“The garden is surprisingly beautiful.”

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Karen burst into laughter at my words to kill time.

When I ooked at  her/him strangely, he/she said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s definitely unexpected. Because His Highness is not good at decorating the castle. This garden is all for the soldiers.”


I looked at the well-organized flower garden by color.

“There’s nothing to do, so everyone has a hobby like this.”

“I don’t think something big is going to happen to me.”

Karen looked a little bitter.

“Because it’s a whim. And the Highness …. He is not interested in imperialism, institutions, or politics.”

He is not interested in imperialism, institutions, or politics.

I recalled a rumor that spread throughout the empire.

The rumor that he is trying to pull his sister  down and take the throne someday.

But when I met him, I sympathized with Karen’s words.

He didn’t seem to be interested in such things. It was like his goal to just solve the curse and spend the rest of his life in the Great Depression.

I thought maybe his situation and mine were similar.

The appearance of being stuck in one place because of a god and unable to move on anywhere, suffering from rumors etc. that are absurd.

I shook my head in a hurry. It wasn’t time to get lost in appreciation.
He was the male protagonist of this novel, and I was just an extra. I can’t believe they’re in a similar situation. 


It’s a funny sound.

“Have you ever been out of the empire?”

I asked Karen like a light passing by.

He began to talk about my story without any doubt.

“I’ve been out a few times for away games. Before I came here, I belonged to the Order near the border.”

“Wow, it’s so amazing that I’ve rarely been out of the Count. I heard there is a beautiful place in the north. Is that true?

In fact, I had never been out of Baekja-seong Fortress, not the Count, but I didn’t have to say that.

“Are you talking about ELLYWOON in the north?” 

“That’s right, that’s the name.”

Elly Woon.

The answer I wanted easily came out.

During my days in the count, I asked Killian to write a book about the nearby empire.

It was to find a place to leave this place and settle down.

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And it was Ellywoon who finally found it. A place close to the Archduke’s, and easy to hide. I clapped my hands and smiled.

Like an innocent count lady who is keenly interested in the outside world.

“Sir Karen, have you been to Ellywoon before?”

“Sure. In Elliun, it snows from heaven all year round. It’s a beautiful landscape that’s hard to see in this empire, but it’s also hard to live.”

“If it snows that much, it would be uncomfortable to move.”

“Yes, I heard that residents usually stay in the house when it snows especially when it’s rain heavily. They say it’s hard to ride horses or carriages. I also learned sledding for a while when I went there. It was so hard even with my natural athleticism.”


Karen even talked about what I didn’t ask. Before I knew it, the topic went over to his motor nerves.

I roughly responded to his words and recalled Ellywoon.

It snows in the sky all year round, and I usually play Chigger…

Karen’s story gave me confidence. The conviction that Ellywoon is a place where I can devote the rest of my life to settle.

Just in time, in the corner of the garden, there were a lot of white flowers like snow.

When I stopped walking, Karen, who was ahead, also stopped there.


The name of rolling into the tongue was sweet.

If you hide in those eyes…

A white butterfly sat on the flower.

No one will be able to find it.

I bent down and tapped and bent the flowers without hesitation. The white butterfly flew away in an instant.

Fluttering, I stared up at the sky where the butterfly flew.

At that moment, a yellow pendant tickled my collarbone.

What is it? I suddenly raised my head. Suddenly, my backbone became cool. I felt a gaze from somewhere.
I looked around in a hurry. No one was seen except Karen.

So there was no way I could feel the gaze. But this feeling…

My heart was pounding.

The fact that I was trying to ignore it raised my head.


As soon as I thought of the golden eyes flashing with that desire, my heart sank.


 Why did I suddenly feel this way? 


Killian can’t be here.

“Lady, are you okay?”

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Karen looked worried. Only then did I realize that my face looked bad.

I forced my lips’ corners up.

It was useless worry.

He is in the Count, and I am here. No, soon I will hide in a place where no one will find it.

I was at the end of a plan that I had prepared for 10 years.

There was nothing to fear. That’s how I tiled myself.

Two days later, without knowing that Killian would come to me,
After returning from the garden and taking a light bath, I headed to Devan’s room.

It was for treatment.

There will definitely be results in this evening’s treatment. So, I’ll let you see at least one eye.

As long as I was so sure, I had to do it.

I clenched my fist and took a deep breath and opened the door slowly.

Devan was already sitting on the sofa, and he also looked a little nervous.

Well, either way, it won’t matter to him.

Hope that you may see the future that you couldn’t see. I wouldn’t dare to imagine that.

“Let’s sit down”.

Devan touched the seat next to him.

I took another deep breath and sat next to him.

“Are you confident?”

He clapped his hands together.

Strong enough to turn the knuckles that the bones pop red.

“I am.”

No, actually, I wasn’t.

I even noticed that my voice was shaking.

“However, I might faint again. Please understand that.”

“If the results are certain, there’s nothing I can’t do.”

“…Give me your hand.”

Devan reached out his hands as he has done so far.

“Just your left hand.”

He frowned gently, but he took his right hand back.

I grabbed his left hand with both hands.

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My palms were sweaty holding each other. I couldn’t tell if it was mine or his.

“Your Highness, please focus too. Please try to feel the flow as much as possible.”

“The flow.”

“I’m going to treat your left eye. Please pay attention to that.”


I closed my eyes and began to concentrate.

The reason for treating only the left eye first was obvious. I could tell when I held his left hand, strange energy was flowing only to the right. If that’s all the reason why I’ve had a hard time treating him so far.

Then, wouldn’t the left side be possible?

I slowly let go of my energy. I could feel his credibility rising on the back of his hand.

It didn’t feel as disgusting as before. I didn’t have the chills, cold sweat, and trembling hands.

As expected, this was the answer.

The divine power spread rapidly. It was the same level as when patients were treated in a temple.

I felt like I hadn’t felt it in a long time. It feels like I’m treating someone with my own hands.


Rather than disgusting, it feels cozy.

Riding on the back of his hand and wrist, he finally reached Devan’s left eye.

I felt a lot of curses entangled.

Treating the curse was to fill the place where the curse was. Even if it was filled, those who had no credibility in the first place could not accept it. So, in the end, the curse of the power disappeared at once.

It was cleaning, so to speak. This was called Jeonghwa in the temple.
He let go of his curse. In an instant, I felt my credibility filling the cursed spot.


It was then. Suddenly, I felt disgusting. 


The forehead frowned at the temple.

Again. As I focused more on my mind, something was creeping near his right eye.

The mysterious black shape.

If I go a little closer, my strength will be eaten up. I had that intuition.

Earthenware gradually came up.

I shouldn’t have touched that place.

I hurriedly called in the divine power and took my hand off Devan’s body.


I took a deep breath slowly. If it was a little late, it would have been eaten by the divine power.

“What’s going on”?

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Devan seemed embarrassed. 


He held and unfolded his left hand.

It was only a blink of an eye that he felt.

I swallowed my dry saliva and stared at Devan.

Fortunately, the black shape did not flow around him as before.

Sneakily grabbed his left hand again.

I felt that all the curses on my left eye disappeared, and my credibility was full in it.

The divine power was also rapidly disappearing.

His body was going back to normal. Before his got cursed,
although it’s only the left.

I breathed a small sigh of relief and spoke.

“It’s over.”

“It’s over?”

He repeated my words blankly.

“I got rid of the curse on the left. Maybe, you’ll see your left eye soon.”

“…….Is that true?”

In a tone full of doubts, he asked. That’s understandable. Uncovering the curse did not create a special feeling.

Perhaps it was physical damage, especially those who were blind like him.

“Your eyes must have been treated properly.”  

He stopped his hand trying to take off his eye patch in a hurry.

“Just because the curse is gone doesn’t mean you can see right away.”

“What does that mean?”


“I mean it’s not completely returning it to its original state. For example, you can’t walk right away by releasing the curse of a person whose legs have been paralyzed for 10 years. You need training.”

“…What kind of training?”

He looked nervous.

My hands on his knees were white.

“First of all, you’d better start by opening your eyes in the dark. It’s dangerous to see the light all of a sudden.”


“And it would be nice to call a doctor. I can only lift the curse, and I can’t help you medically.”


Even though he followed my words, he looked blank as if he had lost his mind somewhere.


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