Action 1

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I and Xiao Cheng went out to watch movies, it’s Xing Ye’s <<Three Kingdoms>>.

This is Xing Ye’s humorous movie, without doubt this movie let me….. cried painfully.

When I heard female deity Zi Xia said: “I guess this starting point, yet I didn’t expect this kind of result….”

I took a tissue to wipe my tears, Xiao Cheng extended his hand and hugged my shoulder. He comforted me by patting my back.

When I was full of sadness and had a new boyfriend that sacrificed his shoulder, without any embarrassment, I enjoyed it that time.

He said on my ear side: “Do you know? The first time I asked you out for the movie, you kept on crying, and I kept on thinking…”

“What did you think?”

“I think…. I should lend you my shoulder.”

I wiped my tears and said: “Then why didn’t you lend me then?”

“I was so scared that you wouldn’t return it to me.”

I released my laughter, “You were too stingy.”

“Actually what I was scared of is…… I wouldn’t let you to return it.”

Because of my perception of his “generosity”, I believed that the latter reason more than previous one!

Action 2

Before graduation, the counselor convened the graduates of the whole school to open the the conference for the last time and talked some things about graduation.

I remembered there were at least two hundred people in the conference hall, it was a full one.

I hadn’t seen such spectacular and crowded place for a long time. I looked back and wanted to see the guys in our department for the last time. Those who had been with me for four years. Those who I know, I don’t know, I have spoken to, and I have never spoken to. Who knew when I turned my head, I was faced by Xiao Cheng’s face. I was frozen. I didn’t know whether it’s intentionally or unintentionally. His position was exactly the angle that we saw each other for the first time. We were still the same one, but our relationship is not the same as yesterday.

For keeping it to be low-profile, I pretended to not looking at him. I just turned my head to the front and tried to chat seriously with Nan Nan: “The weather is really good!”

Nan Nan looked at the window: “Good? It’s too cloudy a!”

I: “……”

This time, without low-profile action, Xiao Cheng used his finger to poke my shoulder. Noticing my unresponsiveness, he kept on poking me.

I turned my head calmly and looked at him calmly: “Friend, do you have any problem?”

“I want to give you oranges!” Under his table, he took out a big plastic full of oranges and placed it on the table. It supposed to be around ten pounds.

I suddenly lost my ability to talk. When the boys around saw Xiao Cheng’s oranges, they were so fast and trying to take it. They took almost half of it. Then I also very quickly took all the remaining oranges. I shared it to Nan Nan, Fei Fei, and Zhuo Zhuo.

Zhuo Zhuo took the oranges and looked at it. She glanced at Xiao Cheng and put the oranges back on the table.

I also didn’t think too much of it, I just peeled the oranges and put it on my mouth. It’s very sweet. So sweet that my lips couldn’t help but to smile.

A man asked: “Cheng Ze, why are you buying oranges today? Don’t you hate oranges?”

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He answered: “I owed her. If I didn’t return it, she will remember it forever.”

Everyone just said “O”.

I turned my head and snorted at him coldly: “Who said it?! I already ate it, but I also will remember it for a life time.”

Afterwards, every time I mentions oranges, he always sighs with emotion and said, “An orange really could initiate bloody incident. No… it’s an unjust case!”

Action 3


After the conference finished, it turned out that everyone in our department successfully passed to get the degree except a wonderful student “the clamping apparatus that I designed could confine seven degrees of freedom”.

I and Xiao Cheng were rushed into different kind of dinner between classmates, fellow students, and roommates. It was hard time when we just wanted to date.

Yet every night before sleeping time, he would call me to chat with his a bit of drunk state. He would call me until he fell sleep or I fell asleep or perhaps when both our phones dead. We could just talked till then.

In the past I didn’t think that he has so many words to say!

Those classmates, roommates, friends, one by one left T university. They started to undergo their future journey.

It seemed that every day I would go to train university and hugged them, waved, and said our goodbye to each other.

When I sent Nan Nan off, she stood there and hugged me. She said to me: “Actually we really wanted Cheng Ze to treat us a meal, but as we saw that you kept on not willing to announce your relationship. I just could endure it. Remember the day you get married, you need to treat as a big meal!”

“You guys know it?” At first I was crying, but now my tears were dried up because of her words.

“You think that we are blind? These days, every time you meet him, your face will show your happiest expression!”

I blushed embarrassedly.

Nan Nan and Brother Hao got on the train and before she got on the train, she hugged me once again: “You guys need to be happy!”

I nodded powerfully: “We will be happy!”

Nan Nan was going away. My tears finally fell down.

I turned my body and noticed a familiar figure with my teary eyes.

Xiao Cheng paced forward toward me and passed me a pack of tissues.

I took it and with my aching yet warm heart: “Why are you here?”

“I sent people, A Hao.” He said.

I just remembered that Xiao Cheng had a good relationship with A Hao.

We walked side by side.

I asked him: “When will you go?”

He was hesitant for a while and not directly answered me, he said: “Tomorrow I will go home for a while, and return quickly.”

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That was only a short temporarily separation, but I already started to be heartbroken.

Action 4


The next day, I sent Zhuo Zhuo off, my used-to-be bestfriend.

That day, it was raining. Her boyfriend picked her up. She said to me softly “Goodbye”. Then opened her white umbrella. She was wearing a light blue skirt she was like a flower goddess. She was innoncent looking yet cold too.

I stood in front of the lobby door and looked she got in the car. I tried my hard to not crying. Don’t cry, but my tears fell down.

The time the car moved. I really wanted to chase after her and told Zhuo Zhuo. I indeed like Cheng Ze but I didn’t have any intention to fight with her. I really think and regard her as my best friend…..

But I didn’t say anything that time.

This life time, in our life there’s a lot unspoken words. We just rather let it stay inside our heart and unwilling to express it.

Afterwards, I and Zhuo Zhuo sometimes called each other, yet we never met each other.

Afterwards, we just encountered each other in QQ.

Afterwards, we never be in any connection again….

Until now, I also never met her again. I didn’t know whether she is well or not. Yet I believe that a smart girl like her, will be very happy!

Some of girls’ friendships are like flowers inside the greenhouse. When they are in full bloom, they are fragrant and pleasant, but they can’t stand a trace of wind and rain.

Action 5


When I returned to my spacious dorm, I suddenly missed my new boyfriend a lot. I remembered that he already returned home. We wouldn’t meet for a while. In a flash, I didn’t have any appetite.

I took my phone and wanted to call him. I wanted to ask what he was doing, but I was more curious to know when he would have initiative to call me. So I just held my phone and waited for him.

For the whole morning, I held my phone and was unable to stay calm. I kept on looking at my phone, whether I had signal or not. I kept on controlling my urge to call till the afternoon. Finally, I couldn’t endure it anymore, then I sent him a message: [What are you doing?]

He responded quickly with a simple sentence: [Missing you.]

In a flash my heart was beating so fast when looking at those two words. I’m a stupid one, hearing those words I thought my brain turned stupider.

Without complete consideration, I just ran to the train station and bought one ticket to Xiao Cheng’s hometown.

When I got of the train. I stood in the middle of a lot of people. I completely couldn’t find a direction, I started to ponder an important question: “Where can I find him?”

Ai! My brain was too helpless!

But since I’d came and I wanted to make surprise. I tried hard to recall my memory. I remembered that past years he said that his house was near the internet bar called “Kai Ta Internet Bar”. Previously he frequently went there and chatted with me. He said that near his house there’s “Cheng Guan Buns shop”. His childhood friend really likes that bun so frequently in the middle of night (three to five o’clock early in the morning) asked him out to eat buns….

I took taxi and turned around countless streets. Finally I noticed “Cheng Guang Buns shop” and “Kai Ta” billboard.

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I couldn’t wait anymore, I just ran inside and saw an empty seat to sit. I took out my phone and sent him a message: [I am in “Kai Ta Internet Bar” waiting for you.]

I was so excited, I waited for a while, but there was no response.

I was so disappointed, I put my phone down. I logged in to the game, I wanted to have a time to play card.

During my heated first round suddenly I sensed something strange. I turned my head and unexpectedly noticed my missing one behind me. He wore a black T-shirt.

The crowded and noisy internet bar turned to be silent, I just could hear his fast breathing noise.

It’s just as fast as my heart.

I purposely pretended to be very calm, I smiled: “How can you be so fast? I just plan to hook up with a handsome guy!”

“Then you can put more energy to hook me up!” He held my hands and pull me out from the internet bar.

I didn’t say anything, because after I went out from the internet bar, he just pressed me to the wall. He blocked my lips, blocked it so tight.

Don’t ask how he blocked me, I think you understand it.

That night the moon was bright, it was a full moon. It shone its warm ray, let I remember that moment forever.

I am not someone that really good to express my feeling by words. If I need to describe my feeling that time, I could just say it —— This life time, it should be him!

Action 6


Without taking account of the time, I didn’t know for how long we stayed like that. He just let me go and with his fast breathing rhythm, he asked me: “Have you had your dinner?”

I immediately felt hungry.

“I even didn’t eat my lunch!”

He sighed deeply and brought me out to have my lunch and dinner.

When I was full, he held my hands and took me to unfamiliar street.

He introduced one by one to me. He told me the place he frequently visited, his favorite place, the place that he has deep impression one…..

I heard him seriously and tried to remember.

He also told stories about her parents, relatives, childhood friends. It was the first time he mentioned about his strict father, warmth-hearted mother. Although it was simple, but I could conclude they have a harmonious and beautiful family.

Afterwards, he also forced me to memorize his family’s phone number.

I was confused: “Why should I remember it?”

He said: “My family’s phone number will never change. If you remember it, it will be effective later.”

I just agreed silently and tried to memorize it. I remember it until now that I couldn’t even forget it.


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The night was clear, I and Xiao Cheng kept on strolling. We kept on strolling until we didn’t know how many streets had we passed on. I didn’t even feel tried.

A person in a middle of dating would think a boring activity to be interesting.

“When will you go to B city?”

I pretended to use a relax tone to ask him for covering my aching heart.

Remembering that he will leave, I always felt very afraid. I was afraid that our just-started relationship, we would just being tested with long distance. I was afraid that I need to wait soon from this fine dream. That we will turned disconnected from each other. But I knew that I couldn’t avoid it.

“I decided to withdraw form it, I wouldn’t go to B City to work.”

His answer like a thunder for me. No, I felt surprised and happy: “What! What did you say before?”

“I will not go to B City, I will stay in T City and look for work. Or I will take Master degree.”

I opened my eyes big and looked at him. The happiness came to sudden. I couldn’t response and felt I heard it wrongly: “You really will not go?”

“No, I’m not going. I already said it to My Pa Ma. They respect my decision.”

He hugged my shoulder and we walked forward slowly.

“Why did you decide to leave at T City?” I knew it clearly the reason.

He pretended to consider it deeply and answered: “I have a scaler in my heart. Whenever I face a choice, I will put those to be examined on its two sides. I will follow the direction the scaler tells me, so…..”

My heart was anticipating his answer, yet I heard him said: “I feel you should lose your weight.”

This person, why couldn’t he say something sweet?!

“I hate you! Annoying person!” I waved my hands to hit him. But he dodged it, but I kept on persisting to hit him. I kept on chasing after him to hit him. Finally I caught him, but my steps were not stable. He just hugged me inside his embrace…….

The wind was blowing, it’s coldness touched my heart.

Night, since I have him, there’s no more loneliness.


Afterwards, Xiao Cheng looked for a place to stay for me, he called his high school friends (his brothers’ girlfriends) to accompany me, then he left me.

That night I chatted a lot with them, then I got an impression: “He is definitely a man that you can marry!”

After many years, I understand the meaning of that sentence. A woman originally didn’t need to ask woman: “Do you really love me? Do you really want to spend your whole life with me? Because you only have to use your heart to understand then you will be able to find the answers in his words and deeds. However, even though I understand this but until now I keep on being persistent to at least ask once a month.


—— <<Love Cheats>>—— The Eighth Lesson


When you want to determine whether a man is good or not, don’t look at how he treats you, but you need to observe how he treats everyone around him.

Know how he treats his relatives, how he treats friends, how he treats classmates, how he treats strangers, then you can understand. When his love is not as hot a tea, how will he treat you……..

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