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Translator: Simple MTL  Editor: Simple MTL

Where did this little girl come from?

The black cat sized up the little girl in front of her. She really didn’t know where she came from.

It seemed that she, a demonic cultivator who had condensed a demon core, actually didn’t know that a person had suddenly come to this small shop. How terrifying was this?

Could it be that her cultivation base had suddenly deteriorated?


Ever since she had come to this Immortal’s Destiny Small Shop, she had never seen any signs of deterioration. Instead, her cultivation base had begun to rise steadily.

That’s right.

Every day, it was either the cutlery of the immortal tool level, or the implication of the paintings of the Daoist magic level. There were even all kinds of small toys. For example: clay figurines, masked man…

These small things had extremely powerful Daoist charms hidden within them. How could her cultivation level deteriorate?

After the black cat was sure that her cultivation level did not deteriorate in the slightest, she looked at the little girl once again and felt extremely terrified.

Then, she looked at how close she was to Liu Changgong.

The black cat felt that its new master was truly unfathomable.

When Liu Changgong saw the little girl rushing over from afar, he was also a little caught off guard.

When the little fox saw this scene, she hurriedly covered her eyes as if to say, “I don’t know anything, I didn’t see anything…”

When Liu Changgong saw this, he also felt a little embarrassed.

He finally managed to get the little girl off his body and placed her on his rattan chair.

At this moment, Liu Changgong finally had the mood to take a closer look at the little girl in front of him.

She was very beautiful. Her skin was abnormally fair, and her eyes seemed to be different from those of ordinary children.

But when he thought about the mydriasis from his previous life, he didn’t think it was a big deal.

‘It shouldn’t be any bad people or demons. After all, I don’t have anything that I can give these things to.’

Liu Changgong muttered in his heart. He didn’t forget that this was a world of gods and monsters. But when he saw the pitiful look on the little girl’s face, he felt that she really didn’t look like it.

It was probably the little girl who had gotten lost!

Looking at the little girl sitting on the chair in front of him, Liu Changgong took out his most amiable smile.

“Little girl, little cutie! What’s your name? Where did you come from? Who else is in your family? What are your parents and grandparents’ names?”

When the little girl heard Liu Changgong’s question, she looked at the door and then looked inside. She saw the broken chessboard. Suddenly, she felt an incomparable headache. She covered her forehead, and a pained expression appeared on her face.


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Oh no, could it be that the little girl was abducted by human traffickers?

Then, she was stimulated by something on the road?

Liu Changgong felt that he had caught the truth of the matter.

Looking at the little girl in front of him who was in pain, he quickly hugged her and began to comfort her.

After a long time, the little girl finally calmed down.

However, the confusion on her face could not be concealed. She shook her head at Liu Changgong. “I don’t think I have a name. My home is… in…”

As she spoke, she pointed at the chessboard on the table.

What did this mean?

Liu Changgong felt a little confused.

By pointing at the chessboard, did she mean that she lived in the chessboard? Or did she mean that her home was in a place called the chessboard?

Chessboard Mountain? Chessboard Village…

Liu Changgong looked at the chessboard on the table and felt very confused. This was just a child who could talk.

She was probably just looking at the chessboard for fun and casually pointed at it.

What could such a small child remember?

He was really a little confused. He actually asked so many questions to such a small child.

Moreover, he looked like a child with delicate skin and flesh. She was probably a child from a rich family. When she was playing at the door of her home, she accidentally left too far from her family. Then, she was targeted by the human traffickers.

Now, she probably ran away from the human traffickers by chance.

No wonder her expression was so painful when she was asked a question!

What kind of food did the human traffickers have? The environment was probably very poor.

Thinking of this, Liu Changgong could not help but feel sorry for her and touched her head.

In the end, when she hugged him tightly, only then did Liu Changgong realize that something was wrong.

This child seemed to be cold all over as he touched her wrist.

She actually didn’t even have a basic pulse!


Liu Changgong released his hand and exhaled a mouthful of turbid air. He looked at the little girl in front of him with a very complicated expression.

If he wasn’t wrong, this little girl shouldn’t be a living person anymore.

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Zombie? Walking corpse?

Liu Changgong didn’t know much about these things, but he knew that only those high and mighty immortal cultivators could make a living person look like this.

These immortal cultivators really treated mortals like ants. They treated mortals like pigs and dogs, as materials for immortal cultivation…

“Immortal cultivation… Hehe, you don’t even cultivate the Human Dao, and you still want to cultivate the Immortal Dao? What a joke!” Liu Changgong said coldly, his tone containing a great deal of anger.

Little Fox and the black cat at the side were shocked when they heard this!


Humanity, Immortal Path?

The two felt that there must be a hidden meaning behind this sentence, but they could not grasp the main point.

The reason behind this sentence must have something to do with cultivation. Just now, when they heard it, they felt their Dao hearts tremble.

But unfortunately, they could not catch that trace of charm.

They turned to look at Liu Changgong again, hoping that he could continue.

But Liu Changgong’s eyes only had this pitiful little girl in them now, and he did not even look at them.

Liu Changgong lowered his head to look at the little girl in front of him, his gaze becoming more gentle and kind.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be safe here. You can stay here from now on. You can stay here as long as you want. Moreover, I guarantee that no one will bully you in the future…”

Although the comforting words were said in this way, Liu Changgong still felt a bit apprehensive in his heart. After all, the person behind this matter was an immortal cultivator, while he himself was just a powerless mortal…

“Sigh… Forget it, I don’t care about it. When the time comes, we’ll talk about it. When the time comes, it won’t be too late to make a decision.

“Moreover, when the time comes, I can call Old Man Zhu over. They are all cultivators from the Grand Moon Sect on the nearby mountain. At least they still have some face. When the time comes, I’ll ask them to mediate the situation. I should be able to send a few more paintings, right?”

The little girl heard Liu Changgong’s words and looked at him very obediently. She did not say a word and quietly let Liu Changgong touch her little head.

Translator: Simple MTL  Editor: Simple MTL

“You and I are fated…” Liu Changgong said, “I don’t think you know your own name. Since you’re going to live together in the future, you can’t be without a name. Let me give you a name.”

“Okay, okay.”

The little girl was very happy and nodded repeatedly. “Thank you, Master. Thank you.”

“Don’t call me Master. Call me Big Brother. Calling me Master is weird.”

Liu Changgong immediately corrected her.

When the little girl heard that Liu Changgong was angry, she immediately became a little fearful and said timidly, “Is Master angry? I seem to have made Master angry…”

Seeing that the little girl was about to cry, Liu Changgong also immediately felt a little soft-hearted.

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“Forget it, forget it. You can call me whatever you want!”

Liu Changgong also quickly comforted her.

He had a helpless look on his face. This form of address was really not good. When others heard it, they would think that he was something else.

What exactly had this little girl experienced! This kind of master-servant concept was actually deeply implanted in her heart. It was really impossible to correct and eradicate this kind of concept in a short period of time.

In fact, if he acted too hastily, it might even scare her. That was all for now. He would slowly remove the thing in the future.

“It’s not good for you to always call yourself someone else. How about this? You seem to like go very much, so you’ll be called Weiqi from now on. How about it?”

“Weiqi… Weiqi…”

The little girl softly muttered these two words. Her exquisite little face suddenly bloomed with a brilliant smile and she began to cheer and jump. “Weiqi, a good name. It’s really nice to hear! I’ll be called Weiqi from now on…”

Seeing that the little girl liked this name very much, Liu Changgong was relieved.

Immediately after, Liu Changgong specially gave Qi’er a new set of clothes, and then tied up her scattered hair.

After tidying up, Qi’er beautifully stood in front of Liu Changgong. She was wearing Liu Changgong’s clothes that were too long for her.

The sleeves were dragged to the ground, and her hair was tied up by Liu Changgong, but it was still dragging on the ground.

Because his clothes were too long, he was worried that she would trip over them. She always stopped every step he took, just like little student in a costume. Looking at her singing, chanting, and dancing, Liu Changgong couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let’s wear this for now. We’ll go to the nearby tailor shop in two days to make a few sets of clothes. Let’s just put this dress on for now…”

Liu Changgong said gently to chess. Weiqi nodded her head in a very sensible manner.

“Wu, wu, wu——”

The little fox’s cry suddenly sounded in his ear.

Liu Changgong turned around and saw the little white fox crying incessantly at the pieces of the chessboard on the ground.

“There’s also this thing.”

Liu Changgong hurriedly took his broom and dustpan and swept the pieces of the chessboard on the ground together. There were no shoes suitable for Weiqi at home, so he could only let her bare her feet first. If she accidentally stepped on them, her small feet would probably have a few wounds.

After sweeping up the pieces, Liu Changgong did not throw them away. Instead, he buried them in the mud in the courtyard. The main reason was that he was afraid that when the time came, he might reveal that Weiqi was here.

“If not, I won’t open the shop again for the next two days. I’ll hide Weiqi for a few months and wait for the news to pass. When no one is looking for her again, I’ll open the shop again.”

Liu Changgong was always a bit worried about the ‘cultivators’ behind those chess players.

“Also, there seems to be a big problem with Weiqi’s body…”

A worried expression also appeared on Liu Changgong’s face.

If it was possible, he still hoped that Qi’er was a normal child, and not someone who did not even have a heartbeat or a pulse, who was neither human nor ghost.

However, he did not really understand these things regarding immortal cultivation.

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“Why don’t I ask Old Man Zhu, Yu Linglong, and the others when the time comes, and see if they have any methods or prescriptions…”

Liu Changgong had a very good idea in his mind. He wanted to try his best to help this poor little guy, Qi’er, return to normal.

At the entrance of Immortal’s Destiny Small Shop, two beams of light suddenly flashed from the distance.

Wang Yuyan and Zhu Zhao came over together.

“I wonder if Senior is at home today?”

Wang Yuyan was both expectant and nervous. After all, she was going to meet an ancestor-level figure of a sacred land later. His cultivation level was even higher than her master’s.

Therefore, it was understandable for her to be nervous.

If the Southern Domain’s cultivation geniuses saw her like this, their hearts would probably die. She was like a young girl who had just fallen in love, acting like a little girl.

Zhu Zhao put on an old-fashioned look and comforted her.

“Fairy Wang, don’t worry. Although Senior’s cultivation is high, he is a very good person. He doesn’t put on any airs and is very approachable.”

“You just need to remember what I told you before and treat him as a mortal in front of Senior Liu. Just treat him as a mortal. It’s best if you don’t mention anything about the cultivation world.”

Wang Yuyan’s face was serious.

“I understand. Thank you for your guidance, Daoist Master Zhu Zhao. This Senior Liu likes to play in the mortal world. It’s already unreasonable for us to come and disturb him. If we don’t know what’s good for us, won’t we be asking for trouble?”

“Fairy Wang is a smart person. You understand instantly.”

Zhu Zhao also praised her seriously. Then, he respectfully went forward and knocked on the door.

Knock, knock, knock–

He only knocked three times. If no one opened the door after three times, then he would leave. No matter if there was anyone inside, it was possible that the person did not want to see him.

But this time, a voice quickly came out.

“The door is not open today. If you want to buy something, please come back after a while.”

Wang Yuyan heard the voice from inside and immediately moved. She had heard before that this senior was very young. He was very good at taking care of himself.

When she heard this voice today, she did not see any vicissitudes at all.

Wang Yuyan had already constructed the image of an otherworldly expert in her mind, with his white clothes fluttering in the wind like a banished immortal.

When she heard that Senior Liu did not seem to be willing to see any guests today, Zhu Zhao was not prepared to make things difficult for him.

“Sorry to disturb Sir’s rest. Zhu Zhao will leave now.”

He replied respectfully and turned around to leave.

However, just as he turned around, he heard Senior Liu’s voice coming from the door behind him.

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