were aroused.
W-well… we did ‘that’, after all.
I guess it can’t be helped.
I don’t have any memories of it though…

“In any case, get away now. If Sharon sees something like this…”

“I am right here.”

She was right heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!

Sharon was right here.
Not from the other side of the door or the other side of the window.
Not even from under the bed.

For some reason the priestess was clinging to my lower abdomen.

That too N-A-K-E-D!!

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She looked delighted and was crying with Pafimia while bathing in the sunlight leaking from the curtains.

“I’m glad! I’m so glad…”

Don’t be!
No, I guess humans consider it a reward.
Sharon. You are still young.
Doing such things before marriage— it’s strange for a demon like me to say so though…

Besides that.
Why did you sneak into the bed of a man who you just met and that too naked?
Though it’s true you can’t do it unless you’re naked!
But that… there is a procedure you know, or an order.

Are all human females like this?
Today’s succubi would also lose compared to this.
It’s so predatory, it’s simply scary.

The arrival of my popular period however, is a welcome occasion.
I wish I could become a bit more cheery, and a sweet and sour kind of guy!
Developing a harem like this, all of a sudden, is too bad for my heart.

Well, my human heart had stopped beating a long ago though.

“Let’s calm down in any case. I-I may as well ask, but what the hell were you two doing?”

“Master… Your heart had stopped beating.”


“Your body was also so cold… We wanted to warm you up.”


I’ll explain what happened to me right now.
I am a demi-lich, and a demon.
My looks aren’t different to that of humans, but my heart does not beat.
That’s because it moves with magical power itself, not with blood. So it’s natural that my body is cold.

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In other words, Pafimia and Sharon entered the room of my inn for some reason, found out that my heart wasn’t beating and felt I had low body temperature… and…


My heart was about to stop, as I realize that fact.
Though it was already like that.

Fortunately, the two did not seem to have noticed.
It seems that I haven’t been suspected of being a demi-lich yet.
They think I had a heart attack, and they brought me back from it.

At least for now.


“Y-yes, what is it Capua-sama?”

“Could you wear some clothes now?”

“Ah! Kyaa!”

What a cute scream.
Sharon hurriedly hides her body, but it’s too late.
Her figure was completely burned into my eyes.
This image will probably be engraved in the back of my eyes even after 1000 years.

“Priestess of Prophecy” Sharon had hidden big breasts…

Sharon changes in a hurry and returns to her original priestly look.
She couldn’t hide the redness in her face though.

“I’m sorry for worrying both of you.”

“It’s okay, but I was really scared.”
“Are you feeling better now, Capua-sama?”

The usual smile returned to Pafimia, and Sharon, who still had a slightly red face, stared at me with anxiety.

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“Yeah, I’m okay. I was okay to begin with.”

“What do you mean, master?”

“Sharon, do you remember me telling you that I was originally training in the mountains?”

I brought up the backstory that I had forgotten about until 20 seconds ago.

Pafimia moves her head vertically.

“Actually, this was also a part of my training.”

“S-stopping your heart as training…”
“S-such rigor…”

“There are some demons, who can use death attribute magic. They are particularly troublesome. If one uses a magic called [Instant Death], you will die regardless of how strong you are. Truly a terrifying magic.”

The two swallow in nervousness.

“I heard that [Instant Death] cannot be avoided. That’s why I have learnt the technique of resuscitating myself even if my heart ever stops. This is part of that training… Well? Do you understand now?”

I steal a glance at them.

Suddenly, Pafimia’s body quivered.
She kicked the chair she was sitting on and stood up, then she gave a howl like shout.


“Amazing! You’re amazing, master!! Burdening yourself with such training; as expected, master is amazing!!”

“As expected of Capua-sama. Pushing yourself to that extent just to train… I’ve seen off various heroes, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone so stoic.”

Pafimia and Sharon give an applause while praising me.

Good! good! is what I thought.
I’m glad this went well.
Rather than being too easy, I’m saved by the fact that they’re such a pure pair of red-wolf and human.

However, I pity myself who just keeps getting better at lying.

I better quickly create an environment where I can live quietly…

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