-August 2, 1824

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Today, for some reason, Master Killian came to the office. It was the first time the young master came to sit in my office, but strangely, he said it as if it was a common occurrence for Lady Edith. I wanted to correct his memory, but I gave up because Master Killian’s eyes were menacing.

Lady Edith worked quickly and focused today, whether or not Master Killian was present. She is truly a talent that I covet every time I see her. But while the young master was glaring at her back, he suddenly told me how about hiring an employee. I was thankful, but it wasn’t that I didn’t hire an employee so far because I didn’t need them. I always picked them up, but they all ran away after half a year. In that sense, Miss Edith was a really helpful person. The young lady was more sincere, understanding, quick-witted, and smarter than anyone I’ve ever seen, except for the often-repeated probationary time.

So I said that it wasn’t necessary because Lady Edith was helping me these days, but Master Killian looked at me with terrifying eyes. Perhaps Master Killian wanted to get Miss Edith’s attention, but if that’s the case, he should talk to Miss Edith kindly.

Even if he pretended to look at her, Edith didn’t seem to care if he was there. The future for the two of them looked bleak indeed.

* * *

Killian came to Renan’s office as if he were going to work every day. He came and seeing that he didn’t do anything, it seemed like he was definitely there to spy on her. But if he wanted to watch, he had to do it in hiding, what if he was looking at her openly like this? There was no basic posture of surveillance. Anyway, she didn’t care about him and persevered, playing a sincere employee.

No, this was no joke. Even in the healing game, her soul couldn’t escape the Korean office worker spirit who earned money to pay off the loan.

“If you add up the amount written on this receipt, the total is 3,568,478 sena. But the actual statement is written as 3,568,487 sena.”

“I see. It looks like it was written by swapping the last two digits there. I was wondering where 9 Senna disappeared, but thank you for finding it.”

“It’s not over yet. This number is wrong. It’s not a big deal, but I think it’s going to get in trouble later if these little calculations are wrong.”

“You’re right. I thought about it before, but the lady is quite meticulous. Thanks to this, the paperwork that was full of errors has been considerably cleaned up.”

“Thanks to Renan for teaching me well. Thank you for your hard work today.”

“You did a great job, Mrs. Then see you next week.”

Today, she found documents with incorrect calculations, corrected them, and organized her seat with a proud heart.

“Are you done now?”

“Uh? Killian. Were you still there?”

She forgot that Killian was there because she was at work. Her words were a little offended, but Killian’s eyes were sharp.

“Renan’s assessment of diligence and perseverance is overly accurate.”

“Uh? Is that so? Thank you.”

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“…It wasn’t a compliment.”

“Yes? Isn’t being sincere and persistent a compliment?”

“Ha… no. I’m also going to leave now, so I’ll take you to your room.”

This was a notice, not a suggestion. Killian grabbed her wrist and slipped out of Renan’s office before she could finish cleaning the desk.

“I couldn’t finish cleaning my desk!”

“Renan will clean it up.”

He strode toward her room, no wonder he was so busy, and she had to run halfway to keep up with his pace. And when he reached her room, Killian let Anna who was waiting for her, and he said almost menacingly.

“I know nothing is to happen tonight.”

“Yes? Ah yes. There is nothing special.”

There was nothing else to do in the mansion other than helping Renan. She had never responded to an invitation to a party, so she had no schedule whatsoever.

“Let’s go see an opera together.”

“Yes? Suddenly?”

“Does anything change by putting it off until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?”

“…It’s not that.”

Still, it’s such an outrageous proposition.

‘Somehow… It feels like the final exam…?’

It was different from the previous suggestions of things that could be done within the mansion, from asking the two of them to go out of the mansion.

‘Whoops. I won’t be fooled, you bastard.’

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She smiled condescendingly.

“Then, you are going to the opera with me tonight.”

“Killian. You don’t have to work so hard. Because I’m really fine.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean, don’t feel obligated to do something with me. When Lise is all well, how about going out with her?”

At this point, even Killian would be forced to admit it. First of all, in the part where she didn’t accept the request for a date, his dry chastity stands out. In the part where she invited him to go out with Lise, one could feel the coolness of not being obsessed over her husband, and in the part where she pretended not to know the temptation hidden in the proposal to go out in the dark, the priest-level stoic attitude could be seen.

‘I believe that I have passed Killian’s test successfully.’

Strangely, however, she felt that Killian’s hand, which was holding her shoulder, seemed to add strength.


She also felt that his breathing was a little rough.

“What the hell do you think of me?”

“Yes? Of course… my… Husband…?”

That being said, it was a bit of a silly answer. The fact that he and she were husband and wife became a fact that could not be denied as the priest’s seal was stamped on the documents with the seals of both families, but he and she hadn’t acted as a married couple very much.

“Are you saying that you thought of me as a husband and rejected all offers to live as a married couple? Ah! There was one thing you wouldn’t refuse, right?”

“Yes? What, what?”

She felt a strange sense of anxiety and anticipation at the same time. Killian’s eyes, which were wet with heat, were the ones she looked up at some other time.

He suddenly put her on his shoulder. The floor suddenly receded and the legs in the air startled her and she struggled.

“Killian! Let go! Whew, I’m scared!”

He let her go as soon as she asked. Being on the bed was a bit meaningful, though.

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“A husband only has to play the role of a stallion, isn’t it?”

“Stop, no way!”

“But isn’t that the only thing you won’t reject me for? Isn’t that right, Edith?”

Killian was untying the knots on her dress before she knew it. Aww, how fast his hands were. In the meantime, the heavy dress slipped down.

“Killian, I really didn’t mean this!”

“So, was this your retaliation for refusing the last request to hug you?”

He growled and questioned her, but he didn’t listen to her answer and kissed her.


The heat rushing into her mouth took her breath away. Originally, he was a good kisser, but today the feeling was different. It was a bit thicker and soggy and honest to the point that it felt like a wall was missing.

“Ha ha ha, Killian…”

“You look like you’re about to cry.”

She didn’t want to cry, but she was embarrassed.

“You know how weak a man is with a face like that.”


“That’s why you cried that much in front of Renan, right? Even from a distance, it hurts my heart.”


“Don’t bring up another male name in front of me.”

She was about to say, ‘No, this is what you brought up first!’ but Killian kissed her again as if covering her mouth. Even in the middle of a wild, soul-destroying kiss, she remembered the day she cried in front of Renan. Killian didn’t come that day… Did that mean that Killian was looking somewhere from afar?

“It’s relaxing. How can you think of something else in front of me?”

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“Ah, that…”

“I guess I have been too gentlemanly until now.”

“It can’t be, ah! No, wait!”

Killian suddenly hugged her tightly and put his lips on the nape of her neck.

“I won’t let you think of other men.”

“Ugh, Killian…!”

“Yes, so… just call me by my name…”

His body touched through the thin chemise was hard and hot. She was a little scared that if he hugged her tightly, her body would collapse as it was. But on the other hand, she wanted to hug him so tightly that she couldn’t even think of anything else. The kiss that followed again and his body temperature warming her body made her head turn white.

For some reason, tears came to her eyes.

“Since you’re crying again, you might know.”

“Hehe, wha…”

“That if you make that face in front of another man, I’m bound to get angry.”

She couldn’t understand why she was crying either. She couldn’t understand what the hell Killian was mad about. Even so, her body was getting hotter, so she had no choice but to put her arms around his neck and exhale excitedly.

“Get angry, get angry, whew, don’t…”

“I see what you are doing.”

Killian’s voice was somehow satisfying. But she was absorbed in the pleasure he gave her without understanding anything.

* * *

[Step 2 exception conditions met. Exceptions are made and the author’s rights are reduced. The 2nd stage exception conditions will expire.]

From beyond the darkness, she heard a voice that she was even glad to hear now. At first, she was blankly thinking, “Oh, it’s been a while, isn’t it?”, but then gradually came to her senses. Although the expression that she came to her senses from a dream was a bit ridiculous, it was true

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