Devan was sitting in the drawing room with a letter in front of him from Killian. It was a courteous letter simply wanting information.

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He threw the letter to the fireplace with no hesitation.


In an instant, the letter disappeared without a trace.


I’ve been writing since Your Highness collapsed a year ago. Please respond as soon as possible.


The butler started preparing stationary to respond to the letter. 


“You should write it instead.”


“You may get an earful from the Crown Princess if you keep speaking like that, sire.”


“You mean the Crown Princess who didn’t contact me for a year despite my comatose state?”


Despite Devan’s sarcasm, the butler calmly continued pouring tea without a response. Devan responded while nonchalantly gazing at the falling tea. 


“Perhaps Killian knows where she is.”


“By she do you mean?…”


“Evelyn Diego.”


The butler’s gaze headed to a necklace with a yellow pendant lying randomly in the corner of the desk.


“She would be able to tell me the possible cause of my eyesight deteriorating, if not heal me completely.”


The butler was silent.


Devan crumpled the paper and threw the blank sheets violently into the fireplace. The fire burned furiously again, and the butler, nonplussed, prepared new stationery for Devan.


“…I’m aware.”


Devan began to write back in beautiful letters with ink on his pen tip.


“I’m fully aware that you ran away from this mansion like in the middle of the night because you knew in advance that you wouldn’t be able to completely fix me.”



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“That’s probably what you think. But…”


Devan looked down at the letter paper with a pen in his hand, and splotches started to form on the blank sheet.


The butler skillfully prepared new sheets.


For a moment, the only sound that reverberated throughout the room was the sound of Devan knocking on the wood. 


After he realized that his eyesight had not fully recovered, Devan began to think. Why would Evelyn risk such a dangerous and risky escape? His conclusion was that she had run away because she couldn’t fully cure the curse. 


She had an enormous amount of divine power, but she was not the person specified in the prophecy. There had never been a case where the royal family followed the prophecy without resolving the curse. 


And on top of that, there was the case of the yellow pendant. 


He had scrutinized the pendant to find her whereabouts. 


It was a common item, but full of magical power. Magic that only allowed those given access the ability to open it. He had commanded the wizards to open the pendant through force, only to realize that what was contained in the pendant was the fragrance of daisies. 


Unlike the bewildered wizards who were unaware of the prophecy, Devan was able to immediately piece together the situation. 


He was unsure of how she had heard of the entire prophecy, but Evelyn had clearly used this pendant to trick him into believing she was the one mentioned. 




Devan remembered Evelyn’s reaction was unusual when Killian  Diego said he was coming here. She had reversed her attitude and suddenly treated everything as if it were urgent. Had she really had to run away in such a hurry? After all, even if she wasn’t the person mentioned by the divine, she clearly cured the curse on his left eye. It would not have been a problem to take more time and potentially more money.


“I think there’s another reason why.”


His cool eyes, like a dark lake, glared as if they were representing his feelings, as if they were penetrating the letter paper on his desk.


To be exact, the name Killian Diego, written on the first line.




Devan Lantimos was uncomfortable. He was always like that, but it was especially like that now.


He looked at the handsome man in front of him who was currently in the middle of drinking tea stiffly. 


It was Killian Diego, who had bright silver hair and golden eyes. His manners were impeccable to the point of being excessive. He was the eldest son of the Count, and even if he did not enter the Guard, he would still be able to inherit the count’s title and live lavishly. The Count  was not particularly known for rejecting his own either. 

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However, Killian’s attitude was strange. It was more like a servant to his master and an excessive degree of politeness for a noble.


“I heard it has not been long since you regained consciousness. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of your company, Your Highness.”


Devan reclined deeply on the sofa without an answer.


Despite his arrogant attitude, Killian  was only facing him with straight-looking eyes.


“So, what are you here for?”


Contrary to his expectations that Bona Mana Astrilla would be mentioned, Killian  hesitated to speak. Devan’s eyebrows twitched.


“… I heard that your curse has been lifted.”


“Does that concern you in any way?”


Killian  dropped his gaze. He almost seemed like a child who was about to be punished.


“Did you find the person mentioned in the prophecy?”


Devan frowned.


“I asked you if you were related to this at all.”


Clenching his fists, Killian  closed his eyes. After a long moment, he began to speak.


“I’ve heard that people with great abilities… could lift curses regardless of what was mentioned in the prophecy.”


“Don’t make me ask again”


Devan started to get up from his seat. Just as he was about to leave, Devan stopped as he looked at Killian’s face, which was now turned towards him. Killian’s  gaze seemed to be filled with an unknown desire…




And with golden eyes, to boot…


What do you mean golden eyes?

Devan squinted and looked at him. 



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Killian avoided his gaze, and finally opened his mouth as if he had decided something. 


“To be honest, I…”


Killian  nervously licked his lips.


Was the desire in his eyes previously an illusion? Devan quickly lost interest. Killian  opened his eyes nervously and stood up. 


Devan’s poker face collapsed noticeably at the sudden rudeness, but Killian  was not focused on the duke. He was staring at Devan’s desk. Devan turned to look at what Killian  was focused on.


What was he looking at?


There was nothing much on the desk.The magic tool that he used when he was blinded by the curse, and the wax seal for his letters, as well as the yellow pendant necklace left behind by Evelyn. 




Devan tried to focus on what Killian  was looking at. Killian  continued to stare blankly. The man looked like he was petrified on the spot and completely drained of any emotion. He muttered in a small voice.






He was suspicious ever since he had asked about the curse. Was he really here to find Evelyn?


Devan looked at him as if observing him. Count Diego’s two children were known for their good friendship, so it was understandable. After all, a concerned sibling might indeed ask around and come all the way here to find their lost sister. That was plausible. 


A year ago rumors spread that a young woman was seen at the Grand Duke’s estate. Devan tried to veer the rumors towards the Crown Princess, but if it was Killian, captain of the Crown Princess’ guards, he would have known that to not be the case. 


The rumors about his cure also spread quite quickly.


Killian  sat down in his seat again, with his face buried in both hands. It would have been understandable had Killian  heard rumors from elsewhere and came. Sure, it would have been rather obsessive for such a brother to come searching for his lost sister, but that would be reasonable.


But it was only a few days after Devan had recovered that Killian  sent a request to meet him. Was that even likely?


“It seems that you are unaware of court etiquette despite being the captain in charge of the Crown Princess’ Royal Guard.”


Devan finally broke and spoke harshly.


Killian  looked up slowly, his face full of anger, frustration and indescribable despair.

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“Where is she?”


“What do you mean?”


“… Evelyn”


Killian’s  voice was strained as if he were suppressing himself.




Killian seemed to have completely ignored Devan’s words.


“Evelyn… Where in the world…”


Killian  jumped up from his seat, unable to control his emotions. Trembling with emotion, Killian moved towards Devan’s desk.


Devan pulled out his sword from behind him, aiming straight at Kylian’s back. He was entirely fed up with Killian’s lack of respect. Even completely distracted, Killian  was unable to ignore the threat. He slowly turned back around.


“I don’t think I’ve given you the leave to walk around.”


“…I apologize, your highness. I… I think I found something that I had misplaced…”


“What object of yours would be in my room?”


Devan, using the tip of his sword, slowly moved Killian  away from his desk. 


Devan leaned in front of Killian, as if covering the pendant. Devan’s eyes narrowed, lightly wielding his sword with one hand.


“Do you realize what you’re saying right now?”


“… Your Highness, please… This is something more precious than my life…”


Devan’s interest was piqued. More precious than his life?


“Is that so”


He raised his sword towards Killian’s neck. Killian  immediately stiffened. 


“If that’s the case, lay down your life right here.”

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