Cordelia’s appearance.

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It wasn’t unexpected. She was the main character of this novel, so this was destined to happen someday. In fact, it was strange that she hadn’t appeared yet so far.

But why do I tremble at the mere mention of her name? I sat on the bed with my hands clasped.

Maybe because her existence confirms the instability of my own, since I am a side character who was supposed to be killed in the original. It felt as if the plans I had been working so hard on for the past 10 years were going to be in vain.

Even though she hasn’t even done anything yet.

What will Devan do if he realizes that she is the real hero of the prophecy? His cold words began to echo in my head:

“I hate lies with a passion. With that in mind, I pray for your longevity.”

With trembling hands, I felt around my neck for my small yellow pendant and clutched at it desperately, its daisy flower scent soothing me.

As long as this remains safe, there is no other evidence to prove my lie.

I went back and laid on the bed.

I’ve endured 10 years so far; I can survive this too.

I closed my eyes and took a slow, deep breath.

Cordelia is not the issue right now. My main concern is the temple searching for me.

But why?

From the others, I heard a girl was sick.

My eyes snapped open. Cordelia is sick.

There was only one possible reason she was sick. She must have overused her powers.

Then, why is the temple looking for me? They already doubt my powers, so why?

At that moment, the answer struck me like lightning.

It was obvious.

First, they want to restore Cordelia to her rightful position.

Second, people with enormous power have a different body constitution from ordinary people. So, thirdly, in order to heal Cordelia, you need someone with the same constitution as her, as a test subject.

This is it.

As a child, all the potions that Count Diego fed me were made in the temple.

They often created new potions related to divine powers. Potions that would increase power, length of effect, and more.

And I was the test subject for those that have not been verified so far.

Yes, considering their habits, such a theory isn’t hard to believe.

They think that my power is already gone, while Cordelia’s power is limitless.

So they were going to study me and find a way to fix her.

I felt goosebumps rising.

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If I’m captured by the temple like this, I’d be stuck in the same situation as the original.

At this rate, I’ll be used as an experiment for Cordelia and then thrown away.

What should I do?

There’s no point in worrying about it now.

There’s only one thing I can do right now, and that’s to break Devan’s curse as soon as possible and leave the country with money.

And for that to happen, I can’t let yesterday’s situation happen again.

Collapsing like that will only delay the treatment even longer.

It’s already been 3 days since I got here.

I could hear a cold wind blowing outside the window.

I absolutely must leave before it snows.


I breathed in deeply through my nose. I felt my heart beating fast.

After resting for a while and clearing my mind, evening came, and I headed back to Devan’s room.

Today I intend to release divine power to flow throughout his entire body. This may be a little excessive, but it will make the treatment easier if his body gets used to the divine power.

Knock, knock

“Come in.”

Devan was sitting on the sofa. He seemed to have been expecting me.

I sat down next to him.

“I have something to tell you.”

Then I told him the proposal I’d been mulling over all afternoon. “Starting today, I’d like payment for each day’s treatment.”


“So, I won’t ask for the money all at once, but bit by bit.”

“You can’t trust me? Are you thinking I’ll cheat you out of your services?”

Even though I couldn’t see his eyes because of the eye patch, I could tell that he was making an absurd expression on his face.

“I just think it’s a fair deal. Payment for each treatment is less to worry about.”

I didn’t think he was going to cheat me. Besides, the amount I asked from him was very small considering his position as a Grand Duke.

But with the temple on my tail, I need to save some money in advance.

It’d be incredibly problematic if the temple found me before the treatment finishes.

In that case, I would have no money on top of being dragged there.

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“You won’t accept, then?” I asked, pleadingly.

Devan sighed deeply.

“I think you misunderstand your position. Realize I’m the kidnapper here.”

“You may be the kidnapper, but money is ubiquitous. What about your majesty’s curse? My power is the only cure, is it not?”

Actually, I wouldn’t be here if I could get the money just anywhere.

In fact, Cordelia might be able to cure his curse.

I truck out a bluff anyway.

“Money is ubiquitous?”

Devan repeated, as if judging my words. I tried not to avoid his gaze.

He sunk deeper into the sofa and replied with resignation in his voice at this obvious deception.

“…….Okay, I get it. I’ll pay for each treatment.”


I hurriedly changed the topic before he could change his mind.

“And there’s one more thing I’m curious about.”

“What is it?”

“What happened with those rumors circulating at the estate? You do plan to resolve that issue, right?”

Rumor has it that there is a young woman here.

If this spreads throughout the empire, it’ll only be a matter of time before the temple comes knocking.

“I’m going to pretend that my sibling was visiting.”

“Your sibling?”

Did Devan have a sibling? Also, the rumors are of a woman… I thought blankly and then raised my head. 

“You’re kidding. The Crown Princess?”

Is he crazy?

At my shout, Devan made an impression as if he did not understand my language.

Astrila Lantimos.

She was Devan’s younger sister and the soon-to-be crowned queen of this empire.

The reason she became the heir even though she was younger than Devan was simple.

In this world, the position of the high priest was higher than the emperor.

The successors to the next throne were also decided by the high priest by the authority of God’s will.

The succession ruling is quite odd, really. They gather the qualified descendants in the temple, have them sleep overnight there, and then inspect their bodies the next day.

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Those chosen by God have a new mark on their bodies as proof.

In other words, Astrila was chosen by God, and Devan was not.

It was for this reason that Devan was blinded by a curse. That day, he was not chosen by God.

What’s more important now is that Devan is trying to use her to silence the rumors.

Rumors of his potential cure should never reach her ears… Because Astrilla was insane. Even more so than Devan. 

“What would you do if she had really come? Why would the Crown  Princess  have a commoner as a maid? There are so many other maids at the Imperial Palace! It just wouldn’t make sense! And what are you going to do if the monarchy hears about it!?”

“They’re not interested in me anyway.”

“That’s not the problem!”

“I think you’re worrying too much…”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“Do you really think the rumors of this estate will spread that far?”

I went silent.

It’s true; this place is pretty out of the way.

This land was barren and far from the heart of civilization, making it tradition to graciously bestow it upon a prince who failed to become a successor.

“But still… You never know. Why didn’t you just lie and say that it was because you were lonely?”


“Oh, you said you didn’t like lying.”

“That’s not what’s important, but you… I guess you don’t care about my honor.”

At his tone of absurdity, I looked at him with an equally disturbed expression.

“Didn’t you abandon your reputation when you kidnapped me in the first place?”

“……When will you start the treatment?”

Devan turned around in annoyance. With a short sigh, I said,

“Now. Give me your hand.”

Devan held out his hand as if he had been waiting. Just like last time, I held my hands together and closed my eyes.

I had just garnered concentration when he suddenly blurted out,

“I heard you have an older brother, too.”


I frowned at the feeling of losing my concentration.

Why did he bring this up all of a sudden?

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Ever since the  Grand Duke came to me, I haven’t really thought about Killian.

“I’m about to treat you.” 

“Do you not want to talk about yourself? Or the story of Count Diego…”

“Focus. I’m going to infuse energy into your whole body today.”

“My whole body? Are you sure?”

“Don’t worry.”

“…I’m worried about you, not me.”

Devan seems to have lost trust in me because of how I collapsed yesterday.

That’s understandable, though. It wasn’t a very good show of confidence.

And actually, I’m still a bit afraid. Will it really be okay this time?

Reaching within, I could feel the divine power sleeping in the depths of my body.

It felt like an enormous and vast pool, an ocean great enough to even revive the dead.

It’s going to be okay. I won’t collapse this time. I checked it, I drew it into my palm, and I know.

Last time was just… Bad luck.

I cleared my mind and asserted with confidence, “Not this time.”


I shouldn’t have said anything.

When I came to, I was lying down on the bed again. I looked at the lion mantle that was staring down at me that seemed to almost be mocking me with its gaze. 

I fainted again. Why was this happening? At this point I was getting infuriated. The treatment was going well, even if it was super difficult. My power was able to flow throughout Devan’s entire body – that much was a success. 

Just why was I fainting though?

“I wonder?…”

“My Lady!”

Hilda, overhearing my muttering, stood up suddenly from her spot next to me. It seemed as though she had been staying with me all night. 

“I wonder why I keep fainting.”

I was just asking out loud, not expecting an answer. Hilda looked at me with teary eyes. 

“Are you feeling better my lady?”

“I’m so frustrated!”

I threw my pillow out of frustration. Hilda started shaking at my sudden show of temper.

“P.. Perhaps the Grand Duke also has divine powers?”

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