Engraved (4)

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“Anyway, it may sound like an excuse, but then I really thought it was best. I wasn’t careful then and now, so I didn’t even think about considering your personality. I’m sorry. I asked, but they said we can’t pretend it didn’t happen. I don’t really want to.”

“What the hell do you want to say?”

His forehead narrowed. The boy, who burst into laughter at my annoyance, shrugged his shoulders as he looked at me. He couldn’t tell me the details.

Why don’t you just say it from the beginning?

If you’re going to confuse people, it’d be better to just keep it a secret. Sighing from the lack of information, I thought about it as I stared at the boy who looked like me. Amongst the confusion, I managed to come up with a question.

“…Are you the person I think you are? I think you can tell you this much.”

“Well, what do you think?”

The boy who smiled slyly gave no definite answer. Frowning, I spat out what I had been thinking.

“I guess it’s just my imagination.”

Oh! The boy looked surprised by my words. The boy, who scratched his head, tilted his head and closed his eyes, perhaps because he felt awkward with me looking at him since he was not responding.

“Well…. All right. I think I can tell you this much. I’m who you think I am. It’s not your imagination. You didn’t make it up either. To be exact, you came into my space, so I want to ask if what you see is real.”

“…You are?”

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I was lost in thought at the boy’s words. It was a complicated thought, but it felt like my head was going into overdrive as new information was added. Ugh. The boy who was observing me curiously laughed when I made a groaning sound over this complicated situation.

“Haha, no wonder you can’t tell. I think you need to think simple. It keeps getting hard because I’m trying to know what I shouldn’t know.”

I heard that people who are too complicated find it difficult to simplify things, and looking at him, it seems true.

Wouldn’t it be complicated for anyone in this situation? I couldn’t agree with the pleasant boy. Then, as if something had come to mind, the boy, who clapped his hands, rose from his seat immediately when I was about to turn my head back.

“Look at me. This is not the time.”


“Um, I don’t know how much longer I have, but I still have plenty of time to teach you, right?


“It seems no matter how you look at it, it seems like I was sent to inform you.”

“…Tell me what?”

What is there to tell me? What do you mean you were sent? Am I even talking to a person right now?

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I felt alienated from the boy who kept mumbling about the fact that I was the only one who knew. When I was frowning at the feeling of being left out even though it was just the two of us, the boy tapped his head with his fingertips.

“Isn’t there something you should know?”


Come to think of it, there was.

I nodded when she touched the neck with my hand without realizing it. I was told I had to realize it myself, but I didn’t know that boy would tell me that.

“Does anyone else realize it like this?”

“I don’t think so. Others realize it on their own. We are a bit of a special case. Your abilities include mine, so I’ll tell you. I knew this would happen someday, so I was practicing every day.”


When I tilted my head at his question, the boy who smiled, saying, “One look is worth a thousand words,” clapped his hands. Then the space behind the boy brightened up as lights were being turned on.

Just as the boy flicked his finger, a human figure appeared in a bright space. When I looked at the boy surprised, the boy, who pointed at a person as if to look ahead, clapped like a magician.

A human figure reached forward at the sound of the clap.


Fire rose from the person’s hand. It was an unexpected fire show.

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“Your ability is fire?”

“If it wasn’t, would I have shown it in such a cool way? I’m not done yet.”

The boy, who answered the question in surprise, as if I were pathetic, snapped his finger once more. The person began to fade away.

Watching the boy made me feel like I was watching a magic show. The boy raised his chin and snapped his fingers. Just like before, the person appeared in a flash and dropped down.

After that, he healed the injured person and even dropped something. It was a great but inconsistent ability.

I don’t know what kind of ability it was. Let’s look at the boy and try to find a hint. Will this be enough… The boy, who muttered, smiled back at me. He seemed very confident, so I became rather anxious.

“Do you remember the first ability I showed?”


“Yes, exactly one of the skills of the Fire Attribute Class. Now, look at this.”


As the boy who was talking reached forward, the same fire that I saw a moment ago erupted from the boy’s hand. Feeling the heat, I stared at the burning fire with an ambiguous expression.

“You don’t get it yet, do you?”

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I nodded in response. Then this time, the boy disappeared.


As the boy disappeared suddenly, I widened my eyes and looked around, wondering if the dream was over. Looking back, the boy, who appeared slowly, created effects with his palms.

“What do you think? Do you know what it is now?”

“…Don’t tell me.”

As if contemplating, I narrowed my eyes for a few seconds. I thought it was not, but this was the only thing I could say, and the boy, who smiled brightly, snapped his finger.


There was a flash of lightning. It was a thunderbolt I had seen before.


Swallowing the profanity that almost spilled out of my mouth, I looked at the boy with a futile expression.

I just wanted some sort of ability not to fall.

“Copy, that’s your class name.”

‘Kang Si-hyun’ was never just a sub-male lead.

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