21. I Don’t Know What Sort of a Face I Should Make in These Times

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When I returned to the guild, I was immediately embraced by Pafimia.
She completely glued herself to me.
Wa-! Sto-! People are looking. How embarrassing!

“Welcome back, Capua-sama!!”

Sharon also comes out in front of me.
Small tears could be seen forming at the edge of her eyes.
Pafimia’s hands, which were strangling me, were also shaking.
It seems that they were both worried about me.

I stroke the soft red fur, and the priestess’ beautiful silver hair.

“I made you two worried. Forgive me.”
“Not at all. We believed in your safe return.”
“Master! Did you defeat it?”
“Aa… I guess…”

I give them a thumbs up.
To be honest, my innards were still boiling, so my memory was hazy.
I’m pretty sure I used [Instant Death] somewhere though…

“Amazing master!”
“Congratulations, Capua-sama.”

This delight wasn’t just limited to both of them.
The adventurers who were listening in, widened their eyes and were speechless.

“No way, he defeated the Hydralord.”
“Yeah… I didn’t think he could do it.”
“Wasn’t Hydralord a B-rank monster?”
“Amazing! The Hydralord (etc. etc.).”

Wai-! You-!
You guys knew the subjugation target was Hydralord?
Well then tell me that before!

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I was completely sure that it would be my Cerberus!!

“As expected, Capua-sama. You were even able to defeat the infamous Hydralord.”

Carla also expresses her surprise.
It seems that even she knew exactly what was in the forest.

Come on~, you should tell me that before~.

“I will report the fulfillment of the request immediately. Capua-sama, do you have anything to prove that you defeated the Hydralord? Even a part of the demon beast can be immediately identified by appraisal…”

Ga-! Oops.
In my frustration, I left as soon as I defeated it.

Maaan, now I’ll have to go back there again.

No, wait.
Can’t I just act like someone else did it?
If they build a Capua Dia memorial next to the museum, I might just die of indignation (though I’m already dead).

In any case, let’s go with that!

“Capua sama?”
“Carla, actually–“

‘Forgetting something, iron rank adventurer?’

In front of us, what appeared to be a part of the monster’s horn rolled onto the ground.

“This, couldn’t be-“

Sharon uses appraisal magic.

“There’s no mistaking it, it’s a part of the Hydralord’s horn.”

The adventurers start creating an uproar.
Everyone’s interest was focused on the man who carried the Hydralord’s horn here.

He was a handsome man with gray hair parted from the middle.
he had sharp features, and his eyes seemed to have sadness in them.
I don’t know the aesthetic sense of human beings, but I heard from a Succubus long ago that a man like this stimulates the sexual desire of a human female.

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“To have defeated the demon beast, but not bring back a piece of it. What on earth were you thinking, iron rank adventurer?”
“Y-you are…”

I wanted to ask who he was, but Carla beats me to it.
She then sways back and opens her eyes in disbelief.

“It couldn’t be…….. Mystertam the Absolute Flash…….”

The other adventurers raise their voices after hearing that.

“Wasn’t Mystertam the Absolute Flash…”
“A silver rank adventurer…”
“Who’s among the top ten of the capital!?”

Your explanation was pathetic… adventurer-kuns.
Though I somehow get it.
The fact that this guy is ridiculously amazing.

Was there really such a guy at the forest?
I didn’t notice him at all.
Although, my blood was still boiling at that time.

Regardless, this is a welcome coincidence for me.
If I make it so that he takes the credit for defeating the monster, I’ll finally be able to live in peace and quiet.

“Could it be, that you were the one to defeat Hydralord…”

“Eh, is that true?”
“Then, then… Capua-sama defeating it…”
“Was a lie…”

Hate is accumulating towards me, but this is also part of my plan.
What I want is neither honor, nor praise.
But only a peaceful second life.

Now then, Mysteltam the Absolute something.
Admit it, you’re the one who defeated it.
No… please acknowledge it, I’ll do anything.

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Having a memorial built in this town is a “no thank you” from me!

Mysteltam then shakes his head.

Why did you give me the win here??

Whether it be Sharon.
Whether it be Mysteltam.
Why are humans all such honest beings?
Humanity, become more greedy!!

“Mysteltam-san, is that true?”

Carla confirms with him.

“Yeah, it was a one-hit kill. My partner Verdana and I were nothing compared to it even with legendary-class weapons, but he defeated it in an instant.”
“A Hydralord which couldn’t be scratched by silver-class adventurers with legendary equipment, was taken out in one hit…!”

Carla involuntarily collapses in place.

“Amazing! As expected of master.”
“Is there really anything which could make Capua-sama draw out his full power in this world?”

Pafimia and Sharon praise me.

“I knew it.”
“I always believed Capua-sama.”
“You can always count on Capua-sama.”

The attitudes of the adventurers who were directing hate at me, does a one-eighty.
The looks of contempt easily changed to looks of envy and admiration.
You guys change your minds too fast.

“Why would you leave the Hydralord there and go home? Could it be-“
“No, that was–“

What should I do?
It’s hard to say I simply forgot.
That said, I couldn’t think of anything else.

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“Could it be, that you–. You wanted to let us have it?”

“He? Eh? No, that… T-t-t-that’s right. Because I saw you guys. Maybe you were injured? you could sell it to treat yourself…”

Gaah, I really don’t get it, but let’s go with that.
I don’t get it, but let’s ride it!

Then, Mysteltam looks straight at me.
His look was serious enough to suck me in.
Even a male like me, had his heart fluttering…

“Thank you.”

Saying so, Mysteltam begins revealing his past.
Something about his village and this and that.
To me, it seemed like the run-of-the-mill sad story.

“I regret not being able to avenge my companions’ death with my own hands, but me and my partner will never forget your warmth. Thank you, Capua-sama.”


A loud roar went up.
The uncouth adventurers were shedding tears.
I even heard sobbing from hear and there.

“Master is such a nice person.”
“Yeah… What compassion!!”

Pafimia was also crying.
Sharon had also covered her face, and was wailing.

“Indeed, my eyes weren’t deceived. Capua-sama embodies sainthood in himself.”

Sharon again brings up the word “saint” and declares so.

As everyone’s eyes were getting swollen, only I stood there confused.

Ummm… I wonder what sort of a face I should make in these times.

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