5. Natural Enemy & Natural Enemy

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“Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!!”

That voice rang like a bell inside the cave.
I, who had been exchanging looks with the silver-haired girl till now, looked down at Hero Pafimia who had previously fainted in agony.

She is bleeding heavily from her flank.
Ah, how careless of me.
Even though it had revived her, [Death Note] can’t completely recover injuries.

“Priest-sama! U-um… Could you please release me from these cuffs?”

“Hm? A-ah…”

I used the keys on the wall to release the girl’s chains.
As the girl nears Pafimia, she starts chanting healing magic.
Regardless of being injured grievously, Pafimia’s wound starts to fill up and heal quickly.

[Great God’s Breath], huh.
It’s a high level healing magic.
I figured she wasn’t an average person as soon as I met her, but she turned out to be a priestess. A high level one at that.

“Fuuu, this should be fine for now.”

“Thanks, Sharon. That was a close one.”

Pafimia embraces the girl called Sharon.
When I first heard Hero, I wondered which rugged warrior would show up, but it turned out to be a young female Hero who still loves being pampered.

As if to calm Pafimia down, Sharon strokes her fluffy ears multiple times.

“I should be the one apologizing, Pafimia-sama. To have given you such a horrific memory.”

“Don’t blame yourself. It’s all because I’m weak…”

Pafimia hangs her head down.
Still I’m sure it must have been scary.
The female Hero had tears in her eyes.

“However, we have survived. This must also be God’s way of testing us. More importantly Pafimia-sama, the one you should be grateful to is this Priest-sama here. He’s the one who revived you after you were killed.”

“Eh? Revived, me…”

Pafimia was speechless.
Returning from death must be a really rare phenomenon among humans.
Her reaction can’t be helped.

“That reminds me, we haven’t introduced ourselves. I’ll begin… My name is (Sharon Strong). As you can see, I am a servant of God.”

“Sharon’s amazing, you know! At the Royal Palace, she’s called the “Priestess of Prophecy”.”

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She’s that “Priestess of Prophecy”?
The title of Priestess alone is troublesome enough, and to add “Priestess of Prophecy” on top of that is…

It’s a famous title even among demons.
As priestessess their abilities are first-class, but on top of that their prophecies which are accurate to a sickening degree, have made the demon army suffer huge losses in the past.
All the Heavenly Kings besides me, have had to suffer losses at least once or twice at the hands of this class.

To think it was such a young girl.

The same Sharon coughs and clears her throat.

“Pafimia-sama, I’d prefer if you introduced yourself, rather than me.”

“Ah… My bad, my bad. Um, my name is Pafimia Primil. As you can see, I am a Red Wolf, and I come from deep in the southern mountains. According to Sharon, I have the talent to become a Hero but I don’t feel aware of that at all!”

I see.
She’s a freshly chosen Hero.
If she was chosen by the “Priestess of Prophecy” then she must have serious potential.
Earlier, I took a quick peak in the [Death Note], and it’s true that she possesses bottomless potential. In the first place, Red Wolfs are a race much stronger than humans.

The fact that she got done in by Vazag, must be purely because of difference in battle experience.
By polishing her just a bit, she could become a talent which far surpasses us Four Heavenly Kings.

Militarily speaking, she would get [Instant Death]’d by me, but I’m no longer in the army.
Also, I don’t feel like using my powers other than for protecting myself.
Though I’m sure if I kill her, The Demon King would be ecstatic.

“So? Who are you, mister?”

“Ah, I’m Cap—“

I was about to say Capsodia.
I couldn’t possibly bring up the name of Capsodia in front of humans.

“My name is (Capua). Nice to meet you, Hero, Priestess.”

“Yes. It is a pleasure to make acquaintances with you, Capua-sama.”

“Nice to meet ya’, Capua!”

I clear the self-introductions safely.
I never thought I would run into the “Priestess of Prophecy” and the Hero chosen by her as soon as I entered Human Realm.
This is the worst combination for a demon like me.

That said, I’ll have to be patient until they guide me to a human town.
I’m thinking of separating from these two after that.
After all, they have been bestowed with a mission to save the world.

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They don’t have time to play around with a passing-by demon like me.

“Now then, let’s leave this place.”

Sharon says so while standing up with a meek face.
She used light magic, and brightened up the place.

“You’re right, Vazag might return any time now. While it’s frustrating, I can’t stand against him at my current level.”

“Yes, then let’s not waste any more time…”

Pafimia and Sharon, who had just introduced themselves with so much energy, were now nodding with such serious faces.

“Wait, wait. You don’t have to worry about that.”

“What do you mean, Capua-sama?”

“I already defeated Vazag.”


They both looked like their eyes might pop out.

“You’re kidding right? Vazag the Mad Death is cra~azy strong. I couldn’t even last a few seconds against him.”
“Moreover he is someone who makes use of the heinous death attribute magic. He used such sorcery, and announced that he had 8 souls within him. So how exactly did you?”

I can’t tell them I ended it in one go using [Instant Death].
There’s also the problem of the Priestess’ eyes.
It might be better to hide the fact about my death attribute magic.

“That’s a secret, but if you want proof I can show you.”

I say that and open the magic bag.
From it I take out a long sword which looked like it was made from a hollowed out rock.

“T-that’s Vazag’s dragon tooth sword…??”

“There is no mistaking this belonged to Vazag. I can feel the residue of an ominous magic from it.”

“B-b-b-b-b-but, Vazag was level 110 you know!”

So he was level 110…
There is a slight difference in stats between human level and demon level, but if that were true, he might have had abilities comparable to the Four Heavenly Kings.
In a normal fight, 8 souls from [Soul of Many Deaths] would be seriously annoying.

Voganis might have been killed by him.

“I’m sorry to be rude, but exactly what level is Capua-sama at right now?”

“Hm? I’m level 1.”

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What’s with the silence?
I feel like I’m being made a complete fool out of…
Am I just being paranoid?
I must still be dragging out the fact that I was dismissed.

“S-sorry for being rude, Capua-sama.”

“Oh, you joker…!”

Pafimia snaps and hits my shoulder.
As her basic stats are simply high, it simply hurts a lot.
It felt like I’d dislocated my shoulder.

“No, it’s true… If you think I’m lying then see for yourself. Since Sharon is a priestess, surely she can use [Appraisal Magic]?”

She’s talented enough to choose a Hero.
There’s no way she can’t appraise someone’s abilities.

“I can do that, but…”

“Then appraise me.”

“Alright, if you’d be so kind.”

Sharon used [Appraisal Magic] on me.
[Appraisal Magic] for checking one’s level, only checks their basic stat values.
There’s no risk of me being a demon getting revealed.




Sharon, who used [Appraisal Magic], starts going pale.

“No way… You’re really level 1.”

“Sharon, seriously?”

“There’s no mistaking it. Capua-sama is without a doubt level 1.”

“Wha! You better not be lying.”

I puff my chest out in pride.
Though it isn’t really a big deal.

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“Then, how did you defeat Vazag?”


This is bad!
I let that slip carelessly.
Now that I think about it, there doesn’t exist a level 1 who could possibly defeat a level 110.

I was careless.

“There’s no way, Capua-sama”

“Capua, you…”


has/have an abundance of combat experience?



What are both of you saying?

“There is no other way. You must have used superior tactics to subdue that evil warrior!”

Even Sharon, who looked like she was brighter than Pafimia, makes a fist as if strongly convinced.

No, you can’t win just by tactics.
Besides if you have an abundance of battle experience, you couldn’t be level 1.
Why does neither of them realize that!!

Then, Pafimia pokes my hand.
She lowers her head to the point that it touches the ground.

OH! this must be the rumored DOGEZA of humankind!!

“Please make me your disciple!!”

“Eh? No thanks.”

I didn’t dish out instant death, but an instant answer instead.




DOGEZA = dogeza = kneeling with you head touching the ground.
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