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Anna, who was never agitated, called her with a trembling voice, and after a while, she barely spoke.

“Why didn’t you say anything until this happened?”

Everyone would find it frustrating. So would she. If it hadn’t been for the fucking restriction of not being able to say the least bit about how she was treated in the Rigelhoffs, she wouldn’t have been able to hold back without telling someone. But for those who didn’t know it and couldn’t understand it, a plausible excuse was needed.

“How do I say that?”

Turning around, Anna was twisting her eyebrows. It’s the first time she had seen Anna’s expression change so dramatically. And with that one word, she understood everything about her and didn’t ask for more. She was the example of an astute maid.

“I was presumptuous. I will apply some medicine.”

She fell on the bed and placed herself in Anna’s hands.

‘It’s good that he got rid of Sophia… but I’m afraid of what kind of aftermath this will bring in the future.’

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There were a few more episodes left for Sophia to commit, but she was afraid of how that part would transform and attack her. But one fact had been scratching her insides satisfactorily since earlier.

‘Killian expelled Sophia for me. He knew I couldn’t do it myself…’

He must have noticed her position within Rigelhoff. Count Rigelhof, sent a carriage to send Sophia back intact, rather than worrying about her, that was beaten by that maid… She couldn’t help but not know if her head was spinning even a little bit. Even Anna seemed to have noticed already. However, instead of kicking her, who had no value as a hostage, Killian threw Sofia away.

‘This is the part I can hope for, right?’

Of course, she hardly thought that Killian would kick her out. Because she was closer to the main character than Sophia, and her narrative has more weight than Sophia’s. Since there were still many things she had to do in the future, she had the belief that the big flow of the story could not exclude her. Even so, it was a great comfort to her that Killian did not ignore her situation and took action.

‘I have to be alert at times like this. If you see it in movies or dramas, it’s in these moments when you get loose and ruin the work.’

She didn’t know how sympathetic Killian was towards her, but it’s true that he saw her as ‘a woman who tried to seduce him with her body when she was at a disadvantage’.

‘So from now on, you should never be soggy with Killian and keep a clean distance. Then he’ll find out someday. That you would never be that kind of woman.’

Then their hatred for her would diminish, and now that they knew about her circumstances, Rigelhoff might just look at her when he cuts people’s throats.

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‘Good! you can do it!’

She smirked at it and moved her body slightly, so knowing that she was crying, Anna put her hand over hers and patted her. Well, this wasn’t bad either.

* * *

She was the author. And she called herself K. It was because she had forgotten what her original name was, but K didn’t care. What was important to K was this world.

She created the perfect Lise Sinclair’s world. Because K loved Lise Sinclair, the main character she created. To the extent that she wondered how she created such a lovable being, Lise was the perfect protagonist who had all of K’s wishes. That’s why she thought she was blessed by God when she passed away and transmigrated into his world. How happy she was to be able to live with the characters she had created in a living, breathing world!

Lise, whom she loved so much, was really beautiful, and her male leads were the culmination of her fantasy. Watching their life and love right in front of her was heartbreaking. But at the point where she was living the same life for the fifth time, K had the first thought that this might be a curse rather than a blessing.

She opened her eyes at the point where the original story began, and when the original story ended, everything became blurry and she went back to the starting point and repeated… Like that, K fell into an infinite loop of hell.

However, K, who loved the story she made up and Lise so much, denied it.

‘The world I created can’t be hell. Then… okay! Let’s do a variation on the story!’

The story needed a change to endure the repeated life, but the desire to make Lise stand out even more did not diminish. And the solution was simple.

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‘I need a more lively villain.’

So K sprinkled this story into another dimension of the universe. And she made whoever read the story possess Edith Riegelhoff since she thought it would be interesting. And it produced interesting results.

‘As expected, I wasn’t wrong.’

The possessors, who read the original work and quickly accepted that they were inside a romance fantasy novel, showed interesting behavior. At first, they were mistaken for possessing a wicked woman and were delighted. After that, unlike Edith in the original work, they tried hard to live a good life. However, if the flow of the original story did not change and the comparison with Lise continued, they became a fresh villain incomparable to the original Edith. Thanks to this, K was able to forget the tedium of repetitive life, and Lise was able to become a more prominent protagonist every time.

The things that made Lise look the most attractive. That was K’s joy.

But K. He did not felt that he was being unfair. This was because he possessed a person who died anyway, and Edith had already set up a device that could go against the flow of the original story. This was the ‘three-step exception condition’, and whenever the exception condition at each level was met, K’s dominance was weakened and an exception situation favorable to Edith occurred. However, whenever a situation contrary to the exceptional condition occurred, the flow of the original work became stronger. Of course, it was not easy to meet the exception conditions because it was a game that was advantageous to K. However, there were nine Ediths who met the first stage.

That was fine. Rather, it had the effect of making the story more interesting. However, K, who had treated all the Ediths as if they were ants, felt a strange tension with the 13th Edith who was possessed this time.

‘There’s something different about her.’

It was Edit with a personality that was difficult to define in a word. Even though she wanted to give up soon, there was a strangely persistent corner. Most of the Ediths panicked and started to collapse when they were accused of being the culprit of the document leak. In particular, this time, in order to make Edith a definite culprit, she even gave a new setting, ‘Do not use tables in forms’.

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Edith, however, was not taken aback. She examined the evidence that made her the culprit as if to try it once, and she brought the papers and diary she had written and compared them to the forged letters, claiming her innocence. The people around her were persuaded by her reasonable argument, and the episode where Edith was supposed to be a spy ended up in a blur. So she wanted to be persistent, but suddenly, as if she had given up on everything, she would go into Killian’s room in the middle of the night and do something like Edith in the original story.

‘I didn’t know that the 1st stage exception condition would be met that way.’

Even the part that met the first stage exception condition, ‘follow the method that the original edit failed’, was different from other edits.

When other Ediths met the first stage, the part where they followed the original was to cling to Killian or follow the orders of the Rigelhoffs. It was to save one’s own life. But the 13th Edith just kissed Killian and tried to turn around. The act of kissing was part of the original Edith’s failed plan, so she barely passed the first stage.

Anyway, when the first stage exception conditions were met, the person who faced Edith’s actions at that time, namely Killian, began to change. To quantify it, K’s dominance over Killian went down from 100% to 70%. Up until now, there was little concern even if Edith fulfilled the first stage and her control over Killian was reduced. Because Killian had never had a change of heart for Edith. But this time, Killian started looking back at Edith.

What a surprise it was when she found out he had spent the night with Edith, he was a character she had created and yet a stranger to her.

‘Even though Killian is a character with an impulsive side…’

It was the first time she had seen a character leave the hand of the original author and move on its own. And that was all an exceptional situation that happened because of the probability this Edith created, and that was the biggest reason K was nervous about the 13th Edith. Besides, there was another point that this Edith was different.

‘I don’t know if she knows it, but she is recruiting extras that I can’t control.’

Although K created this world, she was not a perfect god of this world. The greatest force leading this world was the flow of the original work, followed by probability, and K was only the original author trapped in the original work. However, K was able to control the minor settings of the story and dominate the characters. The more carefully K created the character, the stronger K’s dominance was. So, the numerous extras whose names were not set were as if they were not under the control of K. That’s why he was able to possess Edith with different people.

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