7. Let’s Become Adventurers

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We arrive at the Adventurers Guild.
The inside of the building which looked like an oversized bar, was filled to the brim with people having sturdy bodies. It would seem that all of them were adventurers.
Most of them who were freelancers, seemed to be waiting for a new quest to be put up.

We quickly line up at the reception desk.

“Welcome to the Adventurers Guild.”

An elf with glasses welcomes us with a perfect business smile.

“I’m looking for a job here…”

“Eeh?! Master you won’t become an adventurer?”

Immediately, Pafimia raises her voice in protest, while wagging her tail wildly.

“No way, I won’t.”

I’ve killed so many humans till now that I lost count.
Now that I’ve come here, I can finally graduate from all the killing.
I’ll become a businessperson who holds a cup of coffee in one hand while relaxing at home.

“Muu… I thought I could finally adventure with master.”

Pafimia swells her cheeks greatly.

“Understood. Then I, (Carla Massen) shall take responsibility for you.”

With her hand on her breast, Carla the receptionist starts her questioning.

“First, can you tell me your name?”

“Capso… is not my name. It’s Capua, no last name.”

“Then, can I ask Capua-sama for his academic records?”

“Eh? Academic records?”

“Then, any other qualifications?”


“Did you belong to any trade unions? If you have a letter of recommendation, I can introduce you to some jobs…”

“Le-letter of recommendation?… A, ah, that. I know, I know.”

“Umm… Do you not have it?”

“M-most unfortunately…”

Carla’s eyes which look at me pitifully hurt so much!

“I apologize, but if that’s the case, then I can’t offer Capua-sama any jobs…”

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“Are there really none…?”

“It’s not that there aren’t any…”

“Then, I’ll go with that!”

“That…that’s…working as a cat-feeder.”

“A cat-feeder…? How much… would it pay?”

“Um… to say it as it is, about as much as the cat.”

Who told you to crack a wise one there!?

“Ah! But it’s fine. You can become an adventurer without academic records, qualifications, or a letter of introduction, if you can pass a simple test. As long as your rank rises steadily, living in a mansion might not be a dream anymore!”

Carla breathes roughly, while affirming herself.

I take a look at Sharon and Pafimia who were standing besides me.
Pafimia was shaking her tail wildly, and Sharon was smiling like an angel. They were both waiting for my next words.

It can’t be helped…

“Fine, I’ll also become an adventurer.”


Pafimia then hugs me.
Nuwaa! Don’t stick so close! We’re in public you know.

The stares of other adventurers were painful.
They were saying “take it somewhere else” with their faces.
I beg you please don’t make us stand out so much.
I only want to live peacefully here.

“How fortunate, Pafimia-sama.”

“Yeah. Now we can go out with master on adventures.”

Pafimia & Sharon held their hands together, and started jumping.

I want an exemption though.
I’ll aim for a time different from when these two work.

“Now then, let’s hold a simple test to find out whether you’re qualified to be adventurers.”

Then, Carla brings a crystal ball from behind the reception.
It’s probably a magic tool.
I won’t know the details until it’s activated, but appraisal magic seems to be applied on it.
This is bad. If it’s the same level-identification magic as Sharon’s, then it’s fine but if it’s a high-level-identification magic, it might even reveal my race.

It’d be bad if anyone finds out that I’m a demon.

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“Yes, ye~s! I’ll be first!”

Pafimia raises her hand energetically.

Good girl, Pafimia.
At times like these, her innocence really helps.
In any case, now I can verify the appraisal magic on this magic tool.

“Are you an aspiring adventurer as well?”

As Carla inquires. Pafimia nods her head energetically.

“Yep… Um, what should I do now?”

“You don’t need to think too much about it, just put your hand on the crystal ball.”

“Got it.”

Pafimia does as she’s told.
Then, the crystal ball starts shining.
Seeing it’s grand shine, the guild suddenly becomes noisy.

Sharon and I swallowed without thinking.

When the light subsided, there were letters written on the crystal ball.
What was written was:

What are you

No, what the hell are you?

I retort like so to the joke like wording.
However, the surroundings didn’t think of it as a joke.
Carla, and the adventurers around us were frozen stiff.
It made it feel like the harbinger of something really important.


Carla finally manages to squeeze out a voice.
The adventurers still seemed stuck in place.
Their bodies and lips were shaking.

“To think, I would be able to see that phrase…”
“I never thought an encounter like this could take place here…”
“I’m so grateful!”

I swallowed once again.

Just what is this atmosphere…

I wasn’t the only one completely lost.
The girl in question also tilts her head, while blinking her big eyes.

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“What happened?”

“I apologize, it’s such a rare occurrence, that I was left speechless for a moment. Actually, this magic tool judges an adventurer’s qualities through phrases but, “What Are You” is the best phrase out of all that can be given to someone. Every person to be judged so, went on to become a Hero, and earned many martial qualifications.”

“I see, so that’s what it meant.”

Sharon nods.
Pafimia also nods, as if in complete agreement.

“Meaning Sharon’s prophecy had completely hit the mark.”

“Sharon… prophecy…? Could you perhaps be the “Priestess of Prophecy”, Sharon Strong sama? Then who may you be?”

At Carla’s question, Sharon answers instead.

“This person is Pafimia Primil sama. She is the one I have chosen as the Hero.”

“The Hero chosen by the “Priestess of Prophecy”, how rude of me!”

Carla lowers her head.
Seeing her, Sharon expresses a compassionate smile.

“No, allow me to apologize. We seem to have scared you. It’s just that Pafimia-sama still lacks battle experience. We were hoping you could provide that here.”

“I see, so that was the case. Then I have the perfect request for the Hero to take…”

“Please wait, Carla-san. Before that, appraise master.”

“Capua-sama was the Hero’s master?”

Carla’s eyes start shining.
Their color had clearly changed, as compared to before.

“The Hero-sama is making things up. Ha ha, ha ha ha…”

“In any case, please; put your hand on this.”

I’m still a bit bothered with Carla’s change in attitude, but I guess it’s okay.

Why phrases come out from using appraisal magic is still a mystery, but as long as my race isn’t revealed, I am OK.

Anyway, I put my hand on the crystal ball.
After that, light about as bright as Pafimia’s time starts shining.
No, to be precise it’s not the same brightness.
This time it’s much more brighter.
That light, dyed everything inside the guild pure white.

“What a divine light…”
“Amazing! As expected of Master!!”

I heard Sharon and Pafimia’s voice.
No, this isn’t even divine.
It can already be called violent.

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Even though it’s so bright that my eyes are closed, my eyelids are still tingling.

Eventually the light stops.
Even the humans outside of the guild, start piling up inside.
Everyone’s eyes are focused on the letters engraved on the crystal ball.
The following was written on it:

Damn. Damn.



I tilt my head.
The surroundings were silent.
It wasn’t even at the level where one had to swallow.
Is it better to call it subtle, or confusion?

In the middle of that, only Carla manages to squeeze out words.

“I can’t believe it. I-I have never seen this phrase before.”


“I have been working in this guild for 10 years.”

That’s pretty long.
She looks young, but must be pretty old in reality.

“Yet I have never seen this phrase before. No… this isn’t even listed in the guild manual. This is undoubtedly – a new phrase!”


The humans inside the guild get fired up.

“What a day!!”
“Despite “What Are You” being a rare phrase only seen once in 10 years!!!”
“It can’t be… A new phrase…”

Everyone was full of praises for the result.

As I’m the only one left at a loss, Pafimia jumps at me with a “master!”.

“As expected of my master!”

“Yes… As expected of Capua-sama. To think a new phrase would be founded. God has… God has not abandoned us.”

Sharon’s eyes were slightly teary.

S-something feels wrong.
For one, I was considered the weakest among the Four Heavenly Kings.

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