31. Maou-Sama, Time For Judgement

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Demon King—
That is, the pinnacle of all demons, as well as their leader.
No being has ever laid their eyes on one and lived, so their appearances can only be imagined.

Following from that, who could’ve told you that the current Demon King looked like a cute little girl, at first glance?

Brown skin, with golden eyes reminiscent of reptile.
Her body had yet to mature, as could be seen from her unsatisfactory chest, but her thin limbs were filled with grace which promised future growth.
Her hair possessing a crimson shine, were tied into two, and seemed to possess a blade-like shaprness.

Above all, her wings which signified the strongest race among demons [Dragonia], were majestic, terrifying, and invoked fear in all who saw them.

Maou [Grizalia].
The girl who inherited the throne from her predecessor [Zora], was working on the throne which could bear the brunt of her vast magical power only once.

“My lord, Blazel-sama has arrived.”

Her secretary and maid- [Cranbell] enters the hall and bows in honor.
Glancing at the homunculus, who was white like a ghost and slender, Grizalia erases all the documents on her desk.

“You may enter.”

Cranbell opens the door to the hall.
Blazel then walks in with a nervous face.
After coming closer to his king, he kneels.

“My liege, I hope are faring well–“
“Hey, Blazel. You must have buttons for eyes. Faring well? Sorry but my mood has been going directly down the ravine, straight into hell.”
“M-my apologies!”
“I don’t need such a mundane and boring apology. Do you know why I’m so angry?”
“Please, hear me out!! My lord, there is a perfectly good–“

Blazel begins standing up.
Before he could give a reason. Grizalia’s voice rings out even before him.


At that moment, Blazel again slams down on the ground.
That wasn’t all.
His face was turned down naturally, forcing him to kiss the ground.
Blazel was a level 200+ demon.
Strong enough to be a Heavenly King.
But even he couldn’t resist this enormous gravitational magic.

Grizalia’s special attribute was “Earth”.
But that doesn’t simply imply the earth attribute.
What she controls is “Earth”– the great expanse itself.
This girl possessed the power to flip this planet over had she wanted to, since birth.

“Who let you raise your head. Aren’t you under the wrong impression? In more ways than one….. let me remind you, in case you forgot. You are my dog. I won’t forgive you the next time you forget that.”

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“My… apologies.”
“As ever, your way of apologizing is so unattractive… Makes me surprised that you’re still a heavenly king. At least entertain me a bit more, or you’ll really foul my mood.”
“I-I offer no excuses, Maou-sama! I have lost the 20,000 troops I received from you.”
“Hmm…and who’s fault is that?”
“That is—“

Blazel tries to say something, but holds his tongue.

Then, Grizalia lightly taps the floor with her toes.
The gravitational magic on Blazel becomes even stronger.


Pain akin to his head being crushed.
Even Blazel could do nothing but let out an unsightly scream.
His bones were grating. No, his skeleton itself was getting distorted.
Severe pain spreads throughout his body, and he becomes incapable of even screaming.

Despite that, Blazel had no choice but to keep moving his mouth.

“It’s me! It’s… it’s Blazel!!”

The pain then goes away.
Having been released from the gravitational magic, Blazel only managed to exhale roughly.

On the other hand, Grizalia hadn’t a hint of regret on her face.
She takes out a cigarette from a box.
The silence passes, as she held the tobacco in her mouth.

Cranbell, who was waiting behind Blazel, whispers softly to him, who continued staring at her.

“My apologies Blazel-sama, a light…”

Having finally realized, Blazel frantically lights it using magic.

The tip of the cigarette glowed red.
After taking a single deep puff, Grizalia lets out purple smoke.
She raises her chin while keeping the cigarette in her fingers, and stares at Blazel in contempt.

“20 points…”
“Your excuse. Out of 10,000 points, I give it 20. Do you think those 20,000 troops are the only reason for my anger?”
“That is–“
“Enough. If I ask you, it’ll take a 100 years to get an answer. Let me tell you, what I’m really angry about.”
“T, thank you very much.”

Blazel’s voice was shaking.
Was it because of humiliation?
Or from fear?
Even he couldn’t clearly tell.

“You used large-scale transfer magic to send those 20,000 troops to the rural town of Neuville, correct?”
“Ah? Yes…”

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“Do you know how many died because of that? Twenty thousand. You killed 20,000, to send 20,000. You wiped out a total of 40,000 soldiers. Do you get it now?”

Grizalia pushed the cigarette into the ashtray, despite not having finished it yet.

“Moreover, before that, you sent that altered Hydralord by large-scale transfer magic as well. Tell me, how many were sacrificed then?”
“F- five thousand.”

“Adding that–“
“F-fourty… five thousand.”

“Yes- fourty five thousand… because of your frivolous research and obsession, the lives of 45,000 troops were lost. Despite having shared this pain in the battle with humans, just a while back!!”
“I-it is just as you say but… the sacrifices we used for the transfer were also from the human prisoners-of-war, as well as the homunculus we use for consumption–“

Blazel turns around to look at Cranbell.
He then resumes speaking.

“E-even if they’re dead, having the poltergeists revive them would resolve this wouldn’t it?”


Blazel starts trembling.
Seeing Grizalia’s sharp eyes, he braces himself unconsciously.

However, what she did next, was simply sigh.

“Haa… I am overwhelmed by your incompetence. Could you not display it in front of me, anymore? It makes me who recognized your talent, feel like an idiot.”
“…I apologize.”
“I’ve said this before. Shut up, f you’re going to just apologize in an uninteresting way.”
“I apo—“

Blazel stops his words.

Grizalia lowers her elbow the throne’s armrest, and rests her cheek.

“Did you think I wouldn’t be aware of the dropping efficiency among the poltergeists??”

Blazel again makes a stiff expression.

It seems that he himself didn’t think that the Demon King would know so much.

The job of a Demon King is to start wars, settle big businesses, and take into consideration the proposals of its subordinates, who propose it as an agenda item at the Demon King Grand Conference held three times a year…

She shouldn’t be having knowledge of such fine details.
Besides, those inconvenient ‘details’ were extinguished by Blazel himself.
It should’ve been impossible for Grizalia to know of them.

“You look like you’re wondering why I know this. The one who gives out final dispatch orders, is me in the end. Of course, I also looks at the operation plans and also ‘how many troops will be deployed’. The total number of troops has decreased from before, despite the fight spanning longer. What this means is… Ugh, it isn’t even worth explaining to a dolt like you.”
“That means the poltergeists are slacking off… I shall pull them all up to improve their revival efficien–“


Fresh blood spurts out.
It was only a scratch on his cheek but, a single drop travels till his chin, and drops on the floor.

“Any more drivel out of you, and I’ll send your head flying.”

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Blazel, who was about to apologize, quickly shuts his mouth.

Grizalia take her seat on the throne again.
Her golden eyes glinting once more.

“It’s not your incompetence that angers me. There are plenty of guys like that. Well, if there’s an exception, it’d be Capsodia the Dead Scorpion. His eyes were truly sharp.”

Blazel’s expression tenses.
He began clenching his fist.
He didn’t expect to hear Capsodia’s name, here of all places.

At this place where he was being scolded by the Demon King.

“Though I shouldn’t be bringing up demons who are no longer with us. Aah… Wasn’t it you who dismissed Capsodia, Blazel? Without my permission…”
“That was–“
“It’s not like I’m angry about that. I don’t have an opinion on that in any case.”
“Besides if he wanted to stay, he would have. That man- had he wanted to, he could’ve taken your head at any time. Since he’s that capable.”

Blazel doesn’t say anything.
As he inserts power to his fists, blood starts leaking between his fingers.
Every praise for Capsodia from her, caused a pain which sawed his heart.
That pain was more effective than the gravity magic Grizalia used earlier.

“Now, Blazel. Shall I tell you finally why I’m angry?”

Blazel made an expression as if asking “There’s more?”
Grizalia ignores it, and continues.

“You… tried to hide it from me. The details about this time’s–“
“T-that is a mistake. As soon as things sorted out, I would’ve–“

Blazel stops himself, before he could say ‘reported’.
Or rather, he was blocked from saying that.
That’s because there was an infuriated Demon King in front of him.

“How much of a fool will you make out of me? Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

Grizalia takes out a few letters.

“There was a secret report. Everything you’ve done has been written here. All of it… and before you get any bright ideas, it wasn’t Luviana. Neither was it Voganis. They aren’t such dilligent demons so as to write these, as you yourself would know.”
“Then, just who was it?”
“That’s not for you to think about. What you should do, is atone for the sin of betraying me by concealing all this.”
“Am I being punished…??”
“Haa… Maybe I should have bet on Capsodia, instead of you.”


Looking at her depressed subordinate, Grizaria adds.
These words were a heavier blow than any torture he’d ever faced before.
Blazel the Scorching Retreat’s face was filled to the brim with anger.

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But that was only momentary.

“In view of all your past merits, I’ll spare you from everlasting death. For now–“

Go ahead and die…

At that moment, Blazel’s surroundings turn dark.
Right as he saw something black falling on him, his consciousness got cut off along with his screams.
When he reappeared, Blazel’s body had turned as flat as pancake.

Blood slowly oozes onto the floor, as he looked like a horrific tapestry.

Grizalia wordlessly shakes her chin.
Cranbell bows reverently once, then rings a bell.
Poltergeists then enters the room.
Seeing the Blazel pancake, they let out screams involuntarily.

“I did try and hold back for one… is he revivable?”
“Y-yes, Maou-sama. Though we would have to begin with regenerating his body…”
“Hm…Parade him at the gates of the Demon Castle for 2 days, then begin reviving him.”
“Is that fine? His body would rot, and even after revival, he might end up physically disabled…”
“Then that all he’s worth, isn’t he? It’s his fault for having a fragile body. Now go on, clean up that filthy corpse. It kinda smells.”

The poltergeist who glared at by Grizalia, collects Blazel’s corpse and leaves the place.
Normally it would have been appropriate to say a few words of gratitude, regarding the handling of the letters.
However, the souls of the poltergeists were currently filled with tremendous horror which pushed the words of gratitude into oblivion.

“Idiots all around…”

Grizalia, who was about to burst like a volcano, lets out a deep sigh


Epilogue tomorrow.

Thank you all for reading my first translated work. It wasn’t smooth by any measure, but I’ll be happy if you could still follow through with the plot, and had fun while doing so.
I would like to thank everyone who read this series alongside me, as I translated it chapter by chapter. Your likes and comments greatly motivated me to keep on translating.

Now for sadder news, this is where the novel for this series ends. The author decided that updating both, the web novel (which I translated) and the light novel, was too much of a pain so they gave up on the former. Now there are two main reasons why I won’t translate the LN for continuing the series.

The LN differs greatly from the WN, especially their endings as hinted by the author. No point in translating further if you guys become unable to follow the plot line, and begin hating the series itself. Unlike the WN, the LN is very compact and does away with the slow life aspect of this series. For example the 1st volume of the LN, which covers the entire WN, finishes these 31+3 extra chapters in 7 only. Same with volume 2, and I really don’t think you guys would like the shift in pace (I know I would not).

That’s about it. Sorry for leaving this story unresolved, but if you guys would like prefer it, then I could buy the LNs (2 vols. so far) and translate them separately. Let me know you opinion in the comments.

Again, thank you so much for sticking with me till the end.

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