I Used To Be Alone Until I Meet You (我本爱孤独,直到有了你)by Ye Luo Wu Xin 叶落无心- [Chapter 11]

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Since Xiao Cheng and Zhuo Zhuo’s love ended without even starting, for a long period, he didn’t take any initiative to contact me, I also didn’t take any initiative to contact her.

There was no cute avatar again in QQ, I chatted with anyone for few words, it’s no fun.

In the game, there was no more high-powered master of the game that could turn the tide, my points kept on being negative.

There was no news or “harassment” from him, I kept on forgetting where did I put my phone until my phone rang and I hurriedly tried to look for it……

Some people, if he never appears, your life is dull but also full.

But the time he appeared and then disappeared, you would understand even life is full but it also boring.

Action 1


When the fourth year of university started, the school forced our “love apartment” to be for female graduate students to live, all the undergraduate students were forced to leave. I went back to my original ancient apartment, Xiao Cheng also went to rent an apartment outside the school.

Our fourth year timetables were not the same, we didn’t have any same modules. If not because once I saw him eating on the dining hall from far away, I seemed to think that he completely disappeared form my world, he didn’t leave any mark in my life.

I frequently told myself: “In university, dating is just a salt in our life. Because of it, it creates flavor; without it, it just show its original taste.”

Because of that, every night I would lay down on my bed and hugged my Crayon Sinchan, and wanted to eat something with full flavors.

Action 2


We only had little modules in the fourth year, everyone was free and feeling bored. I didn’t want myself to be free, because there would result in various kind of feelings to be appeared.

For making myself to be busy, I chose to take double degree in e-commerce.

Under the busy of study, I finally made a goal for myself:

“After a year, the time I get my certificate, I will find a company of e-commerce company to do network operations.

“After works, I will try hard to get a compatible man. He doesn’t need to be handsome, doesn’t need to be very smart, doesn’t need to be able to earn a lot of money, he just needs to be able to give me a stable and secure feeling. The time I am tired and sad, he will firstly give me his warm shoulder and let me lean on it.

“My calm dating life, marriage, would be a very warm life….”

For accomplishing my goal, I tried so hard to prepare myself. Since morning till the night if I was not in the class, I would be on my way to the class.

Action 3

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2003, the winter was gone and the spring was coming. It was almost the end of our fourth year of university.

Unconsciously I knew from Nan Nan: Xiao Cheng is addicted toward the game online. Everyday he would just play game. I heard that he is playing “Qi Shi (Knight)”. He is the most powerful mage in the game. His nickname is “Duo luo wu zui (Fallen Innocence)”.

That night, I couldn’t hold my impulse to “harass” him, I went to the internet bar and finally I could learn how to play that online game.

I registered and chose a very beautiful female character, and entered the game.

In the game, I used the search engine provided and very quickly finally I found the “Duo luo wu zui”.

He was standing in the blue robes on the edge of the cliff with his long hair. His hair was blowing because of the wind. It was a beautiful scene.

Because the moment was so beautiful, his standing figure made him seemed to be lonely that I want to get close.

I hesitated for awhile, I came to his side and stood beside him.

Perhaps he was not in front of his computer so he didn’t say anything.

I couldn’t hold back, I spoke out: [ What are you doing?]

Very quickly he replied: [I am watching the sunset. When I look at the sunset, I don’t do anything.]

This is a dialogue taken from “Wu Chan”, it let my heard felt the pain.

I asked again: [You’ve been looking at it for a long time, don’t you feel bored?]

[Bored, but if I don’t see it, I would feel even more bored.]

[I also eel bored. If not, let me accompany you to chat]

I clicked the button to let my avatar sit down.

Looking at my action, he also sat down.

That day, we chatted. I didn’t remember what we chat about because I didn’t save our chat.

Action 4


Since the time of my “encounter” with Xiao Cheng on the game, everyday during my bored moment and wanted to look for leisure and relaxation, I would look for him on the game to play around.

I joined him to participate in a “war”, I followed him everywhere….

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Someone told me that online game is a mere fantasy. There you couldn’t differentiate a boy or a girl, how could you distinguish a good man and bad man?

Yet I thought: In this fantasy world, both of us are strangers, there’s no need a cover or mask so you will easily understand the inner heart of that person,.

In the online game of fantasy world, I understands him.

I notice that he is someone who keeps his promise. He wouldn’t easily promise someone, yet if he promised anything, he would fulfill it no matter how.

For example, he promised his group member to fight together big Boss, no matter what time was it. Whether it was midnight or three in the morning or six in the morning, he will definitely appear and never forget his promise.

I noticed that he is an observer. When he didn’t understand something, he would seriously observed it, learnt about the rules, until he could understand it clearly.

For example, when someone attacked Boss, he would frequently just stay by his side and observe first other greatest skills.

I also discovered that he is a stubborn one. When he wants to do something, he would do his best to do it, he wouldn’t give up.

I also noticed that he is quite humorous. In the serious battle, he would say something that really funny.

For example, during heated battle, he would just sit on the side and yelled: “Beer, Drinks, Spring water…. French fries,….”

Everyone was confused.

I came forward to his front and asked: “Boss, do you have popcorn?”


In the past, I really like Cheng Ze. That kind of like is just a fantasy and calm. That kind of like didn’t let me lose my rationality.

But after my encounter with him in the online games, I have deeper understanding about him. My like toward him become more intense and hard to control…..

There’s a lot of times, I almost told him: “I fall in love with you. It’s not just a like, but love!”

Action 5


In the online game, I’ve never dare to help because when I help they would be even more trouble.

When they had won and all of them left, I would silently followed him.

He walked up to the cliff, the mountain was strong and there’s a waterfall. I stood side by side with him.

Whenever we were in this time, I always have the illusion that we were not in the games, but we were dating with each other.

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So I laughed and laughed.

He asked me: [Why didn’t you help before?]

Without thinking about it, I answered: [I have no talent in playing game, no matter what the game is. Do you know Super Mario? I even never raised up to the second level.]

He asked again: [Then why are you playing this game?]

I thought for a long time: [I came to see the scenery of the game, I heard that there is most beautiful scenery here.]

He: [……….]

Action 6


I was very happy to be in this game of “fallen innocence”. Every night I was impressed with it that I smiled in my dream.

I stupidly thought that this episode of love will be the secret of my heart forever, the sweetest memories.

Unexpectedly there’s suddenly a turning point. One day, I was having a backache while watching at the crowd. I couldn’t help but to say in “Fallen Innocence”: “So hungry! I really want to eat a slice of butter cream cake.”

He asked: [You are hungry? You haven’t had your dinner?]

[Em, I’m very lazy, I don’t want to move! If now there’s someone that could send me a butter cream cake, I will marry him.]

He despised me: [Just by this little request?]

I sighed: [But even with this little request, no one could satisfy me.]

After an hour, there’s a strange number calling me and asked me to go down to the apartment lobby to take the butter cream cake.

I was surprised then looked at the avatar in the online fame, asked: [Is the cake from you?]

He replied: [Yes.]

I asked: [How could you know where I live?]

He said: [Next time don’t you use your name as the password okay? It’s easy to be hacked.]

I really want to kill myself with a butter cream cake!

Action 7

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After I got my butter cream cake, I opened it cautiously.

The butter cream cake was filled with strawberries.

I couldn’t help to immediately taste the cream, it was so sweet.

Cheekily I typed: [The cake is very sweet, thank you!]

He didn’t reply, he just send a “marriage” invitation.

I almost being choked to the death by the cream.

In this romantic moment of proposal, his dialogue was very sly: [I give you opportunity to fulfill your promise.]

With difficulty I swallowed my butter cream cake, and replied: [Thank you!], then I accepted his proposal.

Afterwards, I asked him: [Since when do you know?]

When I considered my words, I noticed that my sentence was a bit unclear, I wanted to make it clearer: When did you recognize me?

I hadn’t finished my sentence, he already replied: [Since the first day you appeared.]

I asked with shock: [How could you notice it?]

He told me: [That day, you asked me: “What are you doing?” I answered: “I am watching sunset, the time I watch the sunset, I don’t do anything.” Not everyone could understand my point, but you understand.]

You understand.

This sentence is simple and common but how many could know and have tacit understandings about this.

However I forgot a thing. When Qi Tian Da Sheng said this sentence, he still had a love for a fruitless love…. He thought that I understood it, but I didn’t really understand it, yet it didn’t mean that I am completely clueless.

——<<Love Cheats Lesson>>——Sixth Lesson


What is the order of love? Everyone has different opinions.

Some people think the order is: meet him, know him, like him, understand him…..

I think the order should be like this: meet him, know him, understand him, like him.

Choosing the right love order so this love path will go even further!

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