I clenched my teeth, trying not to laugh. Devan in buttonless clothes? 

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This was something no one has ever imagined. Devan looked at me, sighed, and shook his head. I hurriedly looked at my body.


I wore a pretty good dress when I came to the imperial capital, so why didn’t he sell this? However, the dress, which I looked down on, was torn in many places and was full of blood and filth. Most of the jewels were also gone.


“…didn’t you think of changing my clothes before putting me on the bed?”


I looked at him with a disgusted expression. I couldn’t believe he let me lay in bed dressed like this. 


“Are you telling me that I should have undressed you? No matter how many bloody oaths we’ve taken…..”




I shouted, hastily interrupting his words. I could feel my neck getting hot. Come to think of it, it was nearly impossible to find a servant to change my clothes when he had to sell even a single button on his coat.


Moreover, there was only one bed in the room.


That was also the reason why Devan had told me that he had slept on a chair all night, and that’s why he had slept face down on the bed earlier.


It wasn’t a situation where I could complain about anything.


“…… But now they might want me to pay for the bedsheets when I leave the room.”


I hurriedly got up from my seat.


I knew it. Despite the fact that the bed was not very clean, it was stained with dirt.


Devan didn’t seem to know what the problem was.


“Why do you have to pay for the bedsheets?”


“Huh? That’s because it wouldn’t come off even if you washed it.”


“You wash the bedsheets?”


He asked with a gasp, and I was seized at that moment by the question of whether or not they wash bedspreads in this world.


It wasn’t supposed to be like that.


When I was at the Temple, I washed my own bedsheets after my fifth birthday, and when I lived at the Count’s house, the servants did it for me. 


“Then, do you wash the bedsheets or not?”


“Can’t I just buy a new one?”




I looked at him, stunned.


“It would be much more trouble to wash it, wouldn’t it?”


I had forgotten that Devan was a member of the royal family with a tremendous amount of money.


I shook my head lightly in silence.


“What’s wrong?”


“Nothing. It’s not important anyway.”


Devan’s expression worsened, as if he noticed I was turning away from the conversation.

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“Tell me what’s wrong.”


“It’s fine.”


Before he asked again, I hastily tore off the only two jewels clinging to my dress.


“Go sell them.” (Evelyn) 


“……. Are you ordering me?” (Devan)


“I can’t leave like this.” (Evelyn)


“But you already came in like this.” (Devan)


I glared at him, not wanting to lose a word.


“One shame is enough. Buy me some clothes with that money.” (Evelyn)


Despite his disgruntled look, Devan left the room in silence.


I shouted at his back as he closed the door.


“The cheapest one!”




I remembered the banquet where I had 3 meetings with Killian a few days ago.


How had Devan chosen that beautiful dress? Hilda had said that Devan had chosen it himself, but it had to be the butler’s choice.


That’s where I also got a strong feeling that it was a good decision for me to choose the wedding dress.


Of course.


One more thing. I also realized that the reason the Grand Duke’s residence was so desolate was not because he was blind or because he liked neat things.


Here’s what I meant. Devan wasn’t as aesthetically pleasing as I expected.


“So this was the cheapest one, right?”


It’s not that I don’t have a tolerance for cheap things. It’s just that I didn’t wear very good quality clothes when I lived in Count Diego’s house.


But that wasn’t the point of this.


The clothes he had bought were very fancy………… Too flashy was the problem. 


It had rainbow-colored feathers on the chest, as if they were made of peacock’s feathers. As it moved, the feathers fell off.


It would be a very useful piece of clothing if one were to be abducted by an unidentified assailant. This was because it would leave traces on the street.


I was the one who told him to buy the cheapest one. That’s why I was vague in my complaint… but this…


“It’s not the cheapest one.” 




“It was recommended to me…….”



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I couldn’t hide my bewilderment at those words.


I’d rather understand if it was the cheapest, but recommended? 


What do you mean by “recommended”..What did they say when they recommended that dress?”


I crossed my arms, ready to hear his answer.


Was it an outfit to be worn to a lifetime of revenge? Or an outfit of embarrassment.


Devan’s eyes fluttered.


He didn’t really seem to think it was strange.


“It looks good on you, why is that?”


Apparently, this man must have some kind of aesthetic problem.


The curse didn’t take away his eyesight, it literally took away his eyes.


“What did you say?”


Devan put on a nonchalant face.


“The owner asked who will wear the dress?”






Looking up and down at my dress, Devan nodded his head with a look of approval.


“I told him my destiny would wear it.”




It was only after I removed all the rainbow-colored feathers on the dress that I could get out of the inn.


The innkeeper groaned when he saw the dirty bed sheets in the room.


I looked at Devon as I handed the owner another coin.


“First we need to find the knights and Eunice.”


“It’s more important that we make it to the capital.”


“Speaking of which, where are we?”


“It’s the village where we planned to stay overnight on the way.”


I recalled his words that we had an hour to the village just before the demon attacked. It was that village.


It’s not a game I played in my previous life. If I die, I’ll resurrect you in a nearby town. I’ll send you to the capital immediately.


I groaned inwardly.


“How long will it take to get to the capital from here?”


“It will take more than half a day.”


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“Not going on foot, right?”


Devan looked at me with a puzzled expression.


As expected, we would ride the carriage. I wondered how much it would cost to rent a carriage.


I had spent a year in Ellywoon and was familiar with the monetary units there, but the ones in this empire were still difficult.


We left the inn and stood on the street in a daze.


“How shall we rent a carriage?”


Devan shrugged, 


The problem was this. Neither I nor he was very bright about the market economy.


He had never had to borrow a carriage himself, and this place didn’t even have a carriage drive by.


Even if we knew how to borrow one, how could we get to the capital with this much money in the first place?


I rolled some chattering silver coins in my hand.


“….. Is there any way?”


I couldn’t just stand like this forever.


Instead of answering my question, Devan looked around and started to walk away without a second thought.


“Where are you going?”


I hurried after him.


“The temple.”




My scream drew the attention of everyone around me.


“What temple? You know I don’t like it. No, Your Highness doesn’t like it either. It was because of them that we became like this!”


“Not that temple.”


Devan pointed into the distance.


I could see a lone ivory-colored spire rising between the low buildings.


It looked like the temple I knew, but it was much smaller.


“There are separate temples in the four villages around the capital.”


“Separate temples?”


“You think there is only one temple in this large country, a country where the High Priest has surpassed the power of the Emperor?”


I didn’t think of that.


Come to think of it, I think that was what I was told when I lived in the temple.


“So you’re saying that instead of the temple in the capital, there are smaller temples in villages near here?”


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“Yes. There are five in total.”


“And why do you go there?”


“Because I need money.”


Temples and money.


All I could think of was a bad memory.


“Are you going to sell my divine power?”




Devan stopped in his tracks and turned to me.


He looked as if he had never heard of such a ridiculous story in the world. 


“What in the world is going through that little head of yours?” 


“Then how are you going to get money in the temple…? Are you going to steal something?”


 He shook his head lightly. Then he began to lead the way again.


“You’ll find out when you get there.”




My face was a little hot.


No, if it was something like this, he should have told me in advance.


“Are you really married? You? Devan Lantimos?”


If he didn’t wear his priest uniform, if this wasn’t a private room reserved only for priests….


The man who didn’t look like a priest looked at me in a polite way.


From the way he spoke so comfortably with Devan, he seemed to be a man of high rank.


But in contrast, there was no room for discretion in his actions.


Perhaps it was his broad features that gave him such an image. Even his light brown hair looked blonde, thanks to his attitude.


Devan looked for this man as soon as we arrived at the temple.


He told me that the man was a close friend of his since he was a child. He was apparently going to ask him for help.


It was an embarrassingly extremely normal way for me to think he was trying to sell my power.


However, I didn’t think Devan had any friends.


The man finally stopped his observation and held out his hand to me.


“Oh, I’m sorry about that. I really can’t believe this man is married.”


It wasn’t rude, it was fortunate.

I took his hand, forcing the edges of my mouth to raise up. 

At that moment, his eyebrows rose higher and higher.


Evelyn and Devan are so cute in this chapter lol. Their bickering 

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