Engraved (1)

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After separating from Haru and returning home, I bowed to my parents, who were still awkward with me, then washed up to find Dawoon’s house. It was right next door anyway, so there was no point in looking for it.

If it goes wrong, it’ll just keep getting worse. I sensed that fact from the moment I met Yoo Seowoo while running away from Dawoon. I felt the need to correct all my mistakes after getting involved with the Four Great Heavenly Kings. It seemed to me that something happened and then everything went downhill.

If I were to seriously consider whether to live the rest of my life under pressure and threats of Dawoon, or just bump into her, it was natural to choose the latter.

It was exhausting to keep running away and living on a lookout.

But even so, I had no intention of telling her that I was actually not Kang Sihyun, who lives next door to her, but Yoo Sihyun, who lives in a neighboring world over there, and when I came to my senses, I possessed this body. All I had to say was sorry and to forgive me.

The problem was that I might have to risk my life on those two words.

Nervous and thirsty for no reason, I knocked carefully on the door. A rough sound came from the door.

I should have rang the doorbell.

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As my nerves began to rise, I became more sensitive. Even the sound of the door annoyed me. As I was thinking about what to do if Dawoon misunderstood, the front door opened.



I thought about saying hello out of awkwardness, but I couldn’t even open my mouth, so I froze as still as stone. Dawoon, who opened the door and stepped out, frowned while holding the door knob. In the meantime, I wasn’t in the mood to embarrass myself like I did before. However, I could see a sign of disappointment.

Parsing through all the emotions I felt, I pursed my lips.

“If you have nothing to say, just-”



“I’m sorry.”

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There was definitely something to apologize for. Just because I possessed someone else’s body, doesn’t mean I should cut out all human relationships. Even knowing that fact, I had been busy running away for the past month, and in the process, it consumed Dawoon and Sinhyun’s parents.

Dawoon’s eyebrows wriggled when I selfishly turned away then apologized one step late. Perhaps people in Inso’s have the ability to communicate with their eyebrows.

“…It’s fine.”


I was surprised this time. I thought she’d kick me in the abdomen or hit me in the face at least.

Unexpectedly, I touched my tense stomach. I felt the weight of a book that I had put in just in case I was kicked.

“…You’re not going to hit me?”

“I was going to kill you.”

That’s right. Dawoon stared at aloofly as I acted like I was about to die with my eyes closed. Suddenly, I recalled what happened this morning at the entrance ceremony.

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‘Are you going to try to ask what’s going on? I guess she has her own circumstances too. We’ve known each other for a long time, so it must’ve been hard on her.’

If that’s the case, I should wait until she opens her mouth first.

With a face like a sparrow, and a mature and soft voice like a swan, her voice lingered in my ears.

“…You must have a reason.”


Great. I slowly opened my eyes. Dawoon, who pursed her lips as if pondering, sighed and met my gaze. Her ferocious momentum dissipated.

“I know you’ve changed.”

I stared at Dawoon as she said those words. I couldn’t respond to such things like flinching my shoulders or widening my eyes, so I just looked.

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“…No, not changed. It’s gotten weird ever since you didn’t leave your room for a month.”


“You don’t smile like you used to… I know something’s not right, so even if it’s late, please tell me what happened.”

She was worried.

After being faced with her angry words, I closed my mouth for the first time as my turquoise eyes fell.

I knew what she was referring to. At this time, I felt heavy about showing my real self to Dawoon. However, she must have been anticipating the kind and affectionate Kang Sihyun, but I’m merely ‘Yoo Sihyun’.

What should I say? My eyes widened at her unexpected words. It would have been better if it ended with a slap.

What do you want me to say?

I’m actually not the person you used to know. I met you face to face for the first time today after only seeing you in the form of a novel, and it’s true that this is the first time you’re seeing me. You don’t have to be kind to me so I don’t have to act like Kang Sihyun to you. I hope in the future we won’t be involved in each other’s lives.

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