23. How’s The Energyyy!?

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◆◇◆◇◆ Demon side ◆◇◆◇◆

It was when Luviana and Voganis were doing office work in the room.
Voganis suddenly throws his leg over the table.
After making a long sigh, he begins staring at the ceiling.

“I wonder how he’s doing…”
“”he”? You mean Blazel who’s gone out for inspection?”
“No way. I’m talking about Capsodia.”
“Luviana, what’s up with that face?”
“I’m surprised. To think you would be the one to bring up Capsodia. Could it be, that you’re worried about him?”
“N-n-n-n-n-n-n-no way! Who would be worried over that small fry.”

Voganis rejects the idea with all his might.
But he couldn’t hide his blue skin which had reddened.
Seeing him, Luviana lets out a small laugh.

“Speaking of which, I suppose it’s you who owes him the biggest debt.”
“Huh? Debt? There’s no way.”

Voganis waves his hand.
Luviana stops moving her hand at her work.

“Come on, don’t you remember? How when we were kids, your magic used to run wild all the time.”
“…Who knows. I’d have forgotten something like that long ago.”

Voganis goes silent for a moment.
While staring into the distance, he starts to dig his ear canal.
Voganis had a habit of doing that whenever he lied.

Luviana again gives a laugh.

“At that time with Capsodia’s advice, Voganis finally became able to manipulate magic.”
“I don’t remember something like that… Get back to work, Luviana.”

Voganis resumes his office work.
Luviana also sees him and begins moving her stopped hand.
However, her hand suddenly stops again.

(That’s right. Ever since we were little, Capsodia was always at the center of us.)

While gazing at the western sky, Luviana reminisces over the past.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ Capsodia side ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

“Oi, Pafimia.”

I call out to Pafimia.
She was breathing roughly, while placing her hand on her knees.
She didn’t seem to have reacted to my words.
With her head and tail hanging down, she looked defeated.

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“Pafimia, listen carefully. What is your greatest strength?”
“That is … well, physical fitness?”
“Bu buu-. Incorrect answer…”
“Eh? Then, then, what are my strengths? I just don’t know anymore.”

Pafimia holds her head.
She seems to have completely lost her self-confidence.

“You know, Pafimia. Your number one- no, your only advantage is-.”

‘-your energy.’

“Your energy is your only saving grace. What happened to your annoying as always “Master!”? Will you let go of the only strength you have?”
“But, I don’t need that in a fight. Even if I’m energetic.”
“That’s right, you don’t need it in a fight. But, you need it in your life.”
“My life…??”
“A loooong long time ago, a great man once said this…”

If you have the energy, you can do anything!!*

“Physical strength, really? That stuff’s the basest of the based. In reality, once you reach the executive class of demons, guys like you are a dime a dozen. There’s no doubt about it since I’m the one saying it! Or do you not believe your master’s words?”

Pafimia shakes her head in panic.

“However, there is not a single demon as energetic as you. Your energy is number one!”
“Number one energy?”
“That’s right, so start by manifesting your energy. It’s okay to be empty at first. In any case, raise your head. Take a deep breath. Even if it’s gradual, think about what you should be doing. Once you do that, look forward. Got it?”

Pafimia nods deeply.
She raises her head, stretches her back, and takes a deep breath.
Finally, after closing her eyes and meditating, she slowly lifts her eyelids.

It was the usual Pafimia’s eyes.
The eyes of that annoyingly pure and energetic red-wolf girl had returned.

“Alright! Let’s have another simulated battle with Mysteltam. Mysteltam, that’s fine right?”
“Makes no difference to me. The result will be the same anyways.”
“This time, I’ll be advising you.”

I banged my stretched chest.
Then Verdana, who was listening next to us, strokes his chin.

“Hoo… Capua Dia-sama as an advisor. How interesting.”

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“It’s nothing special. Now Pafimia, lend me your ear for a bit.”

I gently whisper into Pafimia’s ear.

“Eh? Will that be fine?”
“Yep. Do it like you always do. Good luck.”

I pat Pafimia’s back forward.

The simulation battle between Pafimia and Mystertam will begin again.
While watching the two, Verdana secretly whispers to me.

“Hey, professor. Just what kind of advice did you give her?”
“Nothing special.”
“Hmm… That reminds me, who was this “great man” you mentioned earlier? I’ve never heard it before, but he says some nice stuff.”
“Ah, that. That’s a red-handed lie.”
“A lie!?”
“For dem–humans, there exist no good or bad ways, when cheering someone up. It’s only about how you move their hearts. If I need to lie for that, I will.”
“Hmm… As expected of Capua Dia-sama.”
“Stop calling me that. I’m good with just Capua.”
“I see. Then, nice to meet you Capua.”

Verdana hits my shoulder after saying that.

I’m not really good with his type…

The second simulated battle is finally about to begin.
Pafimia and Mystertam both take a stance.

“Come, Pafimia.”

Pafimia rushes in.
She sprints through the field of wildflowers, and approaches Mysteltam in a straight line.

“She charged!”

No faints, nor anything.
Seeing Pafimia’s head-on strategy against Mysteltam, Verdana raises his voice unconsciously.

However, there was no doubt in Pafimia’s expression.
The assault was too straightforward…
Mysteltam, on the other hand, easily perceives Pafimia.
He naturally punches the oncoming Pafimia with a fist, since that’s the simplest.


A painful sound rings out, but Pafimia’s posture remains unwavering.
She keeps trying to move forward.
Mysteltam begins to hit her repeatedly.
Each of his punches made a heavy noise.
Mysteltam mercilessly strikes his fist over Pafimia’s defenses.

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That Mysteltam bastard…
He has no mercy.
Girls dislike men like that, you know.
Though I doubt any of that gets registered with Pafimia.

Even with the heavy blows from Mysteltam, Pafimia gradually steps forward.

“Wow… She keeps moving forward even after getting hit by Mysteltam. Though it wasn’t his main job, he still came 2nd in the fist-fighting competition organized by the royal capital.”

Verdana exhales in admiration.
He then suddenly notices something.

“Professor, I figured it out. You’re trying to make Pafimia into a shield knight, right? I think it’s a great idea. The toughness possessed by red-wolves, is top-class even among the beastly races. She would make a great shield knight.”

That’s not a bad idea.
Like Verdana says, Pafimia could be a great success as a shield knight.
However, she can’t become one.
She is a hero.
She is destined to be the savior of the world.

She does need the power to defend people, but that’s not all.

“It’s because she is the hero chosen by Sharon, the “Priestess of Prophecy”.”

Sharon had crossed her fingers, and closed her eyelids tightly, in hopes of victory.
Her small shoulders were shaking slightly.

The distance between Pafimia and Mysteltam was finally closing.
No. By now, it was almost nonexistent.
When it reached zero, Mysteltam noticed that Pafimia was whispering something.

“Move forward, embrace! Move forward, embrace! Move forward, embrace! Move forward, embrace! Move forward, embrace! Move forward, embrace! Move forward, embrace! Move forward, embrace!”

Move forward, and embraceeee!!

Pafimia then hugs Mysteltam with all her might.

‘Like she always does with me.’

“What are-“

The embraced Mysteltam was simply confused.
In contrast, Pafimia’s eyes begin to shine.

Hold…… and THROOOOWWW!!

She bends her back, and picks up Mysteltam easily.
After that, she launches him with all her might.
The heavy Mysteltam then gets slammed into the ground.


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A painful noise reverberates.
Unable to pick himself up, Mysteltam who was buried in the ground, loses consciousness.

Sharon and Verdana become speechless, seeing the unexpected conclusion.

“That’s game.”

My single line signalling the end, was the only sound reverberating in the silence.

Pafimia widened her eyes at the sight of Mysteltam, whom she had suplexed.
At the unexpected victory, she simply exhales roughly.
When realization hits her, Pafimia raises her fist to the sky-.


-and raises a scream.
What the hell was that screaming…
Well whatever. As long as she’s happy.

I give a small laugh, and lightly hit Pafimia’s shoulder.

“You did it!”

I give her a thumbs up.
Seeing my face, Pafimia begins to shed tears.


Pafimia hugs me like always.
I had expected it, but I guess I can let it go at times like these.

“See! Just like I told you. Thanks to you frequently coming to hug me. Even if your punches don’t connect, you can easily grapple—“

Hold… and throw!


At that moment, my head gets buried inside the ground.

“DAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I-is not what I meant! Sorry master! I threw you reflexively!!”

I could hear a panicking Pafimia’s voice in the distance.
With my consciousness half blurred, I swore inside my heart.

I will never, advice this girl ever again… (faints)



* – A line said by a famous wrestler, Antonio Inoki.

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