*Devan’s childhood continues *

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“I, so I ………..”


But Devan couldn’t quite get the words out of his mouth, perhaps because he had never said them before.


The boy waited patiently for him.


Finally, Devan spat out the words.


“I can be the emperor…….”




Devan’s face flushed red because he knew it was impossible.


The words he had spat out in his will became regrets. He would rather give up on seeing Astrilla and go home.


He sneaked a peek at the boy. The boy was….




He sat down on the ground and started laughing like a madman.


“Be quiet!”


He continued laughing all the way until the dazed Devan was startled and started shouting. 


“Haha …… you’re going to be emperor?You? The red-eyed prince?” 


Devan glared at him hatefully.


“It’s funny. It’s funny. Really funny!”


“…… Funny?”


The boy approached the wall again, and held out his hand to Devan.


It was too far away to reach even if he did.


“Oh, let’s come down to the ground first, then shake hands.”


“That’s right. …….”


Devan couldn’t adapt to the sudden brashness of the atmosphere.


The boy laughed brightly and said.


“My name is Pelos Kibeon. What’s the red-eyed prince’s name?”


” …… Devan Lantimos.”


“Devan, Devan. That’s a good name for an emperor. Okay, I’ve made my decision.”


“Are you going to help me?”


His legs were getting numb, and it was hard for Devan to sit on the narrow wall.


Now he was hoping that the boy would help him in any way he could.

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He wanted to hurry down the wall and see Astrilla. She would love to hold the red flower in her hands.


His cheeks flushed as he thought about it.


“Are you going to help me?”


“Of course.”


The boy looked at Evan and smiled.


“I’m sick of justification. Pelos here will help you become emperor.”




Devan felt like something was wrong. All Devan needed was help getting down this wall.


“No one knows this yet, but I’m actually a genius.”


He said he would help Devan down, but Pelos couldn’t find any way.


He wasn’t very well dressed and he wasn’t tall despite being an 8 year old boy.


So it was impossible for him to receive Devan when he jumped, or to lend him his shoulders so that Devan could step on.


“You said you were going to help me! You said you were a genius!”


Eight-year-old Devan had a quick temper. His nerves rested on a single red flower in his back pocket.


Pelos bite his lip as if his pride had been hurt.


“……… I’ll wait for you here!”


Then he disappeared somewhere, leaving those words behind.


It was so fast that Devan couldn’t even hold him back.


Feeling like he had been scammed, Devan cursed.


The boy may not come back.


Instead of coming back, he might even tell people everywhere that Devan had said he was going to be emperor.


Thanks to his ear-splittingly strict butler’s education, Devan knew very well how dangerous such words could be for him.


‘I shouldn’t have said it.’


Regret surged through him.


He had spoken recklessly. He should have just stayed put in the annex. The thought that once came to his mind kept pruning, driving Devan into a deep pit.


It was when he carefully stood up from the wall after he decided to leave now. Pelos was seen running from a distance with a big boy.


“Gasp. Gasp.”


It didn’t look like he had run long, but Pelos was out of breath.


The big boy looked at Devan with a cheerful face. His eyes were full of interest. Devan wrinkled his brow and asked.


 “Who is it?” 


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“This child is training in a performance hall nearby…..haaaa…”



Pelos put his hands on his knees and breathed hard, barely continuing his words when the big boy stepped forward. Then he called Devan, smiling brightly.




Prince? It was the first time Devan had heard someone call him Prince, except for his old butler. Devan’s face flushed a little, but he pretended to be unconcerned.


“ Who are you?”


“I’m Karen Wibow! It’s a pleasure to meet you, my Prince! You’re the red-eyed prince, right? It’s not at all like the rumors I heard! No, they’re really red eyes. You are majestic and handsome. It’s not my favorite, though!” 


His mumbling was so loud that Devan furrowed his brows.


“ Look, Pelos. Why on earth did you bring him here?”


Before he knew it, Pelos was at Karen’s side, his hands on his hips with enthusiasm.


“Didn’t you hear that? It’s called Wibow!”




It was only then that Devan realized that the big boy was the son of the most knightly family in the empire.


“You’re a knight?”


“Yes, Prince… or more accurately, I’m working on it.”


And after tapping his chest, Karen added with an embarrassed laugh.


“What are you doing without jumping?”


“You want me to jump?”


“I can catch you, Prince!”


‘Prince’ was in every sentence.


Devan wrinkled his brow, but he actually didn’t dislike Karen.


”…. really?”


“Of course! Please trust me! I may look like this, but I’m going to be the best knight in the empire in a few years. I even caught a young goblin a few days ago! You have no idea how swift the green monster is…”


“Be quiet!”


Karen fell silent at Pelos’s shout and then he spread his arms wide towards Devan.




Devan hesitated.


This was the first time he had met both Pelos and Karen today.


This was the first time he had ever talked to anyone for so long, with the exception of his butler.


‘Can I make friends….?’


No matter how mature he acted, he was only eight years old.


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For the first time in his life, it was natural for him to have a little rash expectation of emotion.


So he squeezed his eyes shut.


Then he threw himself under the wall.




As it turned out, Karen couldn’t catch Devan as smoothly as he had hoped.


He couldn’t bear Devan’s weight, so he fell backwards. Eventually, Devan laid him down, which allowed him not to get hurt. Nevertheless, Karen smiled proudly as if he had done it.



It was Pelos’s turn next.


He listened to Devan’s story and hinted to him where Astrilla might be and the window to break in from outside.


He was well versed in Imperial geography, as he had often been in and out of the Imperial Palace with his father. 


“Well, I’ll see you next time.”


Pelos greeted lightly, saying he had to go back now.


Next time, so it was a vague promise.


Devan gave a small nod.


Karen also said that he still had to return to the training hall for training.


At the same time, he held Pelos’ arm and did not stop talking.


In the end, it was only Devan who was left alone.




Devan hurried over to the window Pelos had mentioned.


Through the low window, he could see the empty hallway.


After looking around to make sure no one was around, he quickly jumped in the window.


He took a right at the corner, then straight ahead, then a left at the next corner, then straight ahead down a narrow corridor that led to…


Devan quickly ducked behind a wall.


Two soldiers stood guarding in front of the splendid room Pelos had mentioned. It was only natural. Astrilla was an imperial Princess.


It was highly likely that she would soon become emperor as well.


‘What should I do?’ It looked impossible to get into the room without driving those soldiers out.


Devan fiddled with the flower he had put in his back pocket.


The flower had been pressed that it had lost its initial vitality.


‘Should I give up?’


What sister? He was the “red-eyed prince” and she was the next emperor with shining golden eyes.


Of course Astrilla wouldn’t remember that time she held his finger. Devan took a low breath. There was no way a child like him could fight two soldiers and win.

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He was just about to turn his feet when… 




Devan looked around, startled by the sudden sound of a voice. Fortunately, it wasn’t Devan that the owner of the voice was calling, but the soldiers who were standing at the door.


He was wearing a slightly different suit of armor than the soldiers.


 “Commander Wibow!” 


The soldiers saluted politely. The man who was called the Commander nodded and continued. 


“You guys have to go somewhere with me for a bit.”




“Well, well, we received a report that demons had appeared a while ago.”


 “A demon? In the Imperial Palace?” 


“Oh, yes. It’s not just one or two of them.”


“Who the hell is this? Are there any witnesses? Are you sure it’s not a fake report?”



“That’s what I’m saying, we have to check it out.”


Commander Wibow scratched his cheek with his fingers. 


“The informant appears to be the youngest son of that Kibeon family.”


“If he is the youngest son of the Kibeon family…” 


The soldiers’ bodies stiffened. It was the same for Devan. The youngest son of the Kibeon family must be Pelos.


“Yes, you might think that other children would lie, but he is the youngest son of the Kibeon family. He doesn’t have the personality to lie, and even if he did………..”


“And even then, it means that the Commander will have to confirm it himself.”


One soldier stepped forward as if he was convinced.


“But there are soldiers guarding the garden. We’re here to protect Her Imperial Highness… 


“The remaining soldier still had a hard look on his face, but Commander Wibow shook his head.


“That’s the problem…..the demons appeared near there, so all the soldiers went there.”


“Still, Young master Karen………”


One of the soldiers shook his head. 


“Anyway, it’s time-sensitive, so let’s talk as we go. According to my information, you and I are the closest to where the demons are.”


“But the Princess……”


“I’ve contacted the Empress on my way here. She’ll probably be here soon.”


One of the soldiers was still hesitating. He was hesitant to leave.


‘Please, please, please go.’ Devan murmured to himself, clenching his fist.


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