Chapter 33

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“Your Highness ….”


Knights came running out.


They were the ones who had come with us, escorting our carriage back and forth.


They were each holding a shoulder or arm. Some of them had blood flowing from their heads.




I called out to Eunice, who was restless among them.


She ran right up to me, grabbed my arm, and burst into tears.


“My Lady!”


At least she didn’t have any visible wounds.


“That’s strange.”


Devan muttered.


“The situation with eight demons doesn’t seem normal….”


“That’s true, but why aren’t these demons attacking us?”


He narrowed his eyes.


It was strange, come to think of it.


They only destroyed the carriage, and then they just stood there watching us while we were surrounded.


The knights’ injuries were also caused by debris from the carriage. So, in a word, they seemed to have no intention of attacking us.


“They are not very smart.”


“Do you know much about demons?”


“They are demons that are said to see everything that exists.”


When I saw that they had five eyes, I thought I knew why without having to ask.


“Even when they sleep, they don’t close their eyes, so it’s just an exaggerated formula that they can see everything that exists. In fact, they’re a dumb species. They’re famous for smashing things without thinking.”


“Why are they doing this?”


Devan observed them silently.


The knights slowly came towards us for some time.


The demons didn’t move, even though it was certain that the situation would turn against them.


It’s not that they weren’t interested in us, though.


It was really strange.


If they had broken the carriage and torn apart their troops, it was only natural that they would attack immediately, but they didn’t. It was as if they were waiting for something….


“Are they waiting for something?”


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I mumbled and Devan turned around.


A sudden thought crossed my mind.


“They’re monitoring us. They’re waiting.”


“Waiting for what?”


“I don’t know what it is, but……”


Why did they break the carriage? They could have monitored us from the inside.


Was it to get us out? Why?


At that moment, I felt a chill. I grabbed Devan’s arm with my trembling hands.




“White, Magic stone.”


Their lowest eyes had Magic stones stuck in their white pupils. It was so white that you can’t see it unless you look closely. Devan wrinkled his brows.


“Totally absurd.”


Originally, Magic stone was not meant to be inserted like that.


Since it was the root of the demon, it was normal for it to be in the deepest part of the body. It was true that the body had to be dismantled to collect the stone. However, that one looked like it had been forced into it.


“This isn’t the time. We have to escape.”


“If you’re right and they’re watching us, waiting for something to happen, there’s no way they’re going to let us go easily.”


Devan said self-mockingly.


He gripped his sword and muttered.


“If we just aim for that Magic stone….”


“Wait a minute. Are you planning to fight?”


Even at a glance, the situation was not good.


There was not a single knight that was physically strong.


It was because they had ridden in an ordinary carriage that was not enchanted, or chased after us on horseback.


After all, the magic on the carriage we rode in didn’t seem to be at the level of merely canceling out vibrations.


“I’ll heal the knights first. It doesn’t look like they’re going to attack us right now.”


‘’I don’t know if we have time for that…”


Devan suddenly put me over his shoulder.


I couldn’t come to my senses in the sudden reversed view, and he moved quickly. I couldn’t even shout out what was happening.




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The ground we had been standing on crumbled downward with a loud roar.


“What is it?”


“I think they’ve noticed.”


Devan, who had lowered me to the ground again, took up a fighting stance with his sword.


“Noticed what?”


Devan laughed with a somewhat annoyed frown in one of his eyes.




Then he swung his sword towards me.


Devan’s sword headed to the demon’s right leg behind me.


I squeezed my eyes shut.


Hot blood flowed down my back.


“Why did they notice me?”




Devan pulled me roughly to him.


With one hand wrapped around me, he constantly swung his sword. 


The demons all jumped at me, aiming only at me.


I realized what Devan had said about them noticing me. Even the white Magic stone stuck in their legs.


Why didn’t I prepare for this earlier?


It was the temple. It was the temple that gave the order. Bring me to them or kill me.


They were getting more violent. They didn’t choose the means and methods. In other words, they were in a very imminent situation.


The wounded knights moved quickly to Devan’s aid.


They did their best to jump on the demons, but the demons didn’t care.


The demons lightly kicked the knights on their feet as if they were insects they were trying to chase away. They didn’t seem to feel any pain.


Could it be that it was also affected by the magic stone?


“Hey, get out of the way, you are disturbing them.”


The knights flinched at Devan’s order and retreated.


After that, it was turbulent.


Devan took on eight demons by himself.


Or more accurately, it was correct to say that the demons took him on.


He let go of my waist and spun around, swinging his sword. All I could do was squirm in nervousness.


 He fought as if he was one with the sword. It was hard to believe that he was a blind man not long ago.

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Devan was aiming only at the legs where the magic stone had been embedded in, and in that aspect, the smaller man had the advantage. 


The demons were very agile, despite their large size, but they were no match for Devan. Devan closed the distance in an instant.


The magic stone bounced off after only a few blade thrusts. With the Magic stone removed, the demon walked all over the place. They must have been hypnotized. They seemed to have been released. 


I wondered how much time had passed. Three of the demons just fainted, two ran off somewhere, one went crazy and broke the surroundings, and Devan stabbed it in the neck and it died. Only two of them remained. 


Even in that whole process, Devan’s body only received minor scratches. 




Devan let out a ragged breath. I and the other knights were watching him blankly. I had long since lost the idea that I had to help him or that he was in danger.


It was such an overwhelming force. Devan wiped his bright red bloody face with his hand. It made his eyes glisten through the fresh blood that was spread everywhere. He seemed a little exhausted.


It was no wonder, since he had dealt with such a large number of demons by himself.


One of the two remaining demons pounced on me again, targeting me.


I flinched, and Devan brought his sword back up to aim at the demon’s leg.


That was the moment.


Suddenly, the demons stopped moving.


It was as if the stop button had been pressed on both of them.


What could it be?


I looked around quickly.


There was a chill in the air. I felt anxious.


Something that the demons had been waiting for had arrived. 


And I had a hunch that whatever it was, it wasn’t good for us.


Devan furrowed his brow and then leapt toward the demon again, as if he thought he should do it anyway.




I reached out to stop him.




A low vibration made the earth weep.


The area darkened in the blink of an eye, as if the sun had disappeared.


…The sun disappeared?


I looked up and saw something floating in the sky with wings so large that they filled the wide expanse of land.


It looked like a giant hawk…… It looked like a dragon.


What is a dragon, a dragon!


Can the temple even control dragons?


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It seemed that they could control all the demons that existed in this world.


The dragon hovered in the sky as it stared at me. It was then that I realized what was happening. This was why the demons attacked the carriage to drive us out.


To recognize me, to check my location.


If they catch me, I will die.


That was when I thought.


“D*mn it.”


I heard a low swear and my vision shook violently. What is the situation with all this? I blinked. All I could see in front of me was pitch black.


It was Devan’s chest.




I heard a pained groan.


He was holding me. He was holding me so tightly that my ribs seemed to be breaking.




His body shook. It was unusual. Hot blood poured down his back to me. Not the demon’s blood, but Devan’s blood.




“Quiet, let’s be quiet.”


He said in a suppressed voice. There wasn’t a single ounce of strength in his voice, unlike normal. I gradually began to grasp the situation. 


In no time at all, the dragon had finally descended faster than I could even recognize it. It wanted to snatch me. 


But the dragon failed. A human-sized sharp claws stuck in Devan’s back instead of mine. 


My body became stiff. I raised my trembling hand and let go. Even a scream didn’t come out. 


“Your Highness! “


“My Lady!”


I heard screams all around. The knights and Eunice made an effort to come towards us somehow, but they all fell with a single flap of the dragon’s wings. 


We were left isolated and at the center of this whole situation. There was no one to save us. Except for me.


I had to save Devan. It was me, no one else. I had to save him. I knew it. But my body froze and wouldn’t move.


The fact that Devan, whom I had believed would never collapse, was leaning on me, bleeding profusely.


And then there was the fact that all of this happened because of me.


These two facts were binding my body like a shackles.


What should I do?


I could feel the strength leaving Devan’s body.


I have to move…….


My body trembled.

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