19. The Hound That Came Home

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◆◇◆◇◆ Demon side ◆◇◆◇◆

“I’ll take my leave now, Blazel.”

Luviana, who had finished her work slightly earlier, gets up from her chair.
She calls out to Blazel, who was still doing paperwork.
In front of Luviana, was Voganis, who was tilting his head while looking at the documents.
He wasn’t suited for this kind of office work.

“Wait, Luviana.”

Luviana unconsciously wrinkles her eyebrow.
In response, Blazel stands up, and whispers into her ear.

“Are you free tonight? I just found a bar which serves delicious dragon-head sake. How about it?”
“I’m sorry, but like before, I have urgent business for which I need to return home.”
“Business? You have refused me before using this reason once already!”
“Is that so? You always were one to hold grudges.”
“What did you say!”

Blazel wrinkles his eyebrows.
But Luviana ignored it, since this was a routine for her.
It’s always been like this, recently.
No, it felt like she’d been invited more often ever since Capsodia was banished.

“Excuse me, but I can’t keep my housemate waiting. I’m going home.”
“H, housemate!! Who is your housemate?”

Blazel questions her while getting flustered.
Seeing his dismayed expression, Luviana simply snickers.

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“A pet, just a pet. I have to go home early and feed it.”

Ruviana smiles again and leaves the place.
Left behind in the office, Blazel stood in place with his mouth wide opened, like a dog waiting for its food.

“Cerberus, I’m home.”

Luviana had returned to the mansion in her territory.
She opens the door, and calls out to Capsodia’s beloved dog, only to be met with silence.
Ever since he began sponging off of her, Cerberus always jumped into her chest and acted spoiled, but recently he’d stopped doing that.

“Hmm… he’ll probably be back when it’s time for his snacks.”

Luviana starts humming, while preparing food for him.

◆◇◆◇◆ Capsodia side ◆◇◆◇◆

The guild was unprecedentedly busy that day.
Many adventurers were packed together, and formed a circle around some people.
The ones in the middle of it, were Pafimia and Sharon.

“What happened to you two?”

I rush towards them, and ask.
Sharon was unharmed, but Pafimia had injuries all over.
It didn’t seem life-threatening, but they’re still pretty deep wounds.

“M-master… I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize. Tell me, who did this to you?”

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“It was a monster.”

In response, Sharon raises a meek voice instead.

“I shall explain.”

The one who stepped forward, was Carla.
According to her explanation, a vicious monster had inhabited the forest near here.
Most adventurers were helpless against it, so Carla unhesitatingly requested Pafimia, who was chosen by the “Priestess of Prophecy” Sharon.

However, even Pafimia didn’t stand a chance against it.

I am willing to acknowledge Pafimia’s latent abilities.
With all the quests she had taken on recently, she must have accumulated a lot of battle experience as well.
But if the same Pafimia loses in battle, then there’s no doubt that it’s a fairly annoying monster.

“In any case, you both did well coming back alive.”
“We don’t really understand how we managed that either.”
“He was toying with me. I couldn’t hope to beat him.”

Leisure of the strong, huh.

“Any special features?”
“It had sharp fangs and red eyes… also, it had three heads.”


Sharp fangs and red eyes…
Three heads.
It couldn’t be– Cerberus?

No, it has to be.

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The features match him perfectly.
There is also a good reason for someone like him to roam around here.

The reason being, he probably followed me till here.

Fu fu… that kid.
He was full of energy when he ran towards Luviana’s place, so I thought he had no lingering affection for me, but I guess he was really worried about me.

What a lovable guy…

“Then what can we do? Our guild doesn’t have adventurers above bronze rank. If even Pafimia-sama couldn’t subjugate it, then the rest of our guild doesn’t stand a chance!”

“Fine. I’ll go.”

I hit my chest steadily.

“Eeeh!? But Capua-sama certainly said he didn’t want to fight monsters if he could…”
“Since the situation calls for it, I’ll be the one to go.”

I say so decidedly.
Seeing my figure, Carla lets out a voice in awe.

“W-will master fight!? Then, me too…”

Pafimia lifts her injured body.

“No don’t. You won’t be able to move with those injuries. Stay and rest.”
“But I want to see master fight.”

Pafimia was serious.
Seeing her face, even I wanted to say- “Sure, let’s go”, but I couldn’t possibly do that.
If she sees the relationship between me and Cerberus, she’ll definitely find out that I’m a demon.

I’ll have to have her withdraw…

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“No. It’s skilled enough to leave you like that. I will most likely have to show my full-power here.”
“Master’s full-power…”

Pafimia gulps unconsciously.

“At that time, I don’t believe I’ll be able to look out for you. You might really die this time.”
“Lil’ princess Pafimia…”

Mackenzie raises his voice from inside the circle, though I have no clue when he got there.

“You should carefully listen to him. What he’s trying to say, is that he can’t fight at full strength with you beside him. That must be how highly he rates this opponent.”

Grandpa Mackenzie, nice follow!

“I get it, master!… Please win.”

Pafimia, who looked like she could burst into tears at any moment, entrusts victory to me.
I felt like I’d done something mean to her, but I simply raise my thumb.
As I began to depart, something grabs the hem of my robe.
I turn around to see Sharon with her hands locked, while looking at me with painful eyes.

“May you have good fortune…”

Her voice was shaking, and she looked like she was about to cry.

I stroke Sharon’s head.

“The goddess of victory is praying for me, of course I’ll return.”

Sharon gives a crisp reply, and shows a smile in the end.

With this, I head out to the forest to reunite with Cerberus.

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